
Year 8

Project TV- Series week 3 – 6, 2017

Your name: ______

Knowledge requirements for grade E at the end of year 9

·  You understand the main content and basic details in English spoken at a moderate pace and in basic texts in various genres.

·  You show your understanding by presenting an overview with discussion and comments on content and details and also with acceptable results act on the basis of the message and instructions in the content

·  In oral and written production, you express yourself simply, understandably and relatively coherently.

Knowledge requirements for grade C at the end of year 9

·  You understand the main content and essential details in English spoken at a moderate pace and in basic texts in various genres.

·  You show your understanding by presenting a well-grounded account with discussion on content and details and also with satisfactory results act on the basis of the message and instructions in the content.

·  In oral and written production, you express yourself in relatively varied ways, relatively clearly and relatively coherently.

Knowledge requirements for grade A at the end of year 9

·  You understand both the whole and the details in English spoken at a moderate pace in ordinary texts in various genres.

·  You show your understanding by giving a well-grounded and balanced account where you discuss and comment on content and details, and with good results act on the basis of the message and instructions in the content.

·  In oral and written production, you express yourself in relatively varied ways, clearly and coherently.

1.  Vocabulary

Plot/ Subplot / Suspense / Episode / Pilot / Set / Setting
Protagonist / Antagonist / Conflict / Dialogue / Tension
Personality traits / Events / Season premiere/ finale / Predictable / Flashbacks
Cliffhanger / Audience / Combine / Pulse-pounding / Motion
Stunning visuals / Mystery / Fantasy elements / Effects / Outstanding cast
Recap / Drama

·  Learn the meanings of these words by discussing definitions with a friend. Use context clues; definitions, synonyms, contrasts, associations or sentences.

Ex: The most notable thing about the third season premiere episode 1 (2016) was that there were no flashbacks or recaps.




2.  Viewing habits questionnaire

a.  Test yourself. Summarize your own habits, hours and what you watch.

b.  Work in pairs and pick 5 questions (or create 5 questions of your own) and interview 50-100 people. Present your survey results (Preferably in a diagram with a short analysis)

c.  Find out real statistics on Swedish viewing habits and compare with your results. Don’t forget to give sources!

Yes / No
1. / Do you watch television (or any screen – lap top, tablet or smart phone) every day?
2. / Have you got a television (any screen) in your bedroom?
3. / Do you ever watch television (any screen) before going to school?
4. / Do you think you watch too much television?
5. / Does anybody restrict your television viewing?
6. / Do you have a favourite television channel?
7. / Do you watch more television at the weekend?
8. / Do you watch educational programmes?
9. / Would you find it easy to stop watching TV for a week?
10. / Do you think children in Sweden watch too much TV?
11. / How many hours a day do think teenagers in Sweden spend watching ‘television’ or viewing a screen of some kind?
12. / What time of day do you think most viewing takes place?
13. / Do you think boys and girls watch the same kind of programmes? (Do you have any examples?)
14. / What did you watch last night or yesterday?
15. / How many hours did you spend watching TV?

3.  Pilot Episodes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLn30znyaOk

a.  Are you familiar with the term ‘pilot’? Do you recall seeing a memorable TV-series pilot? What are the features of a good pilot? (Together on the board)

b.  Listening activity: What was so good about these TV pilots? Fill in the gaps with words you hear (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgfZW3HYhys)

c.  Translate sentences into Swedish.

Top 10 TV-Series pilots

10. The X-Files

It showcases the partners’ …………………………..

9. 24

It throws the audience into ……………………….

8. Mad Men

It has intelligent …………………..and retro …………………

7. Prison Break

It combines an intriguing ………………… and thrilling……………

6. The Walking Dead

It has a cliff-hanger …………………..

5. Game of Thrones

It was highly …………………… It combines stunning

………………….. and epic…………………..elements.

4. The Sopranos

It shows excellent …………………, ………………… and…………………….

3. Twin Peaks

It is praised for its creation of …………………. and ………………….storylines.

2. Breaking Bad

It introduces the audience to the ………………….. world of the protagonist.

1. Lost

It’s regarded one of the best pilots in the TV history due to its special ………………. and

………………. cast.


10. The X-Files

It showcases the partners’ chemistry.

9. 24

It throws the audience into the action.

8. Mad Men

It has intelligent writing and retro tone.

7. Prison Break

It offered pulse-pounding action and thrilling suspense.

6. The Walking Dead

It has a cliff hanger ending.

5. Game of Thrones

It was highly anticipated.

It combines stunning visuals and epic fantasy elements.

4. The Sopranos

It shows excellent writing, acting and directing.

3. Twin Peaks

It is praised for its creation of mystery and disturbing storylines.

2. Breaking Bad

It introduces the audience to the complicated world of the protagonist.

1. Lost

It’s regarded one of the best pilots in the TV history due to its special effects and outstanding cast.

5.  Watching episodes

Let’s watch some episodes (Yes, we have to make a few pauses).

Lesson 1

a.  Listening - Divide class in half. Let half A watch 10 minutes. (meanwhile use crossword to occupy second half working in the corridor)

b.  Speaking – retell what happened to a friend from half B.

c.  Listening -Watch next 10 minutes with B

d.  Speaking – retell what happened to friend in A.

e.  Discuss and predict – what will happen in the next 10 minutes? (Please don’t try to spoil if you already have seen the episode. Watch again.

Lesson 2 (pair work)

a.  Watch a clip without sound

b.  Discuss what you think it was about.

c.  Watch again. Listen carefully to the dialogue.

d.  Write a list of words and phrases you remember from the dialogue.


e.  Compare your list with a friend. Complete your list together.

f.  Try to write down at least 5 sentences from the episode.






g.  Use a dictionary if you need and translate words into Swedish. (at least 5 new words)






6.  Homework and final task

Pick a scene you like in your favourite TV- series and watch it again. Prepare a presentation, perhaps with a short clip, make a short presentation of your favourite character(s), the plot, the genre, the setting, pick out some favourite expressions or quotes and tell us why you like this show or episode. Motivate!

7.  Presentation will be a circle seminar, more like a ‘talk show’ where 4-5 people take part in a conversation about their favourite TV-Series. Use cue cards! The rest of the class are silent listeners.

8.  Peer assessment TV-series

My name: ______

E / D / C / B / A
Content / Eleven uttrycker sig enkelt, begripligt och relativt sammanhängande. / Eleven uttrycker sig relativt varierat, relativt tydligt och relativt sammanhängande. / Eleven uttrycker sig relativt varierat, tydligt och sammanhängande.
Fluency / Eleven formulerar sig enkelt och begripligt samt i någon mån anpassat till syfte, mottagare och situation. / Eleven formulerar sig med visst flyt och i någon mån anpassat till syfte och mottagare. / Eleven formulerar sig med flyt och med viss anpassning till syfte, mottagare och situation.

Name of speaker: ______

Write down two things the speaker did well:

·  ______

·  ______

Write down one thing the speaker can improve:

·  ______

Self-Evaluation TV-series

My name: ______

Two things I did well:

·  ______

·  ______

One thing I can improve:

·  ______

E / D / C / B / A
Content / Eleven uttrycker sig enkelt, begripligt och relativt sammanhängande. / Eleven uttrycker sig relativt varierat, relativt tydligt och relativt sammanhängande. / Eleven uttrycker sig relativt varierat, tydligt och sammanhängande.
Fluency / Eleven formulerar sig enkelt och begripligt samt i någon mån anpassat till syfte, mottagare och situation. / Eleven formulerar sig med visst flyt och i någon mån anpassat till syfte och mottagare. / Eleven formulerar sig med flyt och med viss anpassning till syfte, mottagare och situation.

9.  Crossword