Outdoor learning provision – January 2017
Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2Reception / Outdoor learning with a focus on English and maths (ELG01), – led by the teacher input and then consolidation during specific outdoor learning lessons. For example: Looking at mini-beasts – counting the number of worms; counting legs on insects etc (ELG11, ELG12, ELG14).
Problem solving with a focus on teamwork, collaborative learning and physical co-ordination (ELG04, ELG05, ELG17)
Discovery of senses – blindfold games and exploration (ELG04, ELG14)
Den-building and related activities through teamwork and collaboration (ELG06, ELG07, ELG08, ELG14, ELG15, ELG17)
Year 1 / Teacher led input of maths and English followed by consolidation of ideas during Outdoor Learning. Continuation of learning intentions from classwork. Discussions and oral story telling.
Science - Exploring trees and looking at birds (identifying species through looking at key cards and identification guides; discuss the process of growing and life-cycle) – visiting the conservation area and developing a sense of worth and ownership.
Skills: Gross motor skills – using spades to plant trees
Year 2 / English – stimulus writing – look at an acorn and what could be going on inside that acorn? E.g. little family inside going on an adventure. Consolidation of skills learnt in class and an opportunity to develop imagination, creativity along with the grammar, spellings, punctuation and style in a free writing environment. Discussions and oral story telling.
Maths – practical work outside - doubling/halving objects, angles. A consolidation of skills learnt in class.
Science/DT – Designing and building homes for the local wildlife – exploring habitats and needs.
Skills (as above plus):
- Gross motor skills – using large gardening equipment (spades, forks, spikes) to dig allotments and care for trees
- Fine motor skills – handling seeds and planting seeds into small cups, breaking potting compost, building habitats and houses for wildlife
Year 3
John Muir Award / DiscoverAward – what is a wild place? What is special about our wild place?
Writing log books, preparing the allotments for all year groups.
Maintenance of school and looking after our surroundings.
Skills (as above plus):
- Gross motor skills – development of a greater range of gardening equipment (spades, forks, spikes, mallets, loppers)
- Fine motor skills – development of the allotment area through use of secateurs and trowels
Investigating local history/cultural heritage – museum and visiting sites
Willow tunnel.
Sculptures – Summer term
Skills (as above plus):
- Gross motor skills – continuation of safe use of equipment including saw for construction of the greenhouse.
- Fine motor skills – hammers and nails, threading bottles onto bamboo for greenhouse, accurate measuring for construction of greenhouse, tying knots for willow constructions
Year 4
John Muir Award / Discover – what is a wild place? What is special about our wild place?
Writing log books, preparing the allotments for all year groups.
Maintenance of school and looking after our surroundings.
Skills (as above plus):
- Gross motor skills – development of a greater range of gardening equipment (spades, forks, spikes, mallets, loppers)
- Fine motor skills – development of the allotment area through use of secateurs and trowels
Investigating local history/cultural heritage – museum and visiting sites
Willow tunnel.
Sculptures – start after half term.
Woodland Trust trees – identification through leaf examination and using identification keys and charts.
Skills (as above plus):
- Gross motor skills – continuation of safe use of equipment including saw for construction of the greenhouse.
- Fine motor skills – hammers and nails, threading bottles onto bamboo for greenhouse, accurate measuring for construction of greenhouse, tying knots for willow constructions
Year 5 / Allotments:
Science – growing, flowers, pollination
Maths – selling veg, weighing, money
Year 6 / Allotments:
Science – growing, flowers, pollination
Maths – selling veg, weighing, money,
Other benefits and curriculum links:
PSHE& Citizenship:
Sense of belonging/ownership/respect for ourselves, the environment and our school.
Stimulation of senses and development of wellbeing.
Exploring our local area and improving our local area.