RCML Memorial Scholarship Rubric


Name of Candidate______


Outstanding: Candidate articulates an important issue, problem, or practice in the field of math education that is beyond the norm / 4
Exceptional: Candidate articulates a less important issue, problem, or practice in math education that is more typically the norm / 3
Acceptable: Candidate tells of a lesser issue problem or practice in the field of math education that is the norm. / 2
Incomplete: Candidate indicates an issue, problem, or practice in the field of math education that sets it below the norm. / 1
Comments – Please provide up to 3 points/comments that are specific to the description of the problem of the nominee to help clarify why this person should receive this award.


Outstanding: Candidate exhibits outstanding knowledge, understanding, and use of research methods to tackle the stated problem related to the teaching and learning about math. / 4
Exceptional: Candidate exhibits very good knowledge, understanding, and use of research methods to learn more about the teaching & learning of math. / 3
Acceptable: Candidate exhibits emerging knowledge, understanding, and use of research methods to learn more about mathematics’ teaching/learning / 2
Incomplete: Candidate exhibits limited knowledge, understanding, and use of research methods to learn more about mathematics’ teaching/learning. / 1
Comments – Please provide up to 3 points/comments that are specific to methodology used by the nominee to help clarify why this person should receive this award.


Outstanding: Candidate recognizes, extracts, and synthesizes valuable information from research study that can advance practices in the teaching/learning of mathematics. / 4
Exceptional: Candidate extracts, and recognizes impact of findings from research study that can advance teaching/learning mathematics / 3
Acceptable: Candidate extracts and recognizes limited information from research study, with some syntheses of results / 2
Incomplete: Candidate extracts little information from this study with minimal syntheses of results. / 1
Comments – Please provide up to 3 points/comments that are specific to nominee’s stated results about the research that helps clarify why this person should receive this award.


Outstanding: Candidate is imaginatively aware of how this study will contribute to future endeavors, advancing his/her research agenda with plans articulated. / 4
Exceptional: Candidate is aware of the contributions of this study, with a tentative direction of its contribution to personal research agenda / 3
Acceptable: Candidate is somewhat aware of the impact of this study within his/her research agenda, but no future plans indicated / 2
Incomplete: Candidate is reluctant to articulate study’s impact with personal agenda. / 1
Comments – Please provide up to 3 points/comments that are specific to one or more future studies connected to this research study. These comments should help clarify why this person should receive this award.

Score Summary Box:

After completing the scoring in each section below, summarize scores in this box:

Total Score

Future Impact/Study


Total Points (16 points possible)