Schumacher incident
Below are the items that I intend to address and what I offer as a solution(s) for improvement. I request that feedback be provided so that each item aligns with your expectations and agreement.
· Knowledge improvements for solutions offered
o Continue to request information regarding each solution offered and how the customer will/can interface with it
o Review of appropriate “TQs” located in MOJO of each solution
o Recording of any and all questions that I have for each and work to have them addressed and used as a reference guide for future guidance
o Continuation of refining personal templates associated with each solution to further my learning styles ability to grasp and understand solution
o Request a meeting/call with members of OM, Provisioning and Engineering to discuss issues that have arisen with my designs and work to correct them
§ Record this issues for future reference
o Request that when issues do arise, that a line by line outline be provided so that I can understand what said issues are
§ This falls into line with my learning style and personal abilities to understand what is being stated
o Request that a review be completed of the listed customers that were escalated.
§ I am not sure as to why they were escalated and thus can’t work to correct what caused the escalation
· Addressing the requirement that my designs be reviewed by management before submittal
o Continue to refine my templates used and record feedback as I proceed
§ I would like to receive feedback from management as well as the other departments that use the diagrams
· Doing so will assist me in forming them to allow each department to be satisfied with what is delivered
· In specific with this customer, it was never conveyed to me by the customer that there were issues in the design process or personality conflicts
o I identified what solutions best matched up to what their requirements were/are
§ The customer was given the choice between IPSec and MPLS
· I was told that one was too costly and one was not operational due to equipment limitations
· The masking feature was offered, but the customer at the beginning stated it was not an option they would entertain
o With the deficiencies not being identified, I don’t know how I can work to improve for the next situation I will have
LAM Technologies incident
Below are the items requested to be addressed regarding this incident
· A continuation of moving from solely email based communications to phone and/or face to face communications
o This should resolve the issue of any appearance that I am not meeting the inContact commitments of “The Way we Serve”
· When items come up where it is necessary that I attend, but can’t, I will notify my supervisor before responding to the customer/partner
o I will do my best to work around customer requests for contact
o This will be conveyed to the requesting party and discussed accordingly
o I will work to either have a co-worker stand in or my supervisor stand in if I am not available
§ All at the discussion of each instance with my supervisor
· A continuation to extend my electronic communications from simple one sentence responses
o This should also work to convey that the party I am responding to feels that I am engaged and part of the solution process
I feel with the above items in both situations, can be corrected and rectified if the proposed solutions are acted upon and worked through.
I understand that the incident with LAM Technologies does not fall within inContact’s processes and will correct it as outlined above. I also understand that should this type of incident happen in the future, there will be additional consequences that will follow.
I believe this addresses what was discussed and look forward to speaking with you in regards to these items.