Andrew Hall
Construction Staging Report
- CFI (Continuous Flow Interchange)(Steps a, b and c could be split into two phases. One phase on the north side of Railroad and one on the south to keep more lanes open.)
- Local Street Improvements – Closure of local streets for widening. Outside lanes on Railroad, Grape, Diamond, Auto Center and Lakeshore will be closed.
- Variable lane openings for each separate road.
- Lane Closures – Close outside lanes on Railroad Canyon Road in order to allow work to be done on the earth slopes.
- Traffic changed from 2 thru lanes to 1 thru lane in each direction.
- Excavation/Grading/Retaining Walls, Ramp 1 – Excavate back the current earth slopes and set retaining walls in place for widened Railroad Canyon Road.Right half of each ramp closed for improvement.
- Railroad Traffic still the same as above step. 1 Lane closed on ramps.
- New Sidewalk and New Railroad Lanes Ramp 2 – Grade, pave and stripe new Railroad Canyon Lanes. Also construct the new sidewalk on the north side of the street. Close the left half of the ramp all the way to the I-15. While the new ramp is being constructed, traffic will be detoured to Main and Bundy.
- Traffic allowed back to two thru lanes in each direction.
- Ramp traffic detoured to Main and Bundy.
- “Left shift” Lane median built– New outside lanes closed and the inside lanes are closed to build the new median.
- Two through lanes open.
- Signal Changing – Put new signals in and change phasing to new adjusted signal timing.
- Traffic increased to 3 thru lanes each direction.
- DDI (Diverging Diamond Interchange)(Steps a, b and c could be split into two phases. One phase on the north side of Railroad and one on the south to keep more lanes open.)
- Lane Closures – Close outside lanes on Railroad Canyon Road in order to allow work to be done on the earth slopes.
- Traffic changed from 2 thru lanes to 1 thru lane in each direction.
- Excavation/Grading/Retaining Walls - Excavate back the current earth slopes, set retaining walls in place for widened Railroad Canyon Road then grade, pave and stripe new Railroad Canyon Lanes.
- Traffic still the same as above step.
- Traffic Shifted from Inside Lanes and Median Built - Shift traffic from inside lanes to the outside lanes in order to allow workers access to inside areas.
- Traffic allowed back to two thru lanes in each direction.
- “Left shift” Lane median built/Striped - Inside lanes closed east and west of the Ramp intersections to make the new left turn shift median.
- Traffic the same as the above step.
- Signal Changing - Put new signals in and change phasing to new adjusted signal timing.
- Traffic increased to 3 thru lanes each direction.
- SPUI (Temporary Structure w/ 3 Lanes each Direction)(This stage is also possible with no temporary structure but lanes will be reduced to 2 in each direction.)
- Construct Temp. Entrance and Exit Ramps – Since the SPUI will be using new ramp designs the old ones wont be able to be used during construction. Temp ramps might be able to be built in order to accommodate emergency traffic during full shutdowns.
- Lane Closures - Close outside lanes on Railroad Canyon Road in order to allow work to be done on the earth slopes.
- Traffic changed from 2 thru lanes to 1 thru lane in each direction.
- Widen NB I-15 Over San Jacinto River – Need to widen the I-15 crossing in order to accommodate the length and width of the new on ramp.
- Traffic on the on ramp will not be affected by construction.
- Exc./Grad/Temp Structure/Median Paving - Excavate back the current earth slopes, set retaining walls in place for widened Railroad Canyon Road then grade, pave and stripe new Railroad Canyon Lanes. Construct temporary structure between NB and SB I-15 Bridges. Pave the median of the I-15 before and after Railroad Canyon Road.
- Shift Traffic from NB I-15 onto temporary structure. – Traffic is shifted from NB I-15 to part of SB I-15 and the Temporary structure with 3 lanes each direction.
- NB I-15 Removed and the new structure is constructed.– NB I-15 structure is removed. Temporary closures need to happen, most likely during night, in order to remove the structure. Detour plan can be used for the night closures.
- Shift Traffic from SB I-15/Temp structure to NB I-15/Temp Structure – Traffic needs to be shifted to the new NB I-15 bridge and temp. structure in order to allow work to be done on the old SB structure.
- SB I-15 Removed and the new structure is constructed. New Signal Installed- NB I-15 structure is removed. Temporary closures need to happen, most likely during night, in order to remove the structure. Detour plan can be used for the night closures. Install and cover the new signal device so it’s ready to be used once ramps are completed.
- Temp Structure traffic is shifted back to SB I-15 – Since both bridges will be complete there is no need to have traffic diverted to temp structure.
- Remove Temporary Structure – Temp. Structure needs to be removed since it’s not a permanent addition to the area.
- Temporary closures need to happen, most likely during night, in order to remove the structure. Detour plan can be used for the night closures.
- Tie new Exits/Entrances to ramps and cut off old entrances/exits – Connect the new entrance and exit curves to the old ramps and cut off the old ramp entrances and exits in the process.
- Temp ramp closures overnight. Detour traffic to either Bundy or Main.
- Remove old ramp entrances and exits. – The old ramp entrance and exits need to be removed to avoid confusion of drivers.
- SPUI (No Temporary Structure w/ 2 Lanes each Direction.)
- Construct Temp. Entrance and Exit Ramps – Since the SPUI will be using new ramp designs the old ones wont be able to be used during construction. Temp ramps might be able to be built in order to accommodate emergency traffic during full shutdowns.
- Lane Closures - Close outside lanes on Railroad Canyon Road in order to allow work to be done on the earth slopes.
- Traffic changed from 2 thru lanes to 1 thru lane in each direction.
- Widen NB I-15 Over San Jacinto River – Need to widen the I-15 crossing in order to accommodate the length and width of the new on ramp.
- Traffic on the on ramp will not be affected by construction.
- Exc./Grad/Median Paving - Excavate back the current earth slopes, set retaining walls in place for widened Railroad Canyon Road then grade, pave and stripe new Railroad Canyon Lanes. Pave the median of the I-15 before and after Railroad Canyon Road.
- Shift Traffic from NB I-15 onto SB I-15. – Traffic is shifted from NB I-15 to part of SB I-15 with 2 lanes each direction.
- NB I-15 Removed and the new structure is constructed. – NB I-15 structure is removed. Temporary closures need to happen, most likely during night, in order to remove the structure. Detour plan can be used for the night closures.
- Shift Traffic from SB I-15 to NB I-15– Traffic needs to be shifted to the new NB I-15 bridge, with 2 lanes each direction, in order to allow work to be done on the old SB structure.
- SB I-15 Removed and the new structure is constructed. New Signal Installed- NB I-15 structure is removed. Temporary closures need to happen, most likely during night, in order to remove the structure. Detour plan can be used for the night closures. Install and cover the new signal device so it’s ready to be used once ramps are completed.
- Temp Structure traffic is shifted back to SB I-15 – Since both bridges will be complete there is no need to have traffic diverted to temp structure.
- Tie new Exits/Entrances to ramps and cut off old entrances/exits – Connect the new entrance and exit curves to the old ramps and cut off the old ramp entrances and exits in the process.
- Temp ramp closures overnight. Detour traffic to either Bundy or Main.
- Remove old ramp entrances and exits. – The old ramp entrance and exits need to be removed to avoid confusion of drivers.