Provider’s Name:______SDP Name:______
Date Trained:______Name of person applying the KIT: ______
Instructions: Ask the provider the following questions. If s/he responds correctly, mark “1”. If s/he does not respond correctly, mark “0” and explain the concept. For questions that were answered incorrectly, please reinforce the knowledge and ask these questions again during your next visit.
Instructions / VISIT No.1 / 2
1. / When can LAM counseling be offered?
1.a. /
- If the woman is pregnant now and interested in breastfeeding, you can tell her about LAM.
1.b /
- If the woman has already given birth and is breastfeeding now, discuss LAM with her. She may be able to use LAM as a birth spacing method if she meets the 3 criteria.
2. / Who can use LAM?
2.a. / Check if the client meets all 3 criteria
-The client’s period have not returned since the birth of her baby
-The client only breastfeeds her baby. No food or liquids are given to the baby
-The baby is less than six months old
3. / How effective is LAM?
3.a. /
- From 100 women that use LAM, 1 to 2 women will get pregnant.
4. / What advice will you give to the client to help her maintain exclusive breastfeeding?
4.a. /
- Breastfeed frequently, whenever the baby is hungry, both day and night (on demand).
4.b. /
- For the first six months,only give baby breast milk; do not give the baby water, other food, or other liquids.
4.c. /
- Continue breastfeeding even if the mother or the baby becomes ill.
4.d. /
- Avoid using bottles, pacifiers, or other artificial nipples.
5. / What advice will you give to the client to ensure that she is protected from pregnancy after LAM?
5.a. /
- When you no longer meet ANY ofthe 3 criteria, you need to use another method.
-When your menstrual bleeding returns start using another method.
-When your baby turns six months start using another method.
5.b. /
- Ask the client if she has already thought about the method she would like to use after LAM no longer protects her from pregnancy.
5.c. /
- Offer counseling on appropriate methods during postpartum and according to her breastfeeding status.
5.d. /
- Explain that she can continue to breastfeed and use a method compatible with breastfeeding.
5e /
- Advise her to wait at least two years before trying to become pregnant again.