Unit Title: Kindergarten Math Unit 3
Grade Level: K
Timeframe: Marking Period 3
Unit Focus and Essential Questions
Unit Focus
  • Know number names and the count sequence to 70
  • Describe and compare measurable attributes
  • Classify and count the number of objects in categories
  • Identify and describe shapes
  • Understand addition as putting together and adding to understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from
  • Work with numbers 11-19 to gain foundations for place value
Essential Questions
  • K.CC.A.1*
  • K.MD.A.1
  • K.MD.A.2
  • K.MD.B.3*
  • K.G.A.2
  • K.G.A.3
  • K.OA.A.3
  • K.OA.A.4
  • K.NBT.A.1*
  • K.OA.A.5*

New Jersey Student Learning Standards
Standards/Cumulative Progress Indicators (Taught and Assessed):
  • K.CC.A.1*
  • K.MD.A.1
  • K.MD.A.2
  • K.MD.B.3*
  • K.G.A.2
  • K.G.A.3
  • K.OA.A.3
  • K.OA.A.4
  • K.NBT.A.1*
  • K.OA.A.5*
Key: Green = Major Clusters; Blue = Supporting; Yellow = Additional Clusters
Standard/SWBAT and Pacing / Student Strategies Based / Standards Based Assessment / Activities and Resources / Reflection
  • K.CC.A.1.Count to 100 by ones and by tens. *(benchmarked)
Learning Goal # 1:
Count to 70 by ones and by tens.
SWBAT orally count by ones up to 70
SWBAT count orally by ten up to 70 / This standard is a fluency standard that builds throughout the school year. It should be reviewed daily though a classroom routine and added upon each unit. Here are some suggested routine type activities that can be implemented in your classroom.
Counting should be reinforced throughout the school day, not in isolation.
  • Count the number of chairs in the classroom.
  • Count the number of stairs, shoes, blocks, items in the housekeeping center, etc.
  • Counting groups of ten such as “fingers or toes in the classroom” (ten fingers per student)
  • When counting orally, students should recognize the patterns that exist from 1 to 100. They should also recognize the patterns that exist when counting by 10s. The inclusion of songs, games, and dramatic play should be part of the daily curriculum.
Direct Instruction
Option 1 – Engage NY
Module 5, Topic D, Lesson 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Module 5, Topic A, Lesson 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Option 2 – Last Man Standing Activity
Students play this game routine in which they count by ones to 70. The person who says 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, or 70 sits down. The next person starts with ‘1’ again and play continues until there is only one person left standing.
Option 3- Coherence Map Activity
The teacher will need a 100 chart or large number line and a pointer.
As a whole group, have students chant the counting sequence starting with one to thirty, using the pointer to follow the number sequence. Over time, increase the range to one to twenty, then one to 50, and then one to hundred. Eventually have a student take over the job of pointing out the numbers in the sequence. Highlight the multiples of ten using a marker or a colored screen and have students chant the counting sequence by 10s. This should be done daily.
Option 4- You Tube- Counting to 50 Video

Option 5- Learn Zillion *This lesson continues through 100 which students should be exposed to at this point. They will only be assessed up to 70 for this unit.

**My Math resources should not be used in isolation for this standard **
Each center should be implemented on an ongoing basis
Teacher Center – The teacher works in a small group with 1-4 students. The teacher should play a counting game with students. Ask students to count to 70 starting at one. They should be able to count individually to 70 and also count in a circle with student one saying “1” student two saying “2” and so on. This center can also be extended to include students counting by 10’s to 70. / Task 1:
Quarterly Assessment
Task 1A and 1B
“Counting Around”
Task 2:
Teachers will agree on common classwork problems in their professional learning communities or grade level meetings. Problems should be selected that most closely match the assessments in column 5. / Engage NY
Module 5, Topic D, Lesson 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Module 5, Topic A, Lesson 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


Teacher login page for all online resources available for My Math

Homepage for My Math
Note: These pages are used as references. They are not meant to be taught page by page. The pages used are those that best match the standard taught and best prepare students for the assessment.
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 1
Speaking / Count orally to 70 by ones and tens / Recite orally the numbers to 70 by ones and tens using Ten-Frame, Manipulatives, and Prompts. / VU: Count, number words, by tens, by ones, skip count
LFC: Pronunciation of correct phonemes, single words
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Recite orally the numbers to 70 by ones and tens in L1 and/or repeat numbers and use Gestures. / Recite orally the numbers to 70 by ones and tens in L1 and/or chunk the numbers by tens and use Gestures. / Recite orally the numbers to 70 by ones and tens with some mispronunciation of number words. / Recite orally the numbers to 70 by ones and tens with minimal mispronunciation of number words. / Recite orally the numbers to 70 by ones and tens with proper pronunciation of number words.
Learning Supports / Manipulatives
L1 support
Teacher Support
Ten-Frame / Manipulatives
L1 support
Teacher Support
Ten-Frame / Manipulatives
Teacher Support
Ten-Frame / Manipulatives
Ten-Frame / Manipulatives
  • K.MD.A.1 Describe measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight. Describe several measurable attributes of a single object.*(benchmarked)
Learning Goal # 2:
Describe measurable attributes of multiple objects and describe several measurable attributes of a single object.
SWBAT Match attributes by a given attribute such as big/little, short/tall etc.
SWBAT Recognize some measurable attributes.
SWBAT Describe and compare measurable attributes such as more/less, taller/shorter, etc.
SWBAT Categorize and describe groups of objects.
Day 1 / Number Talk
Refer to Number Talks by Sherry Parrish
*It is recommended that teachers use number talks based on how the book is written. They should start from page 71 and continue through the Kindergarten section of the book (P. 71-96)
  • Dot Images (P. 71-81)
Direct Instruction
Option 1 – Measurable Attributes
Option 2 – Slides 7-15, 84-88
Option 3 –
Option 4 – My Math
See activities and resources
Teacher Center – The teacher works in a small group with 1-4 students. [The achieve the core resource with the Goodie Bags is a good fit here as this is unit 1 in kindergarten and requires students to match attributes of a given shape and count the number of objects in each group, a skill which they may or may not have and will need the assistance of the teacher and/or paraprofessional. The engage NY lessons are written with teacher guidance and should also be implemented in the teacher center]
Standards Based Problems Center – Students will work in small groups describing shapes as big/small, short/tall, or identifying shapes. Students will work on sorting objects (shapes, buttons, etc.)
Individual Center – Students work on their individual skill that they need based on their pre-test data. Achieve the Core Coherence Map should be used to guide remediation. [Achieve the Core coherence map is perfect for the individual centers and identifying task based on student areas of needs (as per each standard). The 2-D shape sort is a good independent activity for students to identify 1 type of shape and exclude the others that do not have the attributes of the identified shape.

Manipulative Center – Students use attribute blocks, buttons, counters (bears, kangaroos, etc.) and sort them out while explaining what attribute(s) each group has in common.
Interdisciplinary Center – Students and teacher and/or para can discuss the ways that animals move. In small groups students will act out the movements off different animals and teacher will assist students in sorting the animals by the way they move.
Review Classwork
Exit Ticket / Task 1:
Quarterly Assessment
Task 2A
“Which is Heavier or Longer?”
Task 2:
Teachers will agree on common classwork problems in their professional learning communities or grade level meetings. Problems should be selected that most closely match the assessments in column 5. / Measurable Attributes
Achieve the Core Coherence Map
[See All Tasks]
Math Labs


Teacher login page for all online resources available for My Math

Homepage for My Math
Note: These pages are used as references. They are not meant to be taught page by page. The pages used are those that best match the standard taught and best prepare students for the assessment.
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 6
Speaking / Describe measurable attributes of objects, e.g., length and weight. / Describe objects with attributes of measurement using Word/Picture Wall. / VU: Describe, length, weight
LFC: Noun/adjective placement
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Describe objects with attributes in L1 and/or high-frequency nouns with attributes in memorized phrases and short sentences. / Describe objects with attributes in L1 and/or general nouns in phrases and short sentences with formulaic structures. / Describe objects with attributes using key vocabulary in simple sentences with repetitive grammatical structures. / Describe objects with attributes using key vocabulary in expanded and some complex sentences with a variety of grammatical structures. / Describe objects with attributes using precise vocabulary in multiple, complex sentences with a variety of grammatical structures.
Learning Supports / Teacher Modeling
Word/Picture Wall
Charts on adjective/noun placement
L1 support / Teacher Modeling
Word/Picture Wall
Charts on adjective/noun placement
L1 support / Word/Picture Wall
Charts on adjective/noun placement / Charts on adjective/noun placement
  • K.MD.A.1 Describe measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight. Describe several measurable attributes of a single object.*(benchmarked)
Learning Goal # 2:
Describe measurable attributes of multiple objects and describe several measurable attributes of a single object.
SWBAT Match attributes by a given attribute such as big/little, short/tall etc.
SWBAT Recognize some measurable attributes.
SWBAT Describe and compare measurable attributes such as more/less, taller/shorter, etc.
SWBAT Categorize and describe groups of objects.
Day 2 / Refer to Number Talks by Sherry Parrish
*It is recommended that teachers use number talks based on how the book is written. They should start from page 71 and continue through the Kindergarten section of the book (P. 71-96)
  • Dot Images (P. 71-81)
Direct Instruction
Option 1 – NJCTL Slides 7-15, 84-88

Option 2 – Learn Zillion

Option 3 – Better Lessons

Teacher Center – The teacher works in a small group with 1-4 students. [The achieve the core resource with the Goodie Bags is a good fit here as this is unit 1 in kindergarten and requires students to match attributes of a given shape and count the number of objects in each group, a skill which they may or may not have and will need the assistance of the teacher and/or paraprofessional. The engage NY lessons are written with teacher guidance and should also be implemented in the teacher center]
Standards Based Problems Center – Students will work in small groups describing shapes as big/small, short/tall, or identifying shapes. Students will work on sorting objects (shapes, buttons, etc.)
Individual Center – Students work on their individual skill that they need based on their pre-test data. Achieve the Core Coherence Map should be used to guide remediation. [Achieve the Core coherence map is perfect for the individual centers and identifying task based on student areas of needs (as per each standard). The 2-D shape sort is a good independent activity for students to identify 1 type of shape and exclude the others that do not have the attributes of the identified shape.

Manipulative Center – Students use attribute blocks, buttons, counters (bears, kangaroos, etc.) and sort them out while explaining what attribute(s) each group has in common.
Interdisciplinary Center – Students and teacher and/or para can discuss the ways that animals move. In small groups students will act out the movements off different animals and teacher will assist students in sorting the animals by the way they move.
Review Classwork
Exit Ticket
ELL Modifications: See Day 1 / Task 1:
Quarterly Assessment
Task 2A
“Which is Heavier or Longer?”
Task 2:
Teachers will agree on common classwork problems in their professional learning communities or grade level meetings. Problems should be selected that most closely match the assessments in column 5. / NJCTL Slides 7-15, 84-88

Learn Zillion

Better Lessons

  • K.MD.A.1 Describe measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight. Describe several measurable attributes of a single object.*(benchmarked)
Learning Goal # 2:
Describe measurable attributes of multiple objects and describe several measurable attributes of a single object.
SLO (s):
SWBAT Match attributes by a given attribute such as big/little, short/tall etc.
SWBAT Recognize some measurable attributes.
SWBAT Describe and compare measurable attributes such as more/less, taller/shorter, etc.
SWBAT Categorize and describe groups of objects.
Day 3 / Direct Instruction
Option 1 – NJCTL Slides 11- 20

Option 2 – Learn Zillion

Option 3 – Better Lessons

Teacher Center – The teacher works in a small group with 1-4 students. [The achieve the core resource with the Goodie Bags is a good fit here as this is unit 1 in kindergarten and requires students to match attributes of a given shape and count the number of objects in each group, a skill which they may or may not have and will need the assistance of the teacher and/or paraprofessional. The engage NY lessons are written with teacher guidance and should also be implemented in the teacher center]
Standards Based Problems Center – Students will work in small groups describing shapes as big/small, short/tall, or identifying shapes. Students will work on sorting objects (shapes, buttons, etc.)
Individual Center – Students work on their individual skill that they need based on their pre-test data. Achieve the Core Coherence Map should be used to guide remediation. [Achieve the Core coherence map is perfect for the individual centers and identifying task based on student areas of needs (as per each standard). The 2-D shape sort is a good independent activity for students to identify 1 type of shape and exclude the others that do not have the attributes of the identified shape.

Manipulative Center – Students use attribute blocks, buttons, counters (bears, kangaroos, etc.) and sort them out while explaining what attribute(s) each group has in common.
Interdisciplinary Center – Students and teacher and/or para can discuss the ways that animals move. In small groups students will act out the movements off different animals and teacher will assist students in sorting the animals by the way they move.
Review Classwork
Exit Ticket
ELL Modifications: See Day 1 / Task 1:
Quarterly Assessment
Task 2A
“Which is Heavier or Longer?”
Task 2:
Teachers will agree on common classwork problems in their professional learning communities or grade level meetings. Problems should be selected that most closely match the assessments in column 5. / NJCTL Slides 11- 20

Learn Zillion

Better Lessons

  • K.MD.A.1 Describe measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight. Describe several measurable attributes of a single object.*(benchmarked)
Learning Goal # 2:
Describe measurable attributes of multiple objects and describe several measurable attributes of a single object.
SWBAT Match attributes by a given attribute such as big/little, short/tall etc.
SWBAT Recognize some measurable attributes.
SWBAT Describe and compare measurable attributes such as more/less, taller/shorter, etc.
SWBAT Categorize and describe groups of objects.
Day 4 / Direct Instruction
Option 1 – NJCTL Slides 21-28

Option 2 – Learn Zillion

Teacher Center – The teacher works in a small group with 1-4 students. [The achieve the core resource with the Goodie Bags is a good fit here as this is unit 1 in kindergarten and requires students to match attributes of a given shape and count the number of objects in each group, a skill which they may or may not have and will need the assistance of the teacher and/or paraprofessional. The engage NY lessons are written with teacher guidance and should also be implemented in the teacher center]
Standards Based Problems Center – Students will work in small groups describing shapes as big/small, short/tall, or identifying shapes. Students will work on sorting objects (shapes, buttons, etc.)
Individual Center – Students work on their individual skill that they need based on their pre-test data. Achieve the Core Coherence Map should be used to guide remediation. [Achieve the Core coherence map is perfect for the individual centers and identifying task based on student areas of needs (as per each standard). The 2-D shape sort is a good independent activity for students to identify 1 type of shape and exclude the others that do not have the attributes of the identified shape.

Manipulative Center – Students use attribute blocks, buttons, counters (bears, kangaroos, etc.) and sort them out while explaining what attribute(s) each group has in common.
Interdisciplinary Center – Students and teacher and/or para can discuss the ways that animals move. In small groups students will act out the movements off different animals and teacher will assist students in sorting the animals by the way they move.
Review Classwork
Exit Ticket
ELL Modifications: See Day 1 / Task 1:
Quarterly Assessment
Task 2A
“Which is Heavier or Longer?”
Task 2:
Teachers will agree on common classwork problems in their professional learning communities or grade level meetings. Problems should be selected that most closely match the assessments in column 5. / NJCTL Slides 21-28

Learn Zillion

  • K.MD.A.1 Describe measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight. Describe several measurable attributes of a single object.*(benchmarked)
Learning Goal # 2: