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TimberRidge PUD Review 2 (PUD-17-003)

Ms. Kari Parsons

Project Manager/Planner II

Planning and Community Development Department

El Paso County

2880 International Circle Suite 11o

Colorado Springs, CO 80910

Subject: Retreat @ TimberRidge Planned Unit Development (PUD-17-003) –Response to Review 2

Dear Ms. Parsons:

The purpose of this letter is to respond to your review letter dated July 28, 2017with regard to the above-named development application. Responses to comments are shown in red below the agency comment.


Applicant is on notice a review of the soils and geology report shall occur at the preliminary plan stage in addition to this PUD review. All constraints shall be identified on preliminary plan. Lots less than 2.5 acres are not allowed within any portion of the floodplain. Basements may not be suitable in some areas. Noted.

If public row turn arounds are proposed on adjacent property provide the documentation for these future public rows from the owner, or pull cul-de-sacs on to this property. See attached correspondence from the adjacent landowner agreeing to temporary cul-de-sac easements on their land. Easements will be obtained for the Preliminary Plan submittal.

Letter of Intent

  1. Add the other owner to this. Correct acreage if he adds his other parcel. Owner added.
  2. Under the “the plan” discuss Jake’s land and size of lots and maximum number of lots. Additional information added.
  3. More clearly discuss that phase A, number of lots and lot size are to be served by well and septic, etc. Additional information added.
  4. Add overall density and average lot sizes and their numbers including phases to the description of the plan. Data added to the LOI
  5. Staff does not agree that the southern and eastern density is compatible with the current RR-5 (Residential Rural) Zoning District nor the approved sketch plan which feathers from 5 acre lots, to 2.5 acre lots to one acre lots to half acre lots in this area in addition to a 50’ buffer. Staff encourages a similar buffer and density along the south and eastern boundaries to meet compatibility with density and to establish a transition from the surrounding RR-5 zoning district Density has been reduced and transitions/buffer added on east and south boundaries.

Engineering Division

Planning and Community Development (PCD)-Engineering reviews plans and reports to ensure general conformance with El Paso County standards and criteria. The project engineer is responsible for compliance with all applicable criteria, including other governmental regulations. Notwithstanding anything depicted in the plans in words or graphic representation, all design and construction related to roads, storm drainage and erosion control shall conform to the standards and requirements of the most recent version of the relevant adopted El Paso County standards, including the Land Development Code (LDC), the Engineering Criteria Manual (ECM), the Drainage Criteria Manual (DCM), and the Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2 (DCM2). Any deviations from regulations and standards must be requested, and approved by the ECM Administrator, in writing. Any modifications necessary to meet overlooked criteria after-the-fact will be entirely the developer’s responsibility to rectify. Noted.

A written response to all comments is required for review of the re-submittal. Please arrange a meeting between the developer’s team and County staff to review and discuss these comments and prepared revisions/responses prior to the next submittal. Noted.

PUD DP / General

  1. Ensure that all street centerline radii, intersection spacing, roundabout size, required tangent lengths, etc. meet criteria. Without dimension labels these cannot be verified. Approval of the PUD development plan does not imply approval of any substandard design features that have not been specifically addressed. Dimensions have been added to the revised plan. Typicals have been used for lot sizes.
  2. The right-of-way width of Vollmer has not been corrected; show and label 100-foot ROW and 130- to 180-foot total ROW preservation. 100 foot ROW now shown.
  3. The interior road centerlines are still not labeled. If the PUD DP is taken to hearing and approved as shown with any unapproved deviations, amendment may be required at future stages. Centerline radii have been added.
  4. Individual lot access onto Vollmer Road requires a deviation (access to an arterial road). Proposed lots R-11 and R-12 should obtain access at Arroyo Lane. A deviation request has been added to the Traffic report for the proposed access.
  5. Cul-de-sac design needs to meet ECM Section 2.3.8. Snow storage areas/easements need to be provided for cul-de-sacs and roads adjacent to or within adjacent property. See attached correspondence from the adjacent landowner agreeing to temporary cul-de-sac easements on their land. Easements will be obtained for the Preliminary Plan submittal.
  6. Include existing easement purposes in labels or notes. Show all easements listed in the title work. Added.
  7. Incorporate MDDP comments regarding drainage design as applicable, including the following:
  8. Acceptance and conveyance of offsite flows into the project (run-on). MDDP accounts for and acknowledges the acceptance of all off-site flows.
  9. Detention pond sizing. Detention pond sizing has been updated and meets current County criteria.
  10. Regarding the alignment of Vollmer Road intersections:
  11. Coordination with the owners of the Wildflower Road private driveway on the west side of Vollmer will be necessary. This includes the Ranch 51 project. Noted. This is a Preliminary Plan/design issue and will be addressed at that stage of review. All ROW will be added to the east side of Vollmer and will come from applicant’s property.
  12. The Decoto project has submitted an Early Assistance application that is not consistent with the TimberRidge PUD; coordination is necessary. The Decoto land within the PUD has been addressed. The 35 acres owned by Jacob Decoto north of Tract A will not be a part of this application.
  13. Note: easements to other entities that overlap with future public road rights-of-way will need to be vacated/terminated at the time of platting of the rights-of-way. Documentation of separate vacation/termination documents will need to be provided showing no encumbrances on proposed rights-of-way at that time. Noted

Transportation / Traffic Impact Study

  1. Provide a recommended improvements and responsibilities table including contribution to the widening of Vollmer Road and the traffic signal at Vollmer/Briargate. Partially resolved;
  1. Address an option of placing roundabouts on Vollmer Road at the intersections that require additional auxiliary lanes. This can be just a sentence or two mentioning the option and recommendations.

The updated TIS addresses this comment.

  1. Although the anticipated traffic counts do not warrant it, the County Engineer may require a southbound left turn lane at Arroyo based on unanticipated traffic patterns. Add this improvement to the table.

This has been added to the improvements table as required.

  1. Regarding road design deviations and waivers:
  2. Provide the exhibits for the proposed median cross-section.

This has been provided as part of this submittal. The deviation form has been revised and is included with this submittal.

  1. Provide fire district input with any deviation requests from cul-de-sac design criteria. No deviations for cul-de-sac design criteria are requested at this stage.
  2. Note: The County Engineer will provide recommendations regarding PUD modifications involving ECM criteria. Noted.
  1. Regarding the proposed Arroyo lane right-of-way, the existing access easement will need to be revised or extinguished in the area underlying the proposed ROW prior to County acceptance of the public improvements. Noted.

MDDP / Drainage Plans

  1. Regarding previous comment, “A deviation request from ECM Section I.7.1.B will be required with the PDR addressing all areas within the small lot subdivisions not provided with WQCV,” another solution may be required if a deviation is not approved. The sentence that was added on page 6 needs to be clarified.See revised language added on pages 6 and 7 in the form of options of how to address SWQ in these basins.
  2. Ponds B and C need further adjustment to meet required 5-year release times. If final detention pond sizing and detailed design affects the PUD lot lines, a PUD amendment may be required. Both pond calculations have been adjusted to meet the 5-yr release requirements.
  3. The report and plans were somewhat expanded regarding sheet flows from offsite and capturing concentrated flows, but the project needs to adequately plan for and accommodate ultimate developed flows (run-on) from the east. Unless offsite improvements are proposed to convey flows to the specific storm drain locations proposed, all of the run-on will not be conveyed through the storm drains. Agreed. It is assumed upon the off-site future development that a small portion of these basins will be allowed to continue to sheet flow on-site through side lot line easements with the majority of future developed flows being conveyed within future storm system to the proposed on-site storm stub. This specific on-site design to be further addressed at the PP and Final Platting.
  4. Address the specific issues that the proposed urban lots backing to the rural property will face if there is no drainage conveyance buffer, including swales between the lots, restrictions on privacy fencing and other improvements that could divert drainage onto adjacent lots, sediment transfer, etc. If the subdivision does not provide improved drainage conveyance(s) and the adjacent future development is forced to match historic sheet flow conditions in some areas, the individual lots in TimberRidge will need to accept the flows in the current condition. At the MDDP level of planning, we believe to have adequately accommodated all off-site flows in proposed on-site facilities. However, please see additional discussion now added to report on page 5.
  5. Note: A wetlands mitigation map will be required at the subdivision stage showing the proposed/required locations of mitigation (replacement areas). Noted.
  6. Replace the “Offsite Drainage Map” previously on page 174 of the pdf. Now added back into the report.



The El Paso County Environmental Division has completed its review of the Retreat at Timber Ridge PUD. Our review consisted of the following items: wetlands, federal and state listed threatened or endangered species, general wildlife resources and noxious weeds.

  1. A completed U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USCOE) permit shall be provided to the Planning and Community Development Department prior to project commencement if ground-disturbing activities will occur in wetland areas. Alternatively, a letter from a qualified wetland scientist indicating why such a permit is not required for this project will be acceptable. The applicant is hereby on notice that the USCOE has regulatory jurisdiction over wetlands. It is the applicant’s responsibility, and not El Paso County’s, to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, the Clean Water Act. Noted. USCOE has been contacted as indicated in past submittal documents by CORE Consultants.
  1. Documentation from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) shall be provided to the Planning and Community Development Department prior to project commencement where the project will result in ground disturbing activity in habitat occupied or potentially occupied by threatened or endangered species and/or where development will occur within 300 feet of the centerline of a stream or within 300 feet of the 100 year floodplain, whichever is greater. The applicant is hereby on notice that the USFWS has regulatory jurisdiction over threatened and endangered species and migratory birds, respectively. It is the applicant’s responsibility, and not El Paso County’s, to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to, the Endangered Species Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Noted.
  1. The project may interfere with wildlife habitat as well as raptor nests. Information regarding wildlife protection measures shall be provided including fencing requirements, garbage containment, and riparian/wetland protection/buffer zones, as appropriate. Information can be obtained from Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Noted. Wildlife protection measures will be included in covenants to be submitted with Final Plats.
  1. The project lies within or adjacent to an area with documented noxious weeds including diffuse knapweed, Canada thistle and common mullein. A Noxious Weed Management Plan shall be provided to the Planning and Community Development Department. It is the applicant’s responsibility, and not El Paso County’s, to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to the Colorado Noxious Weed Act and the El Paso County Weed Management Plan. A noxious weed management plan will accompany platting applications

It is strongly recommended that the applicant obtain the necessary approvals from all federal, state and county agencies as a part of their planning process. Noted.

We appreciate the opportunity to comment on this project. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at (719) 520-7845.


Comment: Water review to follow discussions/implementation of special district-IGA and receipt of State Engineer review letter. Noted.


PleaseacceptthefollowingcommentsfromEl PasoCountyPublicHealth(EPCPH)regardingtheprojectreferencedabove:

  • Theproposed293acre470residentiallotdevelopmentwillbeservedwaterandwastewaterservicesfromacoupleareametropolitandistrictsthatwillbereferencedlaterinthisreport.Therearealso12residentiallotsof2.5acres+thatwillutilizeindividualprivatewellsandonsitewastewatertreatmentsystems(OWTS)astheirsourceofwaterandwastewaterservice. Correct.
  • Thereisanotafinding forsufficiencyintermsofwaterqualityfordrinkingwaterfortheprojectduetothelack ofawaterqualitysamplereportsubmittedforreview andrequiredforthe12lotswithprivateindividualwells.TheremaininglotsintheprojectwillhavewaterobtainedfromaColoradoDepartmentofPublicHealthandEnvironment,WaterQualityControlDivision,haswrittenaletterofintenttoprovidewatertotheremainderofthedevelopmentproject. Correct.
  • hassufficienttreatmentcapacityforthisdevelopmentprojectisrequestedforreviewbyElPasoCountyPublicHealth. A Water Report addressing this comment will be provided with the Preliminary Plan.
  • TheEntechEngineering,Inc.,Soil,GeologyandGeologicHazardStudydated12April2017forthetwelve2.5+acrelotswasreviewedfordeterminingthesuitabilityofthesitelocatednorthofArroyoRoadforOWTSinstallations.Thereportindicatednogroundwaterwasencounteredinthesoilprofiletestpitexcavations,orinthepercolationtestsprofileborings.However,thereportdidshowthesoilintheareadoeshaveafluctuatinglevelofbedrockknownastheDawsonFormation.ThisformationiscommonthroughoutthenortheasternpartofElPasoCounty,andOWTSinstallationsarepossible.ProfessionalengineerdesignsarelikelytobeneededforOWTS’sinthisareabasedonbedrockandsomeofthesoiltypesidentifiedinthereport. Noted.
  • Radonresistantconstructionbuildingtechniques/practicesareencouragedtobeusedinthisarea. The EPAhasdeterminedthatColorado,andtheElPasoCountyarea,havepotentiallyhigherradonlevelsthanotherareasofthecountry. Noted.
  • Earthmovingactivityinexcessofoneacre,butlessthantwenty-fiveacres,willrequireaConstructionActivityPermitfromElPasoCountyPublicHealth. Goto Noted.
  • ntionpondsthatarenotproperlymaintainedprovidemosquitobreedinghabitatandincreasetheriskofthegeneralpublictoWestNileVirus. Noted.


The Board of Directors and District Conservationist have no comments at this time.




RequestbyN.E.S,Inc,onbehalfofArroyaInvestments,LLC,forapprovalofaPUD DevelopmentPlantorezone293acresfromtheRR-5zoningdesignationtoPUD.Asthisis onlyarezoningapplication,preliminaryplansandfinalplatsareforthcoming,atwhichtime residential lotswillbe platted,andfeesand trail easementdedicationsrequired.The propertyis locatedalongVollmerRoad,atthe intersection ofArroyo Lane.The projectislocated within the boundsoftheBlackForestPreservation Plan.

The 2013El Paso CountyParksMasterPlan shows twoproposed regional trail connectionsand oneproposedbicyclerouteimpactedbytheproject.TheproposedSandCreekRegionalTrail alignmenttraversesthecentral portion ofthe property,alongSand Creek,while the Arroyo Lane PrimaryRegionalTrailtraverseseast-westacrosstheproperty,alongArroyo Lane. Furthermore,theproposedVollmerRoadBicycleRouterunsnorth/southadjacenttothe westernpropertyboundary.ThefarnorthernedgeofthepropertyislocatedwithintheBlack ForestSouthCandidateOpenSpace,althoughtheimpactisminimal,astheseareas,TractA and B, aredesignatedasopen spaceorfutureresidential.

BeforesubmittingthePUDRezone/DevelopmentPlan,theapplicantmetwithElPasoCounty Parksstafftodiscusstheaforementionedtrailcorridorsandotherrecreationalopportunities planned within the proposed development.Theapplicant’sLetterofIntentstates thefollowing:

“ApplicanthasmetwithCountyParkStaffregardingparkland.Onlytraildedicationhas beenrequested.Initialreviewhasindicatedthattheproposed3.6acreneighborhood parkwill satisfythe urban parkrequirement.”

StaffNote:Duringearlymeetingswiththeapplicant,Staffindicatedthatregionaland urbanparkfeesarerequiredunlessthedeveloperenteredintoaparklandsagreement priortotherecordingofthefinalplats.TheCountytypicallydoesnotgivecreditfor regional parkfeesunlessregional parkland isrequested. Noted.

“TheRetreatatTimberRidgehasbeenplannedtohaveaninternalfocusontheSand CreekGreenwayanda3.6acrecentralneighborhoodparkwithanadditionalfocuson accesstotrails.”

“Thisisarecreationfocusedcommunity.Recreationalamenities,including neighborhood parkand trails,areasignificantpartofthe Plan.”

StaffNote:ElPasoCountyParksencouragescreationofthegreenway. Itsmissionis todevelopregionalparks,butitencouragesdeveloperstoprovideurbanparkfacilities and recreational amenities. Noted.

ThePUDDevelopmentPlanshowsthe3.6acreneighborhoodparkinadditiontotheArroyo LaneandSandCreekPrimaryRegionalTrailcorridors.BothtrailcorridorsconformtotheEl PasoCountyParksMasterPlan,TrailsMasterPlan.TheDevelopmentPlanalsoshows69.12 acresofopenspace,or 23.6%ofthe totalprojectarea,dedicatedto open space,regionaltrails, waterdetention,landscaping,andtheneighborhoodpark.Thisplanfarexceedstherequired 10%dedicatedopenspace requirementfor PUDDevelopmentPlans. Noted.

ThePUDDevelopmentPlanincludesapreliminaryresidentiallotlayout,tobedevelopedover sixphases,includingafuturephasethatisdescribedcurrentlyasopenspaceandfuture residential.Residentiallotsizesrangefrom5acres(futurephase)and2.5acresto7,200 squarefeet,with lotsizesincreasingin acreage fromsouthtonorthto betterblendthedensityin withthesurroundingneighborhoodsandfollowingguidelines setforthintheBlackForest Preservation Plan. Noted.

NotincludingTractA(29acres,OpenSpace,FutureResidential),TheRetreatatTimberRidge covers264 acresand hasbeen preliminarilyplannedfor482residential lotsforatotal densityof dwelling units per acre, based on the PUD Development Plan. Upon recordingof forthcomingfinalplats,regionalpark feesinlieuoflanddedicationforregionalparkpurposesin theamountof$196,174wouldberequired,andurbanparkfeesmayberequiredifforthcoming finalplatsachievetheurbandensitythresholdof2.5unitsperacre.Theapplicantcouldapply for an UrbanParkGrantto helpfacilitatetheconstruction ofthe 3.6 acre neighborhoodpark. Noted.

ThePUDDevelopmentPlanshows25-foottrailbuffersalongSandCreekandArroyoLane. Parksstaffrecommendsthatallforthcomingpreliminaryplansandfinalplatsshow25-foottrail easementswithinTractsB,E,I,andJalongtheSandCreekdrainage,aswellasthe25-foot traileasementalongArroyoLane,andshalldedicatethese25-footwideregionaltrail easementstotheCountyfortheCounty’sconstructionandmaintenanceofpublicmulti-use trailsonforthcoming finalplats. Noted.


RecommendtothePlanningCommissionandBoardofCountyCommissionersthatapprovalof theRetreatatTimberRidgePUDRezone/DevelopmentPlanincludethefollowingconditions,to beimplementedonallforthcomingpreliminaryplansandfinalplats:(1)providetoElPaso County25-footpublictraileasementsalongtheSandCreekDrainageandArroyoLanethat allowforpublicaccess,aswellasconstructionandmaintenancebyElPasoCountyofprimary regionaltrails,andtheseeasementsshallbeshownonforthcomingpreliminaryplansandfinal plats,andtheaforementionedeasementsshallbededicatedtoElPasoCountyonforthcoming finalplats;and(2)require feesinlieuoflanddedication forregionalparkpurposes. Theamount of$196,174wascalculatedforinformationalpurposesandisbaseduponthepreliminarylot layoutand will be adjusted aspreliminaryplansandfinal platsaresubmitted.


Reference:Retreat atTimber Ridge

NEPCOis providingthecollective inputfromitsmembershipthatincludes8,000 homeowners,42 HOAsand18,000registeredvoterswithin and aroundMonument.The purpose ofNEPCO,avolunteer coalition ofHomeowner Associations in northernElPaso County,is to promoteacommunityenvironmentinwhicha high quality oflifecan be sustainedfor constituentassociations,theirmembers,andfamilies in northern ElPaso County.Wecollectivelyaddress growth andland use issueswith ElPaso County Planners andtheTown ofMonument,as well asaddressing HOA issues ofcommon interestamong themembers.NEPCOachieves this bytakingnecessarysteps to protectthe propertyrights ofthemembers,encouragingthe beautification and planned developmentandmaintenance ofnorthernElPaso County.

NEPCO’sgeneralcomments relatedtothe Retreat atTimber Ridge

  1. NEPCOhas serious concerns aboutdevelopmentofthis sizeresidingin“rural” El Paso County.Assuminga densityof1.6 homesper acre on 293 acres,and again assuming4 persons perhousehold,thatyields a population ofapproximately1,800. This developmentwillresidejustnorth oftheSterling Ranch Developmentthatplans to haveseveralthousandresidents.Thecombination ofthesetwo developments will putincredible pressure onthe infrastructuresupportingthis area includingroads, water andsewer systems.The potentialrezoning ofthesetractsoflandwillcausea planned 282 homes under RR-5to explode into 5,720residential units under PUD and/or RS-5000zoning.
  1. Wearefurther concerned abouta newMetropolitan District,effectivelyan administrative agency/pass through organization.
  1. Sterling RanchMetro District purchaseswater fromWoodman Hills Metro Districtwhichhas 15wells inthe Denver BasinAquifers and2wells inthe Upper Black SquirrelAlluvial(shallow) Aquifer.Metro Districts arearealityin rural developments buttheyareinherentlyinefficientandwe arewitnessing moreofthese“administrative”Districts thatexistonlyaspass-through entities.Woodman Hills Metro District alreadyhas 7Intergovernmental Agreements with otherDistricts.The newPikesPeak RegionalWater AuthorityArea3Engineering Report, justpubliclyreleased,sounds the alarmaboutrelying onnon-renewablewatersourcesandyetwe have another pair ofdevelopments statingthatthere is sufficientwater for 10,000 plus new residentsrelying ontheunderlying aquifers.TheElPaso County300-year ruleforsustainablewater resources is all butignoredwhenthese developmentsare planned.
  1. Accordingtothe NeighborhoodMeetingSummary,thewater providedbythe water district(s) “willcomefromthedeep aquifers:Arapahoe and Laramie- FoxHills.” Is this howthe newTimber RidgeMetro District willmine itswater, or aretheyrelying onwhereSterlingRanchMetro District getstheirs? Will there bearequirementthatthose developmenthomes thatarenotconnected tothewater districtminetheirwater from these deeper aquifers?
  1. Evenunder theElPasoCountyPolicyPlan,10.2.3 and 10.2.4,the goalis to maximizewater supply options and economiesthroughthe pooling of resources andto encouragethelinking ofsystemsamongwater providersto providethe highestassurance ofavailableservice.TheTimberRidge developmentcreates awholenewdistrict to dothesethings andthenstates thatthese policies are“metbythe proposedIGA betweenSterlingRanch MetropolitanDistrict andthe proposedTimberRidgeMetropolitanDistrict.”
  1. The planting ofpines onthe bermsis a laudableideatoshieldthehigh densityofthis developmentinthesouth. Giventhe nature ofpines inthis area(theycan besosmall as to hide nothingandasizeable numberoften die withinafewyears ofplanting),willthere beaminimumheightor girth of these pinetrees andwilltheybereplaced iftheydiebefore build-out?
  1. Whowill bemaintainingthetrails inthis development?On page3ofthe Letter of Intent,itstates thattheproposedmajortrailswill beconstructedbythe developer, placedin an easement,andmaintainedbyElPaso County.Page8statesmuchthe same.However,on page1 ofthe DevelopmentPlan,underTractTable,itmakes no referencetoElPaso Countymaintaining anytrails.Also,accordingtothe MaintenanceAgreement,“ElPaso County willownandmaintainthemulti-usetrail easement,andwillownandmaintainthe openspace parks should dedicationbe accepted,”whiletheMetropolitan Districtwill“ownandmaintainthe openspace, drainage andwater qualityfacilities,common areas,trails,landscape areas and buffertracts.”Which iscorrect?
  1. Two letters fromneighboring 35-acre parcellandownersreferencethe addition offire hydrants atleastinthe peripheryofthis development.However,theWildlandFireHazardMitigationPlanstates that“Atpresent, there is noreadilyavailablewater supplyfor groundsuppressionfireresources.The localfire protectiondistricts will needto haulwater intothesite duringafire.Thesubdivisionwill besuppliedwith water bytheSterlingMetropolitan District inthefuture.”Wecanfind noreferences to,or guarantees of,futurefire hydrants in other documents.
  1. The DetailPlans,Signs& Lightingmakes noreferences to lighting atall.Will dark- skycompliantlightingbe used/required inthis development?


  1. TheTraffic ImpactStudyis forthis developmentonly.EPCPlanners should be looking atthe big picture ofall other traffic impacts inthis area,especiallySterling Ranch and its 10,000people(and number ofcommercialsites).
  1. Currentlytheroadsystemisinadequatetosupportthe number ofproposed new residents.
  2. StapletonDriveis listed as afutureroad.ThePikes Peak Rural

TransportationAuthority (PPRTA) currentlyliststheStapleton Road extension as a“CorridorStudy”onlywith $314Kallocated inthecurrentyear forthestudy and no activitycurrently listed,i.e.itis years away.