Biology Study Guide

Ch. 4: The Cell Tour

  1. Three parts not found in an animal cell that is only found in a plant cell. Chloroplasts, cell wall, and a large vacuole.
  2. Known as the post office of a cell. Golgi apparatus
  3. The control center of a cell. Nucleus
  4. Cell theory is that all living things are made up of cells and cells come from preexisting cells.
  5. The mitochondrion of a cell is known as the powerhouse of a cell. A cell with a lot of energy has a lot of mitochondria.
  6. Two types of ER are smooth and rough.
  7. What controls what enters and leaves a cell? The cell membrane
  8. The ______of a plant cell contains chlorophyll. Chloroplasts
  9. The cell wall gives the plant ______and support. shape
  10. Where are proteins made in a cell? Ribosomes
  11. What would you use a scanning electron microscope to see? Things on the surface of a cell.
  12. As cell size increases, the volume increases faster than the ______. Surface area
  13. Archae bacteria are composed of ______cells. Prokaryotic
  14. A nucleoid is associated with ______cells. Prokaryotic
  15. The nucleoid region of a ______cell contains DNA. Prokaryotic
  16. ______cells lack a nucleus. Prokaryotic
  17. If you see a cell wall in a microscope with organelles, then what kind of cell are you viewing? Plant cell
  18. The nucleus of a cell contains ______. DNA
  19. Long fibers of DNA and proteins are ______. chromatin
  20. ______stores calcium ions in muscle cells.
    Smooth ER
  21. Two main functions of rough ER. Makes membranes and protein secreted by the cell.
  22. ______stores, modifies, and packages proteins. Golgi
  23. What organelle is involved in the catabolism of fatty acids and detoxification of alcohol? Peroxisomes
  24. The functions of the ______are cellular respiration. Mitochondria
  25. The functions of the ______are photosynthesis. Chloroplasts
  26. Microfilaments differ from microtubules in that microfilaments are composed of ______. actin
  27. Cellular metabolism is the sum all chemical activities of cells
  28. What does the flagellum of a prokaryotic cell do? Provides locomotion for the prokaryotic cells.
  29. The cell membrane is made up of __ two layers of phospholipids known as the lipid bilayer.
  30. Aqueous liquid of a cell is ______. Cytoplasm
  31. What do lysosomes do? Digestive enzymes, destroys warn out organelles, and self destructs old cells.
  32. The cytoskeleton is made up of three parts_ microfilaments, microtubules, and intermediate filaments.
  33. What are plasmids? Circular DNA
  34. Know the three shapes of bacteria. Cocci (spehere), bacillium (rod), amd spirillium (spiral).
  35. Chromosomes are ______structures formed during cell divisions. rodlike
  36. What is the nuclear envelope? Double membrane surrounding the nucleus of a cell.
  37. The vacuole is a part of plant cells that contains water, minerals, nutrients, and some waste.
  38. The central vacuole maintains ______pressure. tugor