Kiwanis Club of Columbus
Centennial Grant Process
Centennial Grants Overview
In 2016, the Kiwanis Club of Columbus ( will celebrate its 100th year of service to the Columbus community. To celebrate this milestone, the club would like to make a lasting impact on the community by distributing $100,000 in additional grants to deserving nonprofit organizations. Kiwanis’ focus is serving the children of the world and these grants will have a similar focus: serving the children of Franklin County, OH. Specifically, Kiwanis Club of Columbus seeks projects and programs of an enduring nature.
Eligibility and Restrictions
In order to be eligible, applicants must:
· Be a tax-exempt organization.
· Request funding for capital improvements or high impact programming primarily benefiting children ages birth to 18.
· Be located in and primarily serve Franklin County, OH with preference for those organizations serving children living in the city of Columbus, OH.
· Request no less than $10,000 and no more than $100,000.
Kiwanis Club of Columbus will NOT fund:
· Grants to individuals.
· Grants supporting partisan political agendas.
· Grants to religious organizations for purely religious purposes.
· Lobbying.
· Fundraising events.
· Camperships or scholarships.
Please note that priority will be given to applications for capital improvements or high impact programming. Capital improvements include but may not be limited to new buildings, expansions, renovations, or specialized equipment such as playgrounds. “High impact” programming refers to programming that makes a significant measurable difference in the life of a high number of children in Franklin County, preferably for an extended period of time. “High impact” may also refer to unique services not provided by any other organization. Kiwanis prefers grants that will provide naming opportunities, volunteer opportunities, as well as the potential for long-term partnerships.
Special Requirements:
1. Organizations that receive grants must send a representative group of leaders from their organization (such as members of the executive staff and board) to the May 7, 2016 Kiwanis Centennial Celebration Banquet at the Ohio Statehouse. Please do not apply for the grant if you will not be able to attend the event.
2. Please also note that if a full proposal is requested, an organization must have an updated Power Philanthropy Portrait through the Columbus Foundation no later than February 15, 2016.
Application Guidelines
Letter of Intent Process: Applicants are asked to complete a Letter of Intent form. The form will be available at our website: or by request of a member of the Kiwanis Club of Columbus. Completed Letters of Intent are due no later than 5 p.m. on November 16, 2015 via email to Kiwanis Club of Columbus Secretary Paul Bohlman at . Paper applications will also be accepted and can be sent to Kiwanis Club of Columbus, P.O. Box 20334, Columbus, OH 43220-0334. Paper applications must be received no later than 5 p.m. on November 16, 2015. Please do not send both an electronic and a paper application.
Organizations under review for full proposal may be asked to host a tour or site visit of their facility or to attend a meeting of the Kiwanis Centennial Grants Committee to share more information about the project/program. The Kiwanis Club of Columbus reserves the right to solicit letters of intent and full proposals from any organization it chooses.
Full Proposal Process: After review by a committee of Kiwanis Club of Columbus members, those organizations with the most suitable applications will be asked to complete a full proposal and will be provided with additional forms and requirements at that time. Requests for full proposal will be made by January 4, 2016. As stated earlier, if a full proposal is requested, an organization must have an updated Power Philanthropy Portrait through the Columbus Foundation no later than February 15, 2016.
Completed Full Proposals will be due February 15, 2016. Funding decisions will be made by April 1, 2016. Applicants will be notified by mail and/or email.
Grant awards will be given at the Centennial banquet on May 7, 2016 from 6:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. at the Ohio Statehouse. Attendance at the event is mandatory for recipients in order to receive the grant funds. Two complimentary tickets will be provided to the organization CEO or comparable executive and the Chair of the Board. Organizations are strongly encouraged to purchase a table at the event. Event ticket details will be shared with finalists.
Please note that phone calls about the application process will not be fielded but email questions will be answered in a timely fashion. Please submit your questions to Kiwanis Club of Columbus Secretary Paul Bohlman at . No questions about the LOI will be answered after November 14, 2015. No questions about the full proposal will be answered after February 11, 2016.
Kiwanis Club of Columbus Centennial Grant
Letter of Intent Form
Date of ApplicationORGANIZATION NAME
Applicant Organization (Full Legal Name)
Doing Business As
Previous Name, if changed
Tax Exempt ID # (EIN)
Name of Executive Director/CEO
Name of Fiscal Sponsor (if applicable)
Proposal Contact Name
Contact Title
Contact Phone
Street Address
Zip Code
Organization Website
Mailing Address (if different than street address)
Zip Code
Organization’s Budgeted Expenses for Current Year (give fiscal year end mm/dd/yy) / $
Program/Project Title
Total Budget for this Program/Project / $
Amount of this request / $
Anticipated Project Start Date
Anticipated Project End Date
Community/Counties served by this
Total Number of people to be served during grant period
Brief demographic description of population served by this Program/Project
TYPE OF REQUEST (check all that apply and see Application Guidelines for definitions)
Capital Needs High impact program
Signature of Executive Director/CEO
Project Narrative
Please provide a brief answer to each of the following. Total LOI form should not exceed 5 pages excluding the Board of Trustees list.
1.Brief summary of organization’s history and statement of organization’s mission.
2. Brief description of current programs/projects and activities.
3. Description of population and geographic region (community/counties) served by this organization.
4. What is the problem, challenge or need that is unaddressed or unmet?
5. Summary description of overall program/project to be funded under this grant.
6. List at least 3 goals of the program/project.
7. Please identify the desired outcome of each goal. Please state the outcome in measurable terms and indicate how you will measure it. (Can be provided in bullet form.)
8. Please describe what impact this project/program will have on children in Franklin County, OH.
9. What risks and limitations do you foresee in completing this project/program?
10. How will you accomplish the program/project if you do not receive Kiwanis Club of Columbus funding?
11. What opportunities will the Kiwanis Club of Columbus have for naming rights, marketing, or community exposure?
12. What volunteer opportunities are available for Kiwanis Club of Columbus associated with this program/project?
13. Please attach a complete list of your trustees with title and contact information. This list does not count in your 5 page limit.
Please complete the following project budget information.
PROJECT INCOMEAnticipated / Committed / Total
Contributed Income
Local Govt.
State Govt.
Fed. Govt.
Specific Foundations: (list)
Board/Individual contributions
Earned Income
Client Fees
Membership Dues
Contract services
Publications and Products
Ticket Sales
Organization Income
Total project income
Kiwanis Request / Other Funding / Total
Pesonnel Expenses
Salaries and Wages
Fringe Benefits
Non-Personnel Expenses
Contract services/professional fees
Office space
Staff/Board Development
Travel/Related Expenses
Indirect Costs
Total project expenses
Excess (Deficiency)
Please email the completed LOI form to or mail to the address listed in the grant guidelines. Forms must be received no later than 5 p.m. November 16, 2015 whether emailed or mailed.