The BSA Nominating Committee’s goal is to broaden the representation at the BSA.Therefore, it is looking for people who might be interested in participating on one of the many BSA committees or a leadership roles.They should be filled generally by folks who are somewhat active in the BSA and familiar with the organization

Please review the positions noted below, for which the Nominating Committeewill soon be developing the slate of candidates for next year and let Liz Minnis know if you or anyone else you can think of would be interested in considering a run.()


VP/President-Elect.Basic Functions: Serves as advisor and assistant to component president. Develops personal leadershipin the motivation of others, and works to carry out component goals and objectives during term ofoffice. Performs all and singular duties of the president when the latter is absent or unable to serve.Works in partnership with president, board of directors, executive committee, and executive.

Treasurer.Basic Functions: Has responsibility for all funds and securities of the component; deposits all funds inthe name of the component; has charge of disbursements of funds; pays all orders drawn on them bythe secretary; and makes an accounting of receipts and disbursements at each annual meeting. Works

in partnership with board of directors, executive committee, and executive.

Director at Large (1).At-Large & Ex-Officio Directors’ roles typically are structured to bring to Board deliberations theirexperience, professional wisdom, and the perspectives of specific constituencies -- the architecture schools, thepublic, the profession in general. From time to time, the President also may ask these directors to take onadditional Board-related tasks.

Commissioners.Commissionersprovide a special link between the Board's policy-making and the real world. Commissioners keep tabs on the work of their committees, convey Board instructions to committee chairs, and bring committee-generated policy issues to the Board. Commissioners and committee chairs also serve as the primary BSA sentinels in the public realm, identifying public issues on which the Board should act.

Commissioner of Architectural Design

Design Commission.This commission includes committees that focus on innovations and ideas common to specific building types and BSA programs that explore designand design-related opportunities.Commissioner: Deborah Fennick AIA (617-350-7900 x401/ )


Architecture for Justice

BSA/SCUP College and UniversityRoundtable

Conversations on Architecture

Design for Aging

Healthcare Facilites

Historic Resources

Interfaith Forum on Religion, Art and Arch.

Interior Architecture

K–12 Educational Facilities

Museum and Exhibit Design

Owners' Project Managers' for Schools

Residential Design

Commissioner of Education and Research

Education & Research Commission.This commission includes education-related committees and BSA programs that focus on education and research.Commissioner: Kenneth Kao AIA (617-776-0007/ )


Architecture School Liaisons BAC:






BSA Tony Platt Scholarship

Continuing Education


Research Grants

Rotch Scholarship/Studio

Sustainability Education


Commissioner of Professional Practice

Professional Practice Commission

This commission includes committees and networks that focus on best practices related to firm administration, business development, informationand design technology and building industry partnerships.Commissioner: Margaret Minor Wood AIA (617-445-3555/)


Administration/HR Wizards

BIM Roundtable

Business Management & Finance

Construction Administration

DataCAD Users

Information Resources

Integrated Project Delivery


IT Wizards

Small Practices Network

Vectorworks Users

Commissioner of Professional Communities.This commission includes committees and networks of professionals with shared interests based on common demographics.Commissioner: David Gamble AIA (617-292 -9912/)


Alien Architects

Architectural Photography Network

Asian/Asian American Designers Forum


Cape & Islands Network

Emerging Professionals Network


MetroWest Network

Volunteer Corps

Women in Design Boston

Women Principals

ELECTED COMMITTEE MEMBERSS.The committeepositions that are up for election this year are:

Membership Committee (three)

This committee is a great entre into the BSA as it has a fairly large membership and they address questions of the benefits to membership.

Nominating Committee (two)

This committee is the one I am on which develops the slate for elections each year. We are looking for folks who know a lot of people in the field and especially those not as active in the BSA as they might be – to help figure out how to serve and attract more folks to the organization to ensure that it represents and serves the broadest community.

Honors & Awards Committee (two)

The Honors and Awards Committee is responsible for all matters pertaining to prizes, scholarships or other means of recognition, including recommendations to the Board regarding elevation of Members to Fellowship in the Institute.

Ethics Committee (one)