St. Joseph’s Hospital, Regional Blood Bank, Psychosocial/Training, CBHC/PHC,
24TH March 2017
The camp was held from 6th – 16th March 2017 conducted by Dr. Shane Duffy U.K. Master Trainer (Chelsea Westminster Group Hospital) Dr. Ramesan FRCOG London assisted by Dr. Ian Asiimwe (Fistula Surgeon Hoima) and Dr. Florence Nalubega (Ob/Gyn Fistula Trainee Kitovu Hospital).
Sponsorship – the Surgeries were sponsored by Gay – Keith Talbot Trust U.K. and by Kabaka Birth Day Marathon fund Uganda (2016) to whom we are very grateful as the usual Sponsors – Engender Health/Fistula Care have failed to sponsor the last two camps.
Total no. Registered 42
Total no. of Surgeries 25
Total non ops 17
The oldest patient was 67 with pelvic organ Prolapse (POP)
The youngest aged 4 who had previous ureteric re-implantation elsewhere but still wet by day and referred to paediatric Urologist Dr. Frank Asiimwe Mulago.
VVF Repairs 8
Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) 6 Hysteropexy 4
Abd. Hysterectomy 2
Surgeries 25 Vesico-Cutaneous Fistula (Post ruptured uterus repair) 1 excised & closed
Post mainz pouch wound leak closed 1
Ureteric implantation 2 (1 during difficult VVF Repair)
1 in 16yr old with Ectopic Ureter
Perineal Repairs 7
Non Ops. 17 1 aged 4 previous ectopic ureters re-implanted elsewhere @ 2yr
age (referred to as paediatric Urologist)
1? Stress – self catheterization and Perineal Exercise
1 recent delivery (op. ruptured Uterus and hysterectomy done) for Repair later
1 newly delivered vaginally post vvf and repair has broken done). Repair later
EUA 2 aged 6 no Fistula found – toilet training
No Fistula found.
11 came for R/V post previous repair and discharged dry & well
We were honoured by a visit by Dr. Mulu Muleta Fistula Surgeon Hamlin Hospital Ethiopia for 3 days - her first visit representing Fistula Foundation and we thank her for her remarks.
On 11th March we had a memorial ceremony in honour of our late Master Trainer Fistula Surgeon Dr. John Kelly RIP 2013 and our first Sponsor Donor introduced by Jjajja Kelly Dr. Peter Doherty (RIP March 2016) who sponsored the building of St. Anne’s Unit and also our 3 vehicles (2 vans and 1 Prado).
We are greatly indebted to both for their support in our early days and pray for their Eternal Peace and also remember with gratitude their families (Mairead – daughter of Dr. Kelly and Barbara widow of Dr. Doherty and families to whom we will send photos of the plaque erected inside the Entrance of the Fistula Unit on 11th March 2017. (See below)
Sincere thanks to all our Surgeons and Theatre Staff, Our Unit staff, Administration and drivers. Special thanks to our sponsors and Donors U.K, USA, Ireland and Uganda and we were very Happy to receive a visit from Linda Chamberlain and her friends Barbara and Paula from USA who arrived just in time for our Memorial Service for the late Doctors Kelly and Doherty RIP.
Linda and her friends come every year and have been training our Fistula patients to knit and write and also have helped with Beautiful knitted Blankets and patient gowns for our wards. We are grateful to Caritas Maddo for the help with Reintegration for self-sustenance for our healed women.
Linda and her husband Dr. Will Chamberlain have helped up getting equipment for Theatre and Unit also. The Utah group has also been very active in visiting the Healed Fistula Women in their homes to find other Fistula sufferers in the Villages and encourage them to come for repair surgery (“AMBASSADORS”).
Such activities are helping Kitovu to reduce the occurrence of Obstetric Fistula and eventually to reach the National Goal to “END FISTULA” by 2040.
The next Fistula Camp is planned for May 15th – 26th and we hope UNFPA and Engender Health will also help in with funds and supplies.
You will be sorry to hear that Sr. Dr. Nabukalu who is training to take over the Directorship of Kitovu Fistula Programme had a fall on 16th March as we were leaving for the St. Patrick’s Day Celebrations in the Irish Embassy Kampala and unfortunately she sustained a fracture of her shoulder which required internal fixation, she missed the Ambassador’s Celebrations but Thank God is recovering and we continue to pray for her full recovery so she can continue her time with Dr. Maura on the FISTULA Programme.
God Bless you all and I wish you a Blessed lent and Happy Easter