2016/17K.I.S.A MembershipApplication
KISA Memberships are valid for a 12 month beginning July 1st 2016 and ending June 30th 2017.
This membership entitles you and your immediate family to a Salonie Creek Range Key and membership rates at the Monashka Bay Indoor Range.
Please printallinformationlegibly
Mailing Address:______
City,State, Zip: Phone:______
Date of Birth: E-mailAddress______
STEP 1:KISA Annual Fees:
Regular membership / $65.Active Duty / $60.
Seniors (over 60) / $60.
K.I.S.A.members mustbe members ofthe NRA. Ifyou are alreadyan NRA member, please attacha copyofyour NRAmembershipcardormagazine cover;there mustbeat leastoneyear remainingon your membership.
Step2 – / Enter NRA feeRegularNRA membership
□America’sFirstFreedom / 40.00
Liberty NRA Membership(no magazine) / 10.00
Current NRA member with at least 1 yr remaining:
NRA #:______Exp Date:______
/ No charge
Step3 – AddthemembershipandNRA fee $ / $
- Always keep firearms pointed in a safe direction.
- Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
- Always keep your gun unloaded until you are at the firing line and the range is declared "HOT." Firearms must be safe (unloaded - magazines removed and actions opened) when entering or exiting the range.
- Cease Firing: Immediately stop shooting when anyone calls "Cease firing."
- COLD Range: Shooters must check with others to ensure firearms are unloaded, actions open and firearms laid down on the shooting bench before going down range. No one is permitted to handle firearms or stand at the firing line while there is a cold range.
- HOT Range: Shooters must check with others to ensure there is no one down range; when the range is declared "HOT" shooters are permitted to commence firing. Only shooters are permitted on the firing line. Shooters may move safe guns to and from the firing line only when the range is "HOT."
- All shooters are responsible for their rounds staying within the confines of this range. Shooters may shoot only from the firing line at the target in line with their position. Shooting at items placed on the ground or at targets not posted at the appropriate height on the target frame enables rounds to escape the range.
- Respect the Range: Please take your trash and used targets off the range when you leave.
- Respect Yourself: Wear eye and ear protection.
- Respect Others: If other members are waiting to shoot, please work together so that everyone gets a chance to use the facilities.
- Abuse of these rules may result in loss of membership and range access
Ihavereadand understood andagreeto abide bythe aboverangesafetyrules.
Name (printlegibly)
Signature_ Date
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