Kirklees Local PlanExamination


September 2017 (v.2)

Programme update

This is the second version of the hearings timetable. Please note that it has been updated to include:

  • a list of participants attending the Stage 1 hearing sessions.
  • some changes to the timings of the Stage 1 hearing sessions.

Stage 1 hearings

The Stage 1 hearings are due to start on Tuesday 10th October2017and will be held at The Hudawi Centre, Great Northern Street, Huddersfield HD1 6BG.

The participants at the Stage 1 hearings are listed below. This is based on what you told us in August 2017 but also takes account of whether people are entitled to appear at a particular session. You are only entitled to be heard at a session if you previously made comments on this topic when the submission Local Plan was published, and you were seeking a change to the Plan.

Please contact the Programme Officer as soon as possible if: i) your name is listed and you no longer wish to attend a particular session, or ii) your name is not listed and you wish to (and are entitled to) attend a particular session. If you do not make contact it will be assumed that you will participate.

Please note that:

  • The sessions at the Stage 1 hearings will not look in detail at specific sites, but will cover legal/procedural and key strategic matters in the Local Plan. Specific sites will be discussed at the Stage 4 hearings due to be held in early 2018.
  • The Inspector will have regard to all written representations already made, and attendance at a hearing session will only be useful if you wish to actively participate in the discussion.
  • For further information on what the Stage 1 sessions will cover, please read the Inspector’s Matters, Issues and Questions (MIQs) on the Council’s examination webpage at

Yvonne Parker, Programme Officer

Tel: 01282 450522 / 0781 333 4305 (during the Examination)

Tuesday 10th October 2017 - MORNING SESSION – 10am
Inspector’s opening remarks
Opening from the Council
Matter ONE- Legal and procedural matters
Has the Plan been prepared in accordance with statutory procedures and Regulations?
ID / Party / Rep by / Matter reference
942336 / Schofield and Pask / Clive Brook / M1.13
943608 / Kirklees Community Action Network / Mr Robert Bamforth / M1.7
968336 / Holme Valley Vision Network / Mr Robert Bamforth / M1.18
943640 / Fixby Residents Organisation / Mr Paul Oldfield / M1.12
943892 / Home BuildersFederation / TO BE CONFIRMED / M1.16
946357 / Mr Nicholas Howe / -
944994 / Kirklees Bridleways Group and Arrow / Susan Carter / -
965798 / Green Alert in Lepton (GAIL) / Mr J Davies / M1.9
969350 / Chidswell Action Group / Mrs Charlotte McKay IOP Consulting / M1.3
969350 / Upper Dearne Valley Trust / Mrs Charlotte McKay IOP Consulting / M1.4
968632 / D S and N S Gemmell /Dawn Gemmell / M1.10 / M1.19
972595 / Chairman Save Mirfield / Mrs Cheryl Tyler / M1.8
1028892 / Mr Adrian Saxton / M1.20
1049779 / Bradley Park Golf Club / Mr David Storrie Planning Enzygo / M1.2
942768 / CPRE / Mr Andrew Wood / M1.17
961855 / Spen Valley Civic Society / Colin Berry / -
977374 / The Netherton & South Crosland Action Group (NSCAG) / Alan Knight
Tuesday 10th October 2017 - AFTERNOON SESSION – 2pm
Matter TWO- Spatial development strategy
Does the overall growth and spatial strategy for the Plan present a positive framework which is consistent with national policy and will contribute to the achievement of sustainable development?
ID / Party / Rep by / Matter reference
942142 / Hallam Land / I D Planning / M2.22
942144 / Strata Homes / White Young Green / M2.26
942225 / KeyLand Developments Ltd / Lichfields / M2.6
975291 / Persimmon Homes West Yorkshire / Lichfields / M2.5
968735 / Clayton West Development Company Ltd / Quod / M2.29
942410 / Thornhill Estates / I D Planning / M2.21
972565 / Dynamic Capital UK Ltd / ID Planning / M2.23
973538 / Wrose Developments / I D Planning / M2.24
942409 / Redrow Homes / I D Planning / M2.25
942695 / John Hall / Peacock & Smith / M2.2
943608 / Kirklees Community Action Network / Mr Robert Bamforth / M2.13
968336 / Holme Valley Vision Network / Mr Robert Bamforth / M2.28
943764 / Ms Margaret Dugdill / Nexus / M2.32
969350 / Chidswell Action Group / Mrs Charlotte McKay IOP Consulting / M2.8
969350 / Upper Dearne Valley Trust / Mrs Charlotte McKay IOP Consulting / M2.9
972595 / Chairman Save Mirfield / Mrs Cheryl Tyler / M2.14
970990 / Church Commissioners for England / White Young Green / M2.11
971556 / 968632 / D S and N S Gemmell / Dawn Gemmell / Clayton Hall Farm / M2.16 / M2.17
975384 / Priory Assets Management LLP / Hourigan Connolly / M2.15
1049595 / Professor Roberts / M2.33
972220 / Miller Homes / Spawforth Associates / M2.30
942405 / Taylor Wimpey UK Ltd / Spawforth Associates / M2.31
942462 / Bellway Homes (Yorkshire) Ltd / DPP
942768 / CPRE / Mr Andrew Wood / M2.27
942154 / Savile Estate / Paul Leeming, Carter Jonas
1049779 / Bradley Park Golf Club / Mr David StorriePlanning Enzygo / M2.4
? / Younger Homes / Mr David Storrie, Planning Enzygo / M2.3
1042965 / Hade Edge Fight for the Fields (HEFF) / Mr Kevin Macmillan / -
977374 / (NSCAG) / Alan Knight
Wednesday 11th October 2017 –ALL DAY SESSION COMMENCING AT 10AM
Matter THREE - Overall housing need
Is the identified objectively assessed need of 31,140 dwellings soundly based and supported by robust evidence?
ID / Party / Rep by / Matter reference
942144 / Strata Homes / Director WYG / M3.13
942149 / Vernon Property LLP / Walton and Co Planning Lawyers
942695 / John Hall / Peacock & Smith / M3.2
942225 / KeyLand Developments Ltd / Lichfields / M3.3
975291 / Persimmon Homes West Yorkshire / Lichfields
943608 / Kirklees Community Action Network / Mr Robert Bamforth / M3.8
968336 / Holme Valley Vision Network / Mr Robert Bamforth / M3.15
943892 / Home Builders Federation / TO BE CONFIRMED / M3.12
975384 / Priory Assets Management LLP / Hourigan Connolly / M3.9
942405 / Taylor Wimpey UK Ltd / Spawforth Associates / M3.17
942462 / Bellway Homes (Yorkshire) Ltd / DPP
942768 / CPRE / Mr Andrew Wood / M3.14
1060207 / Roberttown Residents Association / David Hall
942154 / Savile Estate / Paul Leeming, Carter Jonas
Thursday 12th October – Friday 13th October – commencing at 10am
(Please note Friday 13 October is a reserve session)
Matter FOUR - Housing land supply and delivery
Is the identified overall housing requirement in the Plan justified, deliverable and consistent with national policy?
ID / Party / Rep by / Matter reference
942144 / Strata Homes / White Young Green / M4.17
970990 / Church Commissioners for England / White Young Green / M4.9
942149 / Vernon Property LLP / Walton and Co Planning Lawyers
942695 / John Hall / Peacock & Smith / M4.2
942225 / KeyLand Developments Ltd / Lichfields / M4.5
975291 / Persimmon Homes West Yorkshire / Lichfields / M4.4
942337 / Barratt and David Wilson Homes / Paul Butler Planning / M4.16
942466 / University of Huddersfield / Iain Bath Planning
969350 / Chidswell Action Group / Mrs Charlotte McKay IOP Consulting / M4.7
969350 / Upper Dearne Valley Trust / Mrs Charlotte McKay IOP Consulting / M4.8
972595 / Chairman Save Mirfield / Mrs Cheryl Tyler / M4.12
942409 / Redrow Homes / I D Planning
942410 / Thornhill Estates / I D Planning
973538 / Wrose Developments / I D Planning / Director
943608 / Kirklees Community Action Network / Mr Robert Bamforth / M4.11
968336 / Holme Valley Vision Network / M4.19
943892 / Home Builders Federation / M4.15
975384 / Priory Assets Management LLP / Hourigan Connolly / M4.13
1049595 / Professor Roberts / M4.24
972220 / Miller Homes / Spawforth Associates / M4.20
942405 / Taylor Wimpey UK Ltd / Spawforth Associates / M4.21
942462 / Bellway Homes (Yorkshire) Ltd / DPP
942768 / CPRE / Mr Andrew Wood / M4.18
942154 / Savile Estate / Paul Leeming, Carter Jonas
1033836 / Alison Munro
1049779 / Bradley Park Golf Club / Mr David Storrie Enzygo Environmental / M4.3
? / Younger Homes / Mr David Storrie Enzygo Environmental / M4.25
Monday 16th October 2017 - commencing at 10am
Matter FIVE - Other housing requirements
Have affordable housing needs, traveller accommodation needs and the housing needs of other groups been satisfactorily assessed and addressed in the Plan, in line with national policy?
ID / Party / Rep by / Matter reference
942144 / Strata Homes / White Young and Green / M5.8
970990 / Church Commissioners for England / White Young Green / M5.5
942169 / Catholic Diocese of Leeds / NJL Consulting
942225 / KeyLand Developments Ltd / Lichfields / M5.3
943892 / Home Builders Federation / TO BE CONFIRMED / M5.7
968556 / National Amusements / Colliers International / M5.12
975384 / Priory Assets Management LLP / Hourigan Connolly / M5.6
972220 / Miller Homes / Spawforth Associates / M5.13
942405 / Taylor Wimpey UK Ltd / Spawforth Associates / M5.14
975291 / Persimmon Homes West Yorkshire / Lichfields / M5.2
942768 / CPRE / Mr Andrew Wood / M5.9
968336 / Holme Valley Vision Network / M5.10
969536 / AEW UK / Brooke Smith Planning
Tuesday 17th October 2017 - - commencing at 10am
Matter SIX - Employment needs and delivery
Does the Plan set out a positively prepared strategy for the delivery of employment development and jobs, which is justified, effective, and consistent with national policy?
ID / Party / Rep by / Matter reference
968735 / Clayton West Development Company Limited / Quod / M6.9
969350 / Chidswell Action Group / Mrs Charlotte McKay IOP Consulting / M6.2
969350 / Upper Dearne Valley Trust / Mrs Charlotte McKay IOP Consulting / M6.3
942336 / Schofield and Pask / Clive Brook / M6.6
943608 / Kirklees Community Action Network / Mr Robert Bamforth / -
968336 / Holme Valley Vision Network / Mr Robert Bamforth / M6.8
972220 / Miller Homes / Spawforth Associates / M6.10
942768 / CPRE / Mr Andrew Wood / M6.7
942154 / Savile Estate / Paul Leeming, Carter Jonas
969536 / AEW UK / Brooke Smith Planning
961855 / Spen Valley Civic Society / Colin Berry
? / Younger Homes / Mr David Storrie Enzygo Environmental / M6.11
970990 / Church Commissioners for England / White Young Green (WYG / M6.4
Tuesday 17th October 2017 -- commencing at 2PM
Matter SEVEN - Retail needs and delivery
Does the Plan set out a positively prepared strategy for the delivery of employment development and jobs, which is justified, effective, and consistent with national policy?
ID / Party / Rep by / Matter reference
1054648 / Coal Pension Properties Ltd / NJL Consulting / M7.3
968336 / Holme Valley Vision Network / M7.6
969536 / AEW UK / Brooke Smith Planning
970990 / Church Commissioners for England / White Young Green / M7.4
Wednesday 18th October 2017 - - commencing at 9am
Matter SEVEN - Matter 8 - Approach to site allocations and Green Belt release
Is the Plan’s approach to identifying site allocations (housing, employment and mixed use), safeguarded land and Green Belt releases soundly based and in line with national policy?
ID / Party / Rep by / Matter reference
942144 / Strata Homes / White Young and Green / M8.34
970990 / Church Commissioners for England / White Young Green (WYG) / M8.11
942466 / University of Huddersfield / Iain Bath Planning
942149 / Vernon Property LLP / Walton and Co Planning Lawyers
942695 / John Hall / Peacock & Smith / M8.2
942235 / Barratt Homes / Paul Butler Planning / M8.32
942234 / David Wilson Homes / Paul Butler Planning / M8.31
942337 / Barratt and David Wilson Homes / Paul Butler Planning
942142 / Hallam Land / I D Planning / M8.29
942409 / Redrow Homes / I D Planning / M8.28
942410 / Thornhill Estates / I D Planning / M8.26
972565 / Dynamic Capital UK Ltd / ID Planning / M8.30
973538 / Wrose Developments / I D Planning / M8.27
943764 / Ms Margaret Dugdill / Nexus / M8.25
975384 / Priory Assets Management LLP / Planning Hourigan Connolly / M8.16
1093027 / Chartford Homes / Barton Wilmore / M8.10
942225 / KeyLand Developments Ltd / Lichfields / M8.5
975291 / Persimmon Homes West Yorkshire / Lichfields / M8.4
969350 / Chidswell Action GroupMrs / Charlotte McKay IOP Consulting / M8.7
969350 / Upper Dearne Valley Trust / Mrs Charlotte McKay IOP Consulting / M8.8
972595 / Chairman Save Mirfield / Mrs Cheryl Tyler / M8.15
943160 / Mr Gerald Newsome / M8.21
943608 / Kirklees Community Action Network / Mr Robert Bamforth / M8.14
1042965 / Hade Edge Fight for the Fields (HEFF) / Mr Kevin Macmillan
1042012 / Mr Steve Sykes
1042984 / Mr John Dalton
944688 / HEFF / To be confirmed
965798 / Green Alert in Lepton / M8.17
Wednesday 18th October 2017 - - commencing at 9am
ID / Party / Rep by / Matter reference
972220 / Miller Homes / Spawforth Associates / M8.41
942405 / Taylor Wimpey UK Ltd / Spawforth Associates / M8.42
942462 / Bellway Homes (Yorkshire) Ltd / DPP / M8.12
942768 / CPRE / Mr Andrew Wood / M8.35
968336 / Holme Valley Vision Network / M8.39
942154 / Savile Estate / Paul Leeming, Carter Jonas
1049779 / Bradley Park Golf Club / Mr David Storrie Enzygo Environmental / M8.3
961855 / Spen Valley Civic Society / Colin Berry
1044323 / Mr and Mrs Rhodes / Frazer Sandwith JLL / M8.33
1049298 / Jane Ellis / M8.36
977374 / The Netherton & South Crosland Action Group / Alan Knight
971556 / 968632 / D S and N S Gemmell / Dawn Gemmell / M8.18 / M8.19
972734 / Mr Derek Allan / M8.20


Timetable/Programme for Stage 2 – Minerals and Waste policies and allocations

The timetable below is provisional only. An updated timetable will be published in October 2017.

The Inspector’s Matters, Issues and Questions (MIQs) relating to Stage 2 are due to be published beforeMonday 2 October on the website so please check the EXAMINATION NEWS on a regular basis for information. The deadline for receipt of hearing statements is midday on Friday 27 October 2017 and this includes hard copies and the electronic versions.Further details will be issued with the MIQs.

Date / Morning session 10am / Afternoon session 2pm
Day 1
Tues14 Nov / Inspector’s opening remarks
Opening from the Council
Matter 9 - Minerals – requirements / Matter 10 - Minerals policies
Day 2
Wed 15 Nov / Matter 11 - Minerals sites / Matter 11 - Minerals sites
Day 3
Thurs 16 Nov / Matter 11 - Minerals sites / Site visits
Day 4
Fri17 Nov / Site visits
Day 5
Tues 21 Nov / Inspector’s opening remarks
Matter 12 - Waste capacity / Matter 13 - Waste policies
Day 6
Weds 22 Nov / Matter 14 - Waste sites / Matter 14 - Waste sites
Day 7
Thurs 23 Nov / Matter 14 - Waste sites / Site visits
Day 8
Fri 24 Nov / Site visits

Timetable/Programme for Stage 3 – Other policies in Part 1 of the Plan

The timetable below is provisional only. If the Inspector concludes that further work is necessary to address matters covered in the Stage 1 hearings, the dates and topics below may change.

It is currently intended that the Inspector’s MIQs relating to Stage 3 will be published at the end of October 2017. The deadline for receipt of hearing statements will be mid-November 2017 (with the specific dates to be confirmed). Further details will be set out in an updated Hearings Programme and Examination Guidance Note.

Date / Morning session 10am / Afternoon session 2pm
Day 1
Tues 5 Dec / Inspector’s opening remarks
Opening from the Council
Matter 15 – Infrastructure delivery / Matter 16 – Delivering growth policies
Matter 17 – Economy policies
Day 2
Wed6 Dec / Matter 18 – Retailing and town centre policies / Continuation of Matter 18 if necessary
Site visits
Day 3
Thurs 7 Dec / Matter 19 – Transport policies
Matter 20 – Design and climate change policies / Site visits
Day 4
Friday 8 Dec / Site visits
Day 5
Tues 12 Dec / Inspector’s opening remarks
Opening from Council (optional)
Matter 21 – Natural and historic environment policies / Matter 22 – Health and supporting community policies
Matter 23 – Environmental protection policies
Day 6
Weds 13 Dec / Matter 24 – Green Belt and open space policies / Continuation of Matter 24 if necessary
Matter 25 – Monitoring
Day 7
Thurs 14 Dec / Site visits / Site visits

Timetable for Stage 4 – Other site allocations

It is currently anticipated that the hearings on site allocations will be held in January/February 2018. This looks at specific sites allocated in Part 2 of the Plan (e.g. housing, employment etc.), with the exception of minerals and waste allocations which will be covered at the Stage 2 hearings.

The dates and programme for the site allocation sessions will be confirmed in due course, following the completion of the Stage 1 initial hearing sessions.

Katie Child


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