PRESENT: -S Baillie, Ian Morral R Surtees, C White, M Baker,

1.APOLOGIES: - K Wylie, Karl Jackson-Barnes, Sally Miller, Louise Cochran,

IN ATTENDANCE: -M McCutcheon – Councillor, B McKie - Bowling Club, Andrew Nicol -Resident, Margot Nicol- Resident, Fiona McCulloch -1st Kirkcolm Brownies, Kerry Hutchinson -1st Kirkcolm Brownies, Sara McCulloch- Resident, J McLeod- Resident.

2. The minutes of the last meeting were verified by Ian Morral and seconded by Ros Surtees.

3. POLICE BUSINESS- No police attendance, therefore nothing to report.

4. CHAIRPERSONS REPORT-The Chairman Scott Baillie presented his annual report. He stated that there had been a problem with the Kings bus in the village earlier in the year, and with one driver in particular, speeding in the village,failing to stop when requested and using a mobile phone whilst driving. The bus company had been very co-operative in dealing with this issue and there had been no problems reported since.

There were problems with power outages early in the year which were dealt with by the sub group who also facilitated compensation for affected customers. A request by the sub group was made for emergency packs for vulnerable people consisting of big button telephones and torches, these were funded by the community council and distributed by the sub group.

In June the village was number four in the list for 20MPH speed signs at the school, this work is now almost complete and the road surface at the school has also been relaid as part of these works.

The Gala day was held in June during a spell of bad weather but on the day the rain stayed, mainly, away. This years (2013) Gala looked like being in jeopardy when only two people turned up for the first Gala meeting. However following a successful appeal volunteers came forward and this years Gala will go ahead on June 22nd.

The Post Office started operating in the village hall in July and seems to be working well, the postmistress also takes orders for groceries.

A number of windfarm projects were submitted which were; Baby changing facilities in the village hall, Light and sound system in the village hall, Emergency Packs for vulnerable residents, Artificial turf for the bowling club, a replacement marquee for Gala day and outside events, a defibrillator for outside the village hall, a Christmas party for the old folks and Netball strips for Kirkcolm Primary school.

In October the Community Council elections were held, only four people came forward and the following people were elected without the need to hold elections. Chair Scott Baillie Carrie White and Ros Surtees sharing the Vice Chair roles, Ian Morral as Treasurer, and Malcolm Baker agreed to stay on as Secretary with assistance from Margaret Baillie.

A new constitution was adopted in December and at that meeting at was agreed to record future KCC meetings in order to ease the writing up of the minutes as there were only four council members.

December saw the Christmas lights switch on which was a popular event with all attendees, this year 'Performing Rights' had to be paid to the Council and this will apply to most events where an entry fee is charged.

Pot holes and road surfaces are still a problem in the area an the CC is still applying pressure to get problems fixed.

At the February meeting Ian Morral took on the post of Secretary but stated his intention to step down as Treasurer, preferably before Gala day, but as yet no replacement has been found.

The KCC has started the process of forming a Community Resilience Team to aid residents during power outages and adverse weather and have started to put together people who could help in emergencies, i.e. people with vehicles, tractors, generators. Emergencies could be of any nature, i.e. house fire or a road traffic accident. Anyone who could help was invited to come forward.

The electric cables have been made safe outside the village hall to enable the gable end to be repaired. We are now waiting for the repairs to commence, all other repairs on the hall are now up to date.

Following the recent power outages it was reported that there is a compensation phone number to ring which is open from 08.33 to 15.45 hrs Monday to Friday for anyone who was without power for more than 18 hours

The chairman ended his report saying he would like to thank everyone who had helped during the last year, including councillors McCutcheon, Scobie and Dick for representing KCC at council level. Also Kevin Wylie for his input from the police and wished him well in his new post adding that we will miss him and the dogs at the Gala day. Finally everybody else who had helped and supported KCC events. There the Chairman's report ended.

Following the Chairman's report there was a discussion about the performing rights fee. It was debated as to why, when D&G council hold a licence groups were having to pay again and cumulatively probably more than the licence cost. It was also unclear to all as to exactly when the fees were due, as in old music out of copyright, and councillor McCutcheon offered to take this issue up on behalf of the CC.

5. TREASURERS REPORT-The Treasurer Ian Morral reported that the year started with a balance of £8483.23 to which £10,500.00 had been added as money ring fenced for the improvement of the Wig Bay Circular walk. The only major out going was £733.70 which was funding for the emergency phone and light packs. The Gala made a small profit this year of £300 and the closing balance, including the ring fenced monies, is £19,435.35

6. RE-ELECTION OF OFFICE BEARERS- All office bearers were happy to carry on in their roles with the note that Ian Morral was still keen to be replaced as Treasurer having taken on the additional post of secretary.

Chair Scott Baillie-Proposed by Ian Morral Seconded by Janet McLeod.

Secretary Ian Morral-Proposed by Ros Surtees Seconded by Scott Baillie.

Treasurer Ian Morral- Proposed by Margot Nicol Seconded by Scott Baillie.

Vice Chair Carrie White- Proposed by Margot Nicol Seconded by Scott Baillie.

Vice Chair Ros Surtees- Proposed by Margot Nicol Seconded by Scott Baillie.

7. GALA DAY-Scott Baillie stated that we were almost at a cancellation stage this year when only two people turned up for the first Gala meeting but following an appeal for help more people turned up for the second meeting and a date was set for the 22nd June. A basic running order for the day was proposed but any suggestions for additional events are welcome, the parade will start at Bay View Terrace at midday and the official opening on the field will be at 12.30. It was agreed that a car boot sale would be tried this year on the understanding that stall holders were to be on the field by midday and would have to stay until four o'clock. A fee of five pounds per car was agreed on and Scott Baillie is to speak to the head teacher as to where to site the cars. A Gala meeting was set for 24th April at 7.45pm in the supper room.

8. WINDFARM FUNDING-Malcolm Baker reported that from the year 2010/11 £53 had been bought forward. The grant last year was £7304 but only £4664 of that has been spent so far, so there is an amount carried forward for incomplete projects of £2822. These projects include the stage curtains and the audio/visual installation. Solway Heritage were handling windfarm funds but have gone into liquidation, Mr Roberts from D&G Council then took over the management but it is now being managed by Foundation Scotland. This years projects totalled £6690 but the cheque has now been received and is for the lesser amount of £4638. This was due to Cairnryan Community Council making a claim this year thus reducing the available funds. Although the projects are about two thousand pounds short several hundred pounds should be carried forward from previous years. It was decided to have a windfarm meeting on Saturday 13th April at 2pm in the supper room

9. ANY OTHER BUSINESS-Ros Surtees asked about advertising the Gala in the Freepress. It was discussed about how the Freepress had made a mess of the last advert we ran in 2011 which led to the decision to sell banner advertising to go round the arena on Gala day instead. This proved to be a great success, a lot less hassle and was more profitable too.

Fiona McCulloch asked Scott if the old brownies flag had been located, Scott believed it to be under the hall stage. Fiona also said that in 1959 the Kirkcolm Brownies planted an oak tree to commemorate the coronation and did anyone know where it had been planted. Various avenues of inquiry were suggested to be followed up.

Ian Morral said he had been requested to mention the Kirkcolm School mini walk on the 11th May because they need more help with checkpoint volunteers.

Malcolm Baker suggested that KCC should write a letter of thanks to Kevin Wylie for all his help in the past with a copy to be sent to the chief constable. This was agreed on unanimously, Ian Morral to see to this.

Meeting closes. Next meeting 12th June at 7.30 in the hall supper room.