Pacifica High School

Introduction to 3D Printing / 3D Printing


Instructor: Mr. Harris

Room: D-12

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Measuring and Fractions, Sketching, Visualization, Geometry, CAD principles and applications. Orthographic projections, pictorials. Multiview drawing, including auxiliary, section and detail views. Standards and conventions. Dimensioning, tolerances, GDT. Design processes

Students will…

·  develop and improve computer literacy.

·  develop the skill to learn new software features, functionality, commands and capabilities in CAD by utilizing industry-standard professional training resources.

·  acquire fundamental skills in operating CAD

·  identify, visualize and draw: lettering, sketching orthographic projections, section views, auxiliary views and isometric pictorials.

·  understand fundamentals of dimensioning and tolerancing, drawing scale and sheet size.

·  create 2D multiview drawings from an isometric pictorial, and be able to create simple 3D solid models from either isometric pictorials or 2D multiview drawings

Materials Supplied by Instructor

1) / Combination Drafting Scale: Alvin 119PC 12” Plastic (or equivalent)
Decimal Inch (10 parts per inch) / Fractional Inch (8ths, 16ths, 32nds) / Metric
2) / Engineering Paper, 8 ½” x 11” (letter size/ A-size) with 1.0” major/ 0.2” minor grid lines
3) / 3 mechanical Pencils with Eraser (0.5, 0.7, 0.9)
4) / GGUSD Gmail Account

Software For Home Use

1) / Draftsight CAD for PC or MAC
2) / SolidWorks 2016-2017 Student Design Kit – 365-day educational license. PC Only
3) / Headphones or Earphones with standard 3.5mm jack that will plug into a PC (for video tutorials)


Some information in this class will be given through lecture, class discussions, and handouts. Some assignments will be given out of the textbook, which is provided. Attendance is very important, as almost all work will be done in class.


Each student will be required to develop and organize an electronic portfolio on the student password protected drive. It is recommended that the portfolio is also backed up using Google Drive. At the end of the class, students should retrieve all files and take them home using Google Drive or a flash drive.

Teacher Availability:

Please feel free to contact the instructor at Pacifica High School with any questions or concerns. If I am in class I will return your call as soon as possible. The school phone number is (714) 663-6515. The best way to contact me is email at

Clean Up Procedure:

After each period, the computer lab must be clean and neat. Students will be expected to throw out any waste, push in chairs, and leave his or her workstation in perfect shape.

Grade Allocations:

30% - Classwork

10% - Quizzes

60% - Summative Assessments

·  You will be graded on your participation in class and your contribution to the learning environment.

·  You will be graded on neatness, workmanship, technique, precision, and standard practices.

Grading Scale:

90 – 100% = A

80-89.9% = B

70-79.9% = C

60-69.9%= D

59.9% and below = F


Zero tolerance: For the FIRST incident of academic dishonesty. Please carefully read the student handbook for more details. You are encouraged to work together. If you are uncertain about what might be dishonest, please ask for clarification. It is not acceptable is to claim credit for work you did not do. It is not acceptable to be deceptive when presenting your work for evaluation of your comprehension. It is not acceptable to assist others in being dishonest in the ways mentioned above.

PHS Computer Lab Rules

  1. No food, drink, gum, or candy is allowed in the laboratory.
  2. Students will not use cell phones and mobile devices in class for any reason.
  3. Students will arrive on time. Once the bell rings, you are tardy.
  4. Walk in quietly and sit in your seat immediately.
  5. Sit quietly during instruction.
  6. Students only touch the keyboard and mouse. If your computer does not seem to be working correctly, ask your instructor for help.
  7. Students remain seated while in class.
  8. Only open computer programs that the instructor says to open.
  9. Writing utensils and notebook paper must be brought to class.
  10. Do not log out of computers until the bell rings.
  11. Leave your workspace clean and neat.

I reviewed the Safety Rules and Regulations for Technology Education Lab:

Student Name (print neatly) :______Date______Period ______

Signature of Parent/Guardian:______Date______

Signature of Student:______Date______

Thank you for supporting the Technology Education Department.