Chairman: Cllr. J Alexander Clerk: Andrea McCallum, 34 Aglionby Street, Carlisle, CA1 1JP
Tel: 01228 595117
2nd May 2016
Kirkbampton Parish Council Annual Parish Meeting will be held at at 7:15 p.m. followed by the Annual General Meeting at
7:30 p.m. of Kirkbampton Parish Council on:-
Monday 9th May 2016 in Kirkbampton Village Hall.
This is a public meeting and all are welcome to attend.
Andrea McCallum
Clerk to the Council
1. Election of Chairman for year 2016/17
The successful nominee will sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
2. Election of Vice-chairman
3. Apologies for absence
4. Requests for Dispensations
The clerk to report any requests received since the previous meeting for dispensations to speak and\or vote on any matter
where a member has a disclosable pecuniary interest.
5. Declarations of Interest
To receive declarations by elected and co-opted members of interests in respect of items on this agenda.
Members are reminded that, in accordance with the revised Code of Conduct, they are required to declare any disclosable
pecuniary interests or other registrable interests which have not already been declared in the Council’s Register of Interests.
(It is a criminal offence not to declare a disclosable pecuniary interest either in the Register or at the meeting.)
Members may, however, also decide, in the interests of clarity and transparency, to declare at this point in the meeting, any
such disclosable pecuniary interests which they have already declared in the Register, as well as any other registrable or other
(If a Member requires advice on any item involving a possible declaration of interest which could affect his/her ability to speak
and/or vote, he/she is advised to contact the clerk at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting).
6. Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 14th March 2016.
To receive and agree the minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 14th March 2016.
7. Public Participation
In accordance with Standing Orders, the Chairman will, at his discretion, invite members of the public to address the meeting
in relation to the business to be transacted at this meeting or raise issues for future consideration.
8. Finance matters
8.1 To approve payments:-
A McCallum – Salary for April/May £328.51 (S/O 1st Feb & 1st March 2016)
A McCallum – reimbursements £64.91
HMRC – PAYE for May/June - £TBA
Came & Co - Annual Insurance from 1st June 2015 - £TBA
J Airey – Internal audit 2016/17 - £41.20
Cumbria Association of Local Councils – Subscription 2016/17 - £157.00
8.2 To note the receipt of any income: –
Current Account - Allerdale Borough Council – Precept payment (half year) £3,543.00 & interest payment of £5.58;
Passbook Account - interest payment of £13.91 and wayleave payment of 115.00 from Electricity North West.
8.3 To receive a report of income and expenditure to 30th April 2016
Opening balance 1st April 2016 - Current & Passbook Accounts £ 4,157.56
Income to 30th April 2016 £ 3,663.58
Expenditure to 30th April 2016 £ 0.00
Balance at 30th April 2016 £ 7,821.14
8.4 Accounts to the year ended 31st March 2016 – to approve:-
· the accounts for the financial year ending 31st March 2015 - attached;
· the end of year budget summary – attached;
· the report of the internal auditor – attached.
8.5 Audit Commission Annual Return 2016 – to approve the statement of assurance and authorise the Chairman
to sign the annual return for y/e 31st March 2016.
8.6 Parish Council Grants 2016/17
To consider applications for funding from local organisations – schedule attached.
9. Planning matters
9.1 To consider applications:-
2/2016/0179 Land to the rear of Solway View, Kirkbampton – outline application for the erection of 18no dwellings including access.
16/0143 Land adjacent to Garth Cottage, Thurstonfield – erection of 1No. dwelling (reserved matters application pursuant to outline application permission 15/0478)
To consider permission notices received:- None received.
10. Clerks Report
Actions resulting from the last meeting included:-
NEST Pension Scheme
Clerk to report on difficulties experienced in dealing with HMRC.
Summer Play Scheme
Provisional dates of Monday 1st August & Monday 22nd August booked – subject to the success of external funding applications being submitted, the results of which should be known in early July.
11. Village Matters
11.1 Oughterby – Deed of Easement
To agree the terms of the easement and approval of additional fees of £100 to register the deed with the Land Registry.
11.2 Community Website
To receive a report on progress.
12. Schedule of Correspondence, notices and publications
To note items of correspondence received since the last meeting:-
· Wigton Baths Trust – letter of thanks for donation received.
13. Councillor matters
An opportunity for Councillors to raise issues on behalf of residents in their ward.
Note: no decisions can be made on these matters but they may be placed on a future agenda of the Council
14. Date of next meeting – the next meeting is scheduled for Monday 11th July 2016 at Kirkbampton village hall.