2017 Personal Income Tax Return Checklist
Name:Phone Number:
Email Address:
Assessable Income
Indicate the type of income you received during the 2016/2017 financial year and attach any supporting documents.
Salary Income (including group certificates and PAYG Summaries) / Yes / No
Social Security/Centrelink Income (attach statements) / Yes / No
Austudy / Yes / No
Pension / Yes / No
Other Payments
Dividend Income – Imputation Credits/Details of Bonus Share Issues / Yes / No
Trust and Partnership Distribution (including Managed Funds) / Yes / No
Interest Income / Yes / No
Capital Gains on sale of assets (cost price, sale price, date of purchase and sale) / Yes / No
Rental Income (see attached rental schedule) – includes negatively geared foreign rental properties / Yes / No
Termination payments/unused annual leave or long service leave (including ETP Group Certificate/PAYG Payment Summary or Statement of Termination Payment) / Yes / No
Allowances/Commissions / Yes / No
Overseas Income/Transactions / Yes / No
Superannuation/Annuity Pension (including Group Certificates/PAYG Payment Summaries) / Yes / No
Deductible Expenses
Indicate if any of the following deductions relate to you, and attach any supporting documents or relevant information.
Expenses incidental and relevant to employment
Self-education to maintain skills / Yes / No
Technical and trade journals / Yes / No
Home office expenses where home is used as business premises / Yes / No
If yes, how many hours per week?
Telephone expenses (work related) / Yes / No
If yes, what percentage is work use
Uniform/protective/compulsory clothing, purchase and laundering / Yes / No
Tools of trade, replacing and repairing / Yes / No
Union, professional or business association fees / Yes / No
Car Expenses
Make, model, engine capacity (cc) / Yes / No
If a logbook is kept, details of running expenses including fuel, repairs, rego, insurance, maintenance, log book business percentage / Yes / No
If no logbook is kept, estimate of work related kilometres travelled / klms
Travel Expenses – Business Related
Meals and accommodation / Yes / No
Airfares, taxi, train, bus, etc (provide your travel diary) / Yes / No
Other Deductible Expenses
Tax Agent fees (other than The MBA Partnership) / Yes / No
Donations / Yes / No
Income Protection Insurance / Yes / No
Tax Projects (Palandri, Sandalwood, Ecompos, Forestry Managed Investment Schemes)
Annual tax statements from the project manager / Yes / No
Separate loan statements from finance provider / Yes / No
Rebate Items
Indicate if any of the following items relate to you and attach any supporting documents.
Superannuation Contributions
Amount of personal superannuation contributions (excluding employer contributions) / Yes / No
Full Name of Fund:
Policy Number:
Superannuation contributions on behalf of your spouse / Yes / No
Private Health Cover
Private health insurance statement from your health fund / Yes / No
Maintenance of Dependents
Spouse and dependent’s incomes / Yes / No
Single or widowed parent / Yes / No
Medical expenses of taxpayer and family (includes disability aids, attendant care or aged care) (net of health fund and Medicare refunds) / Yes / No
Maintenance of your parents, spouse’s parents or invalid relative / Yes / No
Dependent children under 18 - provide name and DOB of each dependent / Yes / No
Child’s Name:
DOB: Male Female
Child’s Name:
DOB: Male Female
Child’s Name:
DOB: Male Female
Please indicate if any of the following items relate to you and attach any supporting documents.
HECS/HELP liability details (if any) / Yes / No
In 2016/2017 did you become/cease being a resident of Australia for tax purposes? / Yes / No
Indicate if any of the following items relate to you and attach any supporting documents.
Have you purchased a property during the year inclusive of your main residence? / Yes / No
If Yes please include:
Date of Purchase of Property
Legal Fees
Stamp Duty
Loan Statements
Details of Construction Costs
Approximate age of Property
EFT Details
To ensure a quicker refund, please provide your bank account details.
Account Number:
Account Name:
Rental Property Schedule
Property 1
Dates available for rent
(if not entire financial year)
Rental income
(attach agent’s statement)
Agent’s commission
Council rates
Strata levies/Body corporate fees
Bank fees
(provide loan statements)
Property 2
Dates available for rent
(if not entire financial year)
Rental income
(attach agent’s statement)
Agent’s commission
Council rates
Strata levies/Body corporate fees
Bank fees
(provide loan statements)
Line of Credit (B account bank statements)
Please write details of payments and deposits onto your bank statements and attach copies of all statements for 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017.
If this is the first year rented, please provide the following documents (if not already provided)
Loan application and borrowing fees
Depreciation schedule from Quantity Surveyor
Purchase contract (land and buildings)
Sale Contract (including commission and legals)
Has your property been refinanced in the 2017 financial year?
/ Yes / No
If yes, provide copies of bank statements for both loans and borrowing costs for the new loan.
Financial Planning
We encourage all clients to meet with one of our financial planners for a free consultation. This ensures you are receiving comprehensive advice. Would you like our Financial Planning team to contact you regarding -
Superannuation / Yes / No
Personal insurances / Yes / No
Lending or loan review / Yes / No
Leasing / Yes / No
Estate planning (Wills, etc) / Yes / No
Savings plan / Yes / No
Cash flow and budgeting / Yes / No
Retirement planning / Yes / No
Email your completed form and attachments through the client login on our website at www.mbapartnership.com.au or send to:
QLD Office NSW Office
Or, post to PO Box 10839, Southport BC QLD 4215 PO Box 6303, Tweed Heads South, NSW 2486
If you have any questions, call us on (07) 5557 8700.
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V6.0 06/2017