TUESDAY 6th December 2016


74/12/2016 PRESENT

Councillors Cllr J Orton (Co-Chairman) in the chair,P Isherwood (Co- Chairman), D Brown, Parish Clerk – M Matthews

75/12/2016 APOLOGIES

Apologies were received from Cllrs S Gibbs, G Penny and P Wallis and Cllr D Taylor (County Cllr)


77/12/2016 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: There were 13 members of the public present

All the members of the public were there to express their serious concerns about the planning application for the change of use of the buildings at Petty Close Farm. The concerns raised were as follows

  • The planning application lacked detail about what exactly was proposed on the site although it is believed to be a tyre recycling centre which would involve large lorries bringing and taking away the recycled product
  • Storage of the tyres before recycling and of the finished product creating an environmental eyesore in this very agricultural landscape. It would not be in-keeping with the locality
  • Fire risk to the product and throughout the process
  • Pollution from the process as there is no mains sewage on site and the site is on top of a hill so any effluent would flow into surrounding fields
  • Smell, together with the fire risk and possible pollution to 4 residential properties that lie within 20-30m of the site
  • Increased noise from the site as it is to be open 11 hours a day from Monday to Friday and 5.5 hours on a Saturday, all starting at 7.30am
  • Traffic along Church Lane and Long Lane. It was noted that Highways had not objected to the application. The parishioners agreed that access from the site on to Church Lane was not the problem. The problem was Church Lane itself. It is narrow and unfit for articulated lorries needed to bring in the tyres and it has a very sharp, blind bend within the village itself nearer the A52, by The Red House. Equally if access is via Long Lane the turn out from Church Lane on to Long Lane is at a blind summit. Traffic travels along Long Lane at speed as it is a straight road and large lorries would not be seen on the approach from Long Lane Village.
  • The state of Church Lane would become very dirty because the lorries would have to mount the verge when they met any passing vehicles as the road is so narrow.
  • The safety of parishioners as there is no pavement along most of Church Lane and there would be a danger from the passing lorries to the many pedestrians who use the lane for walking their dogs as there would be no safe refuge for them

Cllr JO explained that she had been in contact with the Amber Valley Planning Department about this. She commented that the planners will visit the site and consult with Severn Trent regarding possible pollution. However she further explained that planners are looking to increase diversity within rural communities and that heavy agricultural vehicles had previously used the site. She offered to ask the planners if they would meet members of the local community near the site.

Cllr PI commented that he felt industrial development on this scale was inappropriate in the countryside and suggested that all concerned parishioners wrote individually to Amber Valley Planning Department registering their objections, to their MP and to DCC Highways about the potential hazards of allowing this to go ahead.

It was resolved to refer the complaints to the Parish Council’s Planning representative, and with his approval, a formal objection could be made.

One of the above parishioners complained about the speed of the traffic on the A52 passing through Kirk Langley and the danger it posed to pedestrians and cars moving out on to the road. Cllrs explained what they had been trying to do over many years – all with no success. They recommended that all parishioners reported all accidents to the Police and as many as possible visited the Police van when it made its visit to Kirk Langley about every 6 weeks to complain about the situation.

Cllr DB also reported that a resident had tried to report a near miss to the Police in November. As neither the Police nor an Ambulance were called they said there was no need to log the incident. The resident explained why she wished them to log it and, after persuasion and with some reluctance, they did eventually so.

78/12/2016 POLICE MATTERS: There were no Police in attendance and no report had been forwarded.


No report had been forwarded by Cllr Taylor, the County Cllr.

The Borough Cllr, Cllr JO commented that procedure and advice must be followed when a Neighbourhood Plan is being drawn up or else it can easily be rejected.


The minutes of the last meeting on Tuesday 25th October 2016 were approvedby Cllrs PI and DB and signed.


a)It was noted that Howardson works were unable to support the Council’s request for a donation towards the Christmas tree

b)It was noted that the residents on Moor Lane by the bus stop had responded favourably to a request to cut their hedges back. Thanks were given to them for doing so.

c)Debris had been cleared on Moor Lane pavement adjacent to the allotments by DCC

d)Mark Williamson will repair the GBB sign when he does the fascia boards

e)The bus shelter adjacent to the Flagshaw Lane will be repaired although no time scale was given

f)The hedge from Brooklands to Hillside had still not been cut back. DCC had been alerted again

g)Broken signs had been reported to DCC – Poyser Lane and Flagshaw Lane signs and a warning ‘Bend’ sign on Flagshaw Lane was also hanging down


a)There is no fracking licensed in the Kirk Langley area at present

b)A letter of thanks from Margaret Watson was read out

c)The Council’s Insurers alerted us to our new ‘duty of fair presentation’ under The Insurance Act of 12.8.16

d)St Michael’s Church wrote to thank us for the services of the Community Pay Back Team and to ask if the churchyard could be considered when setting the Precept.


a, Applications

AVA / 2016 / 1110 Brun Farm View, Brun Lane Mr & Mrs W J Gibbs WITHDRAWN

Incidental storage area to be made into a games/hobby room

AVA / 2016 / 1162 6 Poles Rd, Kirk Langley Mr P Ascott WITHDRAWN

Non Material Amendment to AVA / 2015 / 1207

AVA / 2016 / 1068 Land at rear of No 12 Ashbourne Rd Mr P Holmes NO OBJECTION

Erection of new building to create 3 Retirement dwellings (This is contrary to the provisions of the Development Plan)

AVA / 2016 / 1137 Petty Close Farm, Langley Green Mr Henry Reed


Change of Use from light Industry/Storage and Distribution (B1/B8) to Mixed Use B1/B2/B8 including General Industry

AVA / 2016 / 1240 Town End Farm, Ashbourne Rd Mr Luke Naylor NO OBJECTION

Erection of single storey dwelling and widening of existing access

AVA / 2016 / 1250 56 The Cunnery Kirk Langley Mr & Mrs J HorsfieldNO OBJECTION

Proposed two storey extension to an existing dwelling

b, Decisions

AVA / 2016 / 0976 Longford House Church Lane Mr J Hawkins PERMITTED

Erection of two storey extension to accommodate Lounge and Study Room on ground floor and dressing room and bathroom on first floor

AVA / 2016 / 1062 Christmas Cottage, Church Lane Mr & Mrs Thompson PERMITTED

Two storey extension to back of cottage

c, General

It was resolved that a request by Cllr PI for a TPO on a mature ash tree in the field hedge to the rear on 14 Poles Road and another TPO on a mature sycamore tree in the road side hedge to the front of 18 Poles Road, both in Kirk Langley would be looked into.


a)Accounts for payment for December 2016

Cheque / Payable To / For / With Vat / Without Vat / Vat
100815 / N Neill / Batteries for Xmas Lights / £8.72 / £6.98 / £1.74
100816 / Fox GM & L Ltd / Final mowing / £73.44 / £61.20 / £12.24
100817 / M Matthews / Wages / Confidential
100818 / M Matthews / Expenses / £60.28 / £57.08 / £3.20
100819 / Meynell Langley Gardens / Xmas Tree and erection/clearance / £140.00 / £117.60 / £23.40

b)Section 106 money – Project Brief. It was resolved to defer this to the next meeting until all initial quotes were in

c)Confirmed meeting dates for 2017

Jan 17th, Feb 28th, April 11th, May 16th, June 20th, Aug 1st, Sept 12th, Oct 24th, Dec 5th


a)Neighbourhood Plan – approval for Neighbourhood Plan to proceed

-The Parish Council resolved to approve a Steering Committee to be established to develop a Neighbourhood Plan

-They resolved to allow the Steering Committee (SC) to have a page on the Council’s website providing they paid for it to be set up (£45+Vat = £54) . It was also resolved to clarify the position of claiming the Vat back with HMRC in relation to the Neighbourhood Plan

-They resolved to forward the SC a copy of the Council’s Financial Regulations which the SC have to adhere to

-The following Cllrs agreed to sit on the SC – PW, GP and PI/DB as a reserve

-The Cllrs resolved to allow the SC to use limited funds from the Parish Council Account while the group were establishing themselves prior to them applying for a grant. These costs are to be noted.

-The Cllrs resolved to forward the PC Meeting dates to enable the SC to set theirs just prior to the Council’s dates

-It was noted that the next meeting of the Steering Committee was to be on January 12th and it was agreed this should be held in the Village Hall

b)Defibrillator – it was resolved to defer this to the next meeting until Cllr SG was in attendance

c)Christmas Tree – It was noted the school had volunteered to make some decorations. It was resolved to decorate the tree on Wednesday 7th December at 9.30am


  • Circular 16/2016
  • Circular 17/2016 including National Salary Award (only national minimum wage increase)
  • Circular 18/2016

It was resolved that there was nothing in these that KLPC had to act on.


  • Neighbourhood Plan
  • Section 106 Project Brief
  • Tree Preservation Order
  • Defibrillator

88/12/2016 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: January 17th 2017 at 7.15pm

There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at 9.25pm


January 17th 2017