Who may nominate an associate faculty member?
Any full or part time MiraCosta College student currently enrolled in credit coursework at either the Oceanside or San Elijo campuses, or the Community Learning Center. Members of the Selection Committee are not eligible to nominate a faculty member.
Number of nominations?
Any student may nominate one associate faculty member. Any given associate faculty member may be nominated by more than one student.
Who is eligible to be nominated?
Any associate faculty member who has not been away on leave for more than one semester during the current academic year. Faculty who have won the award in the previous year are not eligible.
What is the deadline? Sunday, May 14, 2017 at midnight
2016 - 2017 Associate Faculty
2016 - 2017 Associate Faculty
2016 - 2017 Associate Faculty
1. Check the list of eligible nominees.
2. Complete the online nomination form for the category you want to submit for.
3. Remember the following guidelines:
· You MUST fill out a response for all of the three questions.
· In order not to hurt your nominee’s chances, give thoughtful consideration to each item and do not leave any question or item unanswered.
· Write a response to question one with no more than 300 words. Questions two and three require a short response of no more than 100 words each.
Each nominee will be scored based on two categories: written response (20 points), number of nominations
(5 points).
Each written response will receive a portion of the total number of points.
Question One - 10 points
Question Two - 5 points
Question Three - 5 points
Category I: Written Response
Each written response to the three questions will be evaluated on the criteria below. Each individual criterion is worth one point.
Question One - Overall Impression - (10 points)
A. Instructor is able to connect classroom learning to the outside world
B. Instructor demonstrates genuine interest in students and their welfare
C. Instructor builds connections beyond the classroom, on and off campus
D. Instructor participates or promotes student activities (field trips, AS, clubs, on-campus activities, student-sponsored events)
E. Student conveys overall respect for instructor
F. Instructor maintains high academic expectations of students
G. Student recommends instructor to another student
H. Participation in instructor’s class has enriched student's life
I. Student demonstrates enthusiasm for nominee by submitting a typed or neatly written nomination packet
J. Instructor supports students in their efforts to succeed
Question Two - Teaching Style (5 points)
A. Teaching style is charismatic
B. Teaching style is creative and inspires student's curiosity
C. Lectures engage student’s in the learning process
D. Content of lectures reflects quality information and preparation
E. Instructor demonstrates academic excellence by being current and well-versed in discipline
Question Three – Student - Instructor Interaction (5 points)
A. Instructor encourages discussion, expression of viewpoints, and questions when appropriate
B. Instructor listens to students in order to monitor understanding of course material
C. Instructor is accessible for consultation (office hours, email, etc.)
D. Instructor is able to address student questions
E. Exams and assignments appropriately measure student comprehension of course material
Category II: Number of Nominations
Nominees will receive points based on the number of nominations received using the following matrix:
1-2 nominations = 1 point
3-4 nominations = 2 points
5-6 nominations = 3 points
7-8 nominations = 4 points
9+ nominations = 5 points
Last Name First Name
Accomando / John
Adams / Diane
Adao / Melissa
Adkins / Dhyana
Adkins / Jason
Afzali / Abdy
Agatha / Rachelle
Aguilar / Eduardo
Aki / Charles
Alessi / Anna-Marie
Allanmeyer / Kathryn
Allen / Anita
Allen / Sherri
Allyn / Robin
Andersen / Andre
Anderson / Shane
Anderson / Terez
Applegate / Lauren
Arevalos / Arturo
Ariadne / Patricia
Armenta / John
Arnaud / Daniele
Arnold / Siobhan
Assaderaghi / Farhad
Astarita / Alice
Baca / Margarita
Bader / Elissa
Bairstow / Ingrid
Baker / Troy
Balahadia / Joan
Bale / Veronica
Barbera / Amithy
Barnett / Jeffery
Barragan / Miguel
Basile / Tammy
Bateson / Avra
Batterson / Barbara
Bautista / Rex
Beal / Regina
Bean / Gregory
Beatty / Nancy
Beck / Sara
Behling / Erin
Bell / Dawn
Bender / Gary
Berger / Lisa
Bisceglia / Brett
Blackmon / Lyle
Blankenship-Williams / Lesley
Blevins / Darielle
Blundell / Stephanie
Bolaski / Amy
Boldt / Dianne
Boorboor / Mehdi
Boss / Robert
Bradley / Jeffrey
Brady / Kristine
Braman / Jayne
Branson / Leslie
Breckon / Jerry
Briggs / Shane
Brown / Daniel
Brown / Karen
Brown / Susan
Brown / Valerie
Brownell / Douglas
Bryant / Gabriela
Bulis / Ryan
Burke / Darlene
Burke / Kevin
Burns / Kelly
Burns / Lisa
Burns / Sarah
Busken / Timothy
Buyanin / Alexander
Byron / Michael
Cantu / Julia
Carey / Giana
Carlin / James
Caro / Francis
Carr / Frederica
Carr / Shana
Carrubba / Joanne
Castaneda / Gary
Castle / Jenna
Cemo / James
Chaffin-Quiray / Garrett
Chamberlain / Robert
Chan / Keith
Chang / Synthia
Chang / Wan-Chin
Charnholm / Lisa
Chirra / Joseph
Choi / Min
Christopher / Randall
Clark / Kelly
Coats / Kristine
Coe / William
Cole / Alan
Cole / Jonathan
Collins / Melissa
Conahan / Patrick
Concors / Suzanne
Congleton / Carol
Connelly / Gary
Conrey / Melissa
Contos / Nicole
Contreras / Cesar
Contreras / Julian
Corcoran Jr / Kevin
Cordero / Karla
Cordova / Cynthia
Corey / Amy
Cornish / Randall
Cortez / Samuel
Cota / Lucas
Cottam / Julie
Coull / Mariann
Cozad / Ronald
Craig / Rebecca
Craigwell / Joan
Cratty / William
Crum / Jason
Curran / Caryn
Curtiss / Wendy
Dalton / Olivia
Damato / Katharyn
Daniels / Michael
Davies / Chad
Davis / Ashley
Davis / John
Davis / Vincent
Dawley / William
Dean Jr / Donald
DeAngelo / Donald
Deardurff / Debra
Dela Cruz / Angelito
DeLaRosa / Gabriel
DeMeo / Rachele
Demsky / Jeffrey
Derix / Clifford
Diaz / Andrew
Diaz / Carina
Dinckan / Gulay
Diokno / James
Diskin / Dawn
Dobelis / Kara
Doherty / Matthew
Dohr / Ayumi
Dolce / Craig
Donze / Erich
Dorner / Meredith
Doud / Michael
Douglass / Denise
Dow / Helena
Drangmeister / Laura
Drasco / Mitchell
Drecun-Cox / Aleksandra
Du / Thanh
Dubinin / Svetlana
Duffield / Kari
Duralde / Maria
Eacott / Erica
Eastmond / Daniel
Eggleton / Joshua
Eggleton / Xuchi
Elg / Thomas
Eliopoulos / Nicholas
Ericksen / Linda
Etemad / Said
Facey / Martin
Falero / Roberto
Farmer / LeAnne
Farouq / Zakia
Fatseas / Ellen
Faulk / Claudia
Faulkner / Sarah
Faust / Alexis
Fazio-DiBenedetto / Donna
Featherstone / Victoria
Ferreirae / Kerry
Ferreria / Christopher
Firouzian / Shahram
Fisher / Kaitlin
Fitzpatrick / William
Fontana / Erica
Foster / Eric
Fox / Beverly
Fox-Moore / Renee
Frazin / Alexander
Freedman / Andrew
French / Jenessa
Fryszman / Olga
Fusco / John
Gallagher / Alice
Garbanati / Dennis
Garcia / Michelle
Garza / Jessica
Gebara-Lamb / Maha
Genack / Chester
Gibbons / Gale
Gilroy / Frances
Gleason / Bonnie
Goeltzenleuchter / Brian
Golemo / Karl
Gomes / Carolyn
Gomez-Carlsson / Maria
Graboi / Julie
Gray / Ryan
Gray-Adams / Grace
Green / Jack
Gregg / Kimberly
Gregory / Eric
Griffin / Genevieve
Guerrero / Luis
Guimond / Kimo
Gutierrez / Sonia
Ha / Wesley
Haavig / David
Haavig / Lisa
Hackett / Joan
Haeger / France
Haisten / David
Hajiha / Hamed
Hammer / Bonnie
Hanley / Anne
Hanlon / Lindsay
Hansen / Darlene
Hanson / Cynthia
Hao / Chong
Hargas / Gail
Hargrove / Linda
Harris / Brian
Harris / Kai
Hartley / Patricia
Hartman / Hillary
Hawley / Lynn
Headley / Cynthia
Helvig / Diane
Hepburn / Bonnie
Hernandez / Kelly
Hernandez / Robert
Herrick / Jane
Hershman / Jonathan
Hetrick / Kyle
Hill / Amanda
Hirano / Conrad
Holland / Anne
Holmes / Christine
Holthaus / Tamara
Homer / Shelli
Hoopes / Margaret
Horner / Amanda
Humaciu / Matthew
Huppenbauer / Sandra
Huyck / Kristen
Jackson / Michael
Jackson / Theresa
Jackson-Nevis / Alexandra
Jacobs / Alyssa
James / Jill
James / Michele
Jankovic / Teresa
Jenkins Dallas Orr / Lisa
Jennings / Tamrah
Johnson / Christina
Johnson / Donna
Johnson / Jody
Jones / Cory
Jones / Sandra
Kalescky / Don
Kalish / Amanda
Kashyap / Nirmala
Kay / Will
Kelley / Gregory
Kemp Lopez / Diane
Kennedy Hartensveld / Erin
Kenney / Nora
Kenyon / Karen
Keough / Karen
Khalil / Alexander
Khan / Azim
Khorshid / Lamia
King / Joseph
Kinseth / Matthew
Kirby / Michael
Kissinger / Kelly
Klein / Marti
Klingbeil / Candice
Knapp / Elizabeth
Knittel / Rebecca
Kolonko / Kenneth
Kolt / Thomas
Komancheck / Janice
Kramer / Alexis
Kriebel / Amanda
Krupinski / Lawrence
Kyes / Margret
Lackkaty / Sou
Lai / Otto
Larson / Janette
Lasater / Lisette
Layne / Theresa
Lederman / Barry
Lee / Annie
Lee / Herman
Lee / Jaeryoung
Lee / Melissa
Leste / Adam
Lewallen / Clayton
Lewis / David
Lewis / Kevin
Libertino / Daniel
Lievense / Lisa
Ligorsky / Debra
Lindgren / Elise
Lister-Haynes / Laurie Jeanne
Lo / Jacqueline
Loomis / Patrice
Lopez / Mayra
Lopez / Sarah
Lopez-Mercedes / Jose
Loughrey / Elaine
Love / Donald
Lovejoy / Nina
Lu-Anderson / Doris
Lundquist / Irene
Lynch / Michael
Macasaet / Katrina
Macfarlane / Elke
MacLean / Carolyn
Magargal / Kelli
Magliocchi-Byrnes / Carmela
Maloney / Jason
Manger / Amanda
Manning / Thomas
Mansfield / William
Mansour / Daoud
Marbey / Debra
Mariscal / Apolinar
Mariscal / Eduardo
Marovich / Leslie
Marques / Donna
Martin / James
Martin / Leslie
Martinez / May-Ling
Martinez / Melissa
Marzoni / Justine
Matthews / Jessica
McCarthy / Stacy
McCoy / Kerry
McCrary Kambourakis / Kristie
McCune / Barbara
McDermott / Terri
McDonald / Linda
McGuinness / John
McLean / Timothy
McMahan / Elan
McMahon / Sean
McNeal / Cyndi
McPherson / Barbara
Mehlhoff / David
Mellinger Jr / Richard
Mencel-Takeuchi / Shoko
Mendoza / Paulino
Mercado / Serena
Merrill / Christopher
Merson / Yvonne
Messina / John
Meyers / Emily
Micelli / Heather
Miller / Garrett
Milstein / Louis
Minikel / Carrie
Moberly / Jan
Moebest / Willard
Moezzi / Saied
Mogil / Blaine
Mohareri / Ali
Molina / Joseph
Montagna / Katie
Moore / Christine
Moore / Duncan
Moore / Estrellita
Moore / Josephine
Moore / Veronica
Morente / Desmond
Morgan / Mary
Mulholland / Michele
Muller / Gabriela
Mullins / Larry
Muresan / Branden
Navo / Christopher
Nealon / Denise
Nelipovich / Jill
Nelson / Nicole
Neubauer / Eric
Neumann / Sharla
Niuatoa / Amber
Noguez de la Cerda / Juan
Nugent / Kristina
Nyman / Albert
Oberg Garcia / Anjeanette
O'Brien / Rosemarie
Ocampo / Maria
Oconnor / Christina
Odom / Michelle
O'Donnell / Megen
Olejnik / Loralee
Olson Bermudez / Laura
Olszova / Daniela
Orloff / Mai
Ornelas / Cory
Oropesa / Andrew
Osborne / Philip
Osborne Jr / Arcelon
Overman / Rita
Owens / Cara
Paciorek / Laura
Packard / Carrie
Page / Brian
Pain / Elizabeth
Panik / Michelle
Papera / Kathryn
Pappalardo / Alfred
Parker / Matthew
Parker / Tina-Marie
Patel / Kavita
Patman / Vanessa
Patton / Gillian
Paz / Rigoberto
Pearce / Sally
Pedroza / Rosana
Pelham / Jennifer
Pentek / Jozsef
Perkins / Allison
Perry / Bethanie
Pertler / Nicholas
Peterson / Lauren
Phillips / Judith
Pianowski / Joshua
Pickham / Kathleen
Pompa / Patricia
Poortenga / Debra
Potratz / Donna
Pratt / Tabitha
Prescott / Katharine
Preston / Judith
Proppe / Jean
Pynes / Susan
Quesnell / Iana
Quintenz-Fiedler / Amanda
Rahmani / Farideh
Rajah / Razia
Ramirez / Christian
Ramirez / Maricela
Ravanbaksh / Hossein
Rawleigh / Lori
Rector / Robert
Ree / Christina
Reeves / David
Reilly / Jeannie
Reyzer / Kendall
Riccitelli / Melinda
Richards / Anthony
Richer / James
Rivera / Juan
Roderick / Aubrey
Rodriguez / Jose
Rodriguez / Luz
Roethel / Katie
Rosskopf / Amy
Rostami-Brojerdi / Samira
Rothenhaus / Momoko
Rousseau / Michele
Russell / Leslie
Sachs / Robin
Sadeghipour / Farid
Salami / Bahman
Salazar / Katherine
Sallaberry / Clelia
Sauer / Frank
Saunders / Daniel
Savage / Leila
Saxe / Anne
Sayble / Debra
Sayre / Lisa
Scaduto / Provvidenza
Schneider / Heidi
Schubel / Kathryn
Schultz / Luisa
Schuster / Cindy
Scully / Kathleen
Selchau / Lisa
Selchau / Victor
Sexton / Doris
Shooshtary / Sam
Silva / Mariana
Silven / Naagen
Silverman / Bruce
Skalman / Aren
Skoda / Erin
Slomka / Catherine
Smiley / Jordyn
Smilo / Pamela
Smith / Evan
Smith / Jamie
Smith / Sean
Spencer / Jane
Sprague / Terry
Sproul / David
Stambach / Scott
Stark / Heather
Stehly / Alysha
Stoffer / Philip
Stoner / Carla
Strickland / Christopher
Strong / Maria
Suarez / Randi
Sullivan / Patricia
Swift / Kenneth
Taccone / Albert
Talbergs / Joy
Tamrakar / Sama
Tamura / Katrina
Tapia / Minerva
Taylor / Lisa
Taylor / Scott
Terry / Melvin
Thomas / Erin
Thompson / Jessica
Thompson / Kevin
Thompson / Kyle
Thompson / Sara
Thornhill / Mark
Thuleen / Nancy
Tiffany / Bridget
Toomey / Christopher
Townsend / Hiroko
Trang / Vi
Traugh / Steven
Treptow / Rosa
Trousset / Antonio
Trousset / Nicole
Trudel / June
Trzos / Thomas
Van Nostran / Melissa
van Wolferen / Michelle
Vanags / Patricia
VanPelt / Kathleen
Vargas / Edwin
Vargas / Olivia
Vazquez Paramio / Silvia
Vela Che / Christian
Velazquez / Kimberly
Vera / Stacey
Viersen / Alan
Villane / Florene
Vinci / Robyn
Wadeson / Cheryl
Walcutt / Johnny
Walker / Brandi
Walker / Rosanna
Walker / Tina
Walker-Pinneo / Amy
Ware / Mark
Warner-Saadat / Valencia
Warren / Krista
Waszak / Carmen
Weaver / Elise
Weinberg / Sadie
Weirather / Anna
Welch-Scalco / Rhonda
West / Clayton
West / Janelle
Westlake / Omaida
Wheatley / Allyson
Whitbread / Brian
White / David
Whitfield / Kevin
Whiting / Michael
Whitney / Tracey
Whittinghill / Erin
Wiemann / Torsten
Wilcox / David
Wilkinson / Jason
Wilkinson / Sean
Williams / Christopher
Williams / Edwina
Williams / Jason
Williams / Marla
Williams / Robert
Williamson / Gary
Williford / Amy
Wiltshire / Jeremie
Wolfe / William
Wolpov / Hoang-Thuong
Wong / Wallace
Woo / Mary
Wood / Syndee
Woodard / John
Wright / Kristen
Yager / Melissa
Yamazaki / Katrina
Yan / Genevieve
Yerushalmian / Sara
Zahedani / Heydar
Zahedi / Shahrzad
Ziade / Elia
Zimmerman / Cynthia
Zimmerman / Delphine
Zimmerman / Frank
Zimmerman / Michael
Zyburt / Joseph
2016 - 2017 Associate Faculty