Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 9 October, 2013 at the Community Hall, Rydon Road, Kingsteignton at 7.00 pm
Chairman of the Committee: Councillor J Morris
Vice Chairman of the Committee: Councillor K Jones
Councillors: B Austen, L Foxwell, K Jones, R Peart
Ex Officio: Councillors: J Foxwell and C Meathrel
Admin Assistant: Mrs S Simmons
Also present for presentation of Security Quotes only: Mr D Woodward, Chubb Security, Mr C Hodges & Mr M Shearer, Tamar Security and Mr A Priddle, ADT Fire & Security.
80/13 Apologies
There were no apologies.
Absent without apologies: Cllr B Thorne
81/13 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
82/13 Security Quotes for decision
Mrs Simmons asked for all to listen to the individual quotes and ask any questions relevant. Mrs Simmons then introduced each companies’ personnel.
Presentations were made by the following companies:
Chubb Fire & Security – Mr David Woodward - £1,457.00 + VAT
Tamar Security - - Mr Chris Hodges & Mr Martin Shearer - £1509.64 + VAT
ADT Fire & Security – Mr Andrew Priddle - £2,201.65 + VAT
Cllr J Foxwell asked all to consider a discount.
After discussion of the above presentations and discounts taken into consideration, it was proposed by Cllr Morris to accept the Chubb Fire & Security Estimate No: 412983 @ £1,457.00 less 10% + VAT
Seconded by, Cllr Jones. All, in favour.
83/13 Minutes
Cllr Morris signed the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 11 September, 2013 which had been approved at the Full Council meeting.
84/13 Capital Projects
Cllr J Foxwell suggested, possible store room conversion to toilets, if we can obtain further funding to support it.
Cllr Meathrel asked if eco systems were going to be considered and could we apply to the Lottery.
85/13 Committee Budget 2014/2015
Cllr J Foxwell proposed to set the budget at £5,000 and ring fence £2,000.00 from this, for possible conversion to toilets.
Seconded by, Cllr Meathrel. All, agreed.
86/13 Budget for Winter Plants – Hall & Fountain
Cllr Morris proposed £200 for winter flowers for the above locations. Seconded by, Cllr Austen. All agreed.
87/13 Christmas Lights
After discussions it was proposed by Cllr Morris to erect two trees as normal on the toilets wall at the Fountain, as previous years, with stronger fixings and for new lights to be purchased. Seconded by, Cllr J Foxwell. All, agreed.
Cllr Morris also proposed for Mrs Simmons to get quotes for an waterproofed outside socket to be put in for use outside the community hall. Seconded by, Cllr L Foxwell. All, agreed.
Cllr Meathrel has agreed to look into supplying some outdoor icicle lights for the Community Hall, if affordable.
Cllr Morris said ‘Thank You’ to Cllr Meathrel.
88/13 New Boiler Quote approved
Mrs Simmons read a report from the Town Clerk, Mrs C Lakin to advise that the current boiler has been in place since it was installed when the Community Hall was built in 1985. We have been advised that a new boiler would be more efficient and with the current increases that have been incurred on our last statement from British Gas, any monetary and energy savings that can be made, must be considered.
· R Andrews & Son – Supply & fit: £4165.00 + VAT
· British Gas – Supply & fit: £3,458.39 + VAT
· Wemco – Supply & fit: £3,491.36 + VAT
After discussion by all and advice from Cllrs Jones and Peart for their recommendations on types of boiler, it was proposed by Cllr Meathrel to accept the British Gas Quote, Project Reference: 1932807/JS/23/0913. Seconded by, Cllr Morris. All, in favour.
89/13 Car Park Update
Councillors’ were advised that the letter had been distributed through Rydon Primary Schools Newsletter in September, 2013.
Cllr Morris said that we must continue to be persistent in asking for Mrs Sally Maunders support in newsletters.
Cllr Morris suggested a sign be put up to say ‘Please consider the safety of the children in this car park’.
Cllr J Foxwell asked if we can have a new sign at the front of the building to change from the Parish Council to the Town Council. All agreed.
90/13 Children’s Christmas Party
Cllr J Foxwell advised of his intentions to hold a Children’s Christmas Party, but after discussion of entertainment and costings it was decided that the party would not be held in 2013.
Cllr Morris asked all to agree that the party would not proceed this year and it would be considered for Christmas 2014 to be arranged by the Council and a lot less cost. All, agreed.
91/13 Fountain Re-surfacing Update
Cllr J Foxwell updated that contractors, Dawnus, have agreed to remove and dispose of the existing surfacing and flower beds and shrubs, then re-surface with green tarmac and leave us with a blank canvas to fix seating, bins, planters etc.
A local award winning artist, Laura Wall has agreed to paint a mural on Redmaynes wall, with an anti-vandal coating on it. The aim of the mural would be to promote Oakford Lawn.
New shrubs & plants could be planted in a newly designed area.
Costing will be approx.. £10,000.00 which Cllr J Foxwell will start looking for grants to fund it.
Cllr Morris re-iterated that prior to arranging any of the above work to be done, that it needs to be presented and approved by DCC and that when designing of the area, Cllr Jones needs to bear in mind that we need a shaded area for people to rest in, on hot sunny days.
Cllr Morris advised that this is just a first stage to this project and proposed to defer this item until further notification in the New Year, 2014 and for the project to be considered by Full Council. All agreed.
92/13 Bills for Payment
There were no bills for payment.
93/13 Correspondence for Information
Ø Cycle Stand for Community Hall – installation of the cycle stand is planned for Monday 4 November, 2013.
The meeting closed at 9:39 pm
Signed:…………………………………………… Dated:………………………