Turpin Band Boosters Mtg.- Mon. Nov. 6, 2017

Meeting called to order by Booster President– Tina Arvizu welcomed all to new band room and presented Mr. Wesche with a gift for his new son Carter Graham Wesche

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Previous meeting minutes were APPROVED

TREASURER’S REPORT: Tom Kaylor noted there are no expenses for the fundraiser yet so total will go down when the bill for the cookie dough comes in. The ”band trip expense” line item is newly broken out from “band equipment and expenses” for better tracking, but is not a new expense. Cash Flow Report was APPROVED.


Shaun Day:

Jazz will begin on Wednesday (Jazz Lab) and Thursday (Jazz Ensemble) this week. It is exciting to have two very full jazz groups – many students participating. Jazz Ensemble (audition group) will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:30-3:30, Jazz Lab (open participation group) will practice on Wednesdays 2:30-3:30.

Joe Wesche :

This is our first day in the new room! Note the new instrument lockers, paid for by the district $35,000, will be moving in the instruments on Wednesday. Still need shelving for the storage rooms. Hoping for additional sound panels in the band room. The new room is just big enough for indoor percussion rehearsals.

There will be a trip meeting next Wednesday, 11/15 at 6:30pm run by the travel company for students and parents. Students will not miss any school for the trip, will be leaving Tuesday, 11/21 in the evening.

Pep band schedule for basketball will be sent out Thursday. Students are broken into 3 groups and each group attends 3 games. Groups are divided by instrument, so students can trade games within their section if they have a conflict with an assigned game.

Indoor Percussion will be a combined group with Anderson again this year. Many advantages to using the talent and resources from both schools and the students wanted to do a combined group. Winter Guard will continue to be Turpin only due to size restrictions (we max out the size limit with just our own guard.)

Getting ready for the trip, the December concert, indoor groups, and moving is keeping everyone very busy.


Afterprom: Kristie Breen, Kathy Carroll, Trish Weiper, Rachel Howell, & Michelle Wilhite (Thank you!)

After Prom theme “BE APPY” – Cafeteria theme Uber Eats

Band Blast: Michael Wilhite & Diana Lindquist

Donation request letters will go out in January

Band Camp:

Chaperone Coordinator: Justine Jones

FHIMA Rep: Kristen Gygi

Band Expo recap meeting next week. FHIMA is reporting income of $9500 for B.E. up $1500 from last year. Parents noted more collaboration from Turpin parents who did not realize how much work went into the event.

Fundraising: Connie Feick

Delivery on 11/16. Please make sure students pick up their orders at the end of parade practice that day.

Hospitality: Karen Schofield

Membership:Karen Schofield & Board

Props Crew: Alisa Lambert

Publicity: Kay Ann Rutter

Spirit Wear: Karen Schofield

Sunshine: Tina Arvizu

Senior Night (Football Game): Rebecca Brinkmiller & Suzette Browne

Senior Awards Night/Senior Plaques: Rebecca Brinkmiller & Kristie Breen

Uniforms: Debbie Klenk

Yard Signs: Mike Brinkmiller


Trunk or Treat – Connie Feick & Kimberly Proffitt – Great weather and participation!

Senior Night – Went well despite on the fly changes due to weather. Auditorium was nice for pictures.

Nagel Night – Cancelled due to rain. Will look for alternate activity to include 8th graders.

Band Expo – see above


Final payment for trip was due 10/31

Cookie dough delivery 11/16 after practice

Winter Concert Food Drive – chairperson and volunteers needed to collect can goods at concert on 12/12

Trip meeting 11/15 see above

Next Meeting: Monday, December 4, 2017, 7:00pm

PLEASE CHECK for Calendar Updates