Kings Road School



Parents and Students


Table of Contents

·  Our School Vision

·  Directory of Faculty and Staff

·  Important Contact Information

·  Arrival and Dismissal

* School hours

* Drop-off/Pick-up

* Crossing guards

* parking

·  Parking Lot/Transportation

·  Single-Session Days

·  Absence

·  Tardiness

·  Emergency Closing

* School closing

* delayed opening

* Early dismissal

·  Visiting KRS

·  Lunch and Recess

·  Playground Safety

·  Dress Code

·  Homework

·  Helpful Websites

·  School Code of Conduct/School Rules

·  Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Board of Education Policy

Information on the Anti-Bullying Law is on the Madison School District Website.

*Additional policies can be found on the Madison School District website under the Board of Education tab.

Our School Vision

Our vision at Kings Road School is to provide an inclusive and caring learning community where individuals are encouraged to express their intellectual curiosity and creative thinking. Children are taught to be independent citizens who accept responsibility for their learning and

actions, in school and in society. In partnership with home and

community we work toward developing respect and tolerance for all.

Directory of Faculty and Staff

Spanish Teachers (Grades 3-5)

Mrs. Kathleen Koop – Principal

Mrs. Ann Guzewicz – Secretary

Mrs. Kathleen Giordano – School Nurse

Mrs. Nancy Novack – District Anti-Bullying Specialist

Mrs. Megan Figarella– Guidance Counselor/Elementary Anti-Bullying Specialist


Mrs. Sally Lembo

Kindergarten Wraparound

Ms. Danielle Cohen

First Grade

Mrs. Jessica Yurecko

Mrs. Victoria Koehler

Second Grade

Mrs. Katherine Goodbread

Mrs. Erin Brown

Mrs. Danielle Scocca

Third Grade

Mrs. Gina Sloginski

Miss Sara Kolesar

Mrs. Rebecca Sullivan

Fourth Grade

Miss Shelly Lang

Mrs. Laurie Schaefer

Fifth Grade

Mrs. Julia Nicolette

Mrs. Susan Adamo

Mrs. Kellie Kontozoglus

Ms. Miguelina Dunne

Ms. Ingrid Arosemena

Special Education Teachers

Mrs. Erin Logue Miss Kelly Hoekstra

Miss Lisa Richardson Mrs. Debbie Mantone

Mrs. Susan Light Mrs. Elizabeth Santoro

Reading Specialist – Mrs. Joanne Sims

Basic Skills

Mrs. Beverly DeFabis

Child Study Team

Mrs. Fawn McCauley

Physical Education

Mr. Angelo Abbondandolo


Mrs. Stephanie Nessar


Mrs. Stephanie Nessar


Mr. Michael Watson


Ms. Jaclyn Layman

Mrs. Laurie Quinlin

Mr. Matthew Rossi


Mr. Joe Sakala

Mrs. Bertha Matthews

Mr. Troy Johnson

Instructional Assistants

Mrs. Debbie Mills Mr. Anthony Finn Speech Therapist

Mrs. Madeline Kelleher Mrs. Roberta Stephens

Mrs. Diane Bennett Mrs. Toscia Santoro

Ms. Carlene Fook-Kinsale Mrs. Janine Heyrich

Mrs. Lisa Price Mrs. Roxanne Rudy

Mrs. Terri Gallagher Ms. Tara Alberse Occupational Therapist

Mrs. Theresa Feron

Faculty and staff may be contacted by calling the school office or via email (teacher’s last name, first initial Example:

Important Contact Information

Kings Road School


Phone …...... 973 – 593 - 3178

Fax ...... 973 – 966 – 1927

Mailing Address

Kings Road School

215 Kings Road

Madison, NJ 07940

Madison Board of Education

Phone 973-593-3100

Mailing Address

Woodland Avenue

Madison, NJ 07940

Superintendent of Schools

Dr. Michael Rossi


Director of Curriculum and Instruction

Mr. Matthew Mingle

973 – 593- 3111

Director of Special Services

Mrs. Nancy Novack

973 – 593 – 3153

District Anti-Bullying Specialist

Mrs. Nancy Novack

973 – 593 – 3153

Elementary Anti-Bullying Specialist Mrs. Megan Figarella 973-593-3149

District Website

Arrival and Dismissal

·  Our school day begins at 8:30 a.m. Please do not drop your child off before 8:20 a.m. as there is no supervision available prior to that time.

·  Students should line up with their classmates at the designated locations on the blacktop to wait for the bell to ring. Students should enter the school building through the primary and secondary doors located off the blacktop. Kindergarteners enter through the front entrance.

·  Classes begin promptly at 8:40 a.m. Please make every effort to have your child at school on time.

·  If your child does arrive late or must leave early, please sign him/her in or out in the school office.

·  Dismissal is at 3:15 p.m. Please be prompt in picking up your child. No child should be playing on school property after school hours unless under the supervision of a parent/guardian.

·  Students in grades 4 – 5 may ride bicycles to school. Bicycles must be walked on school grounds and locked in one of the bicycle racks. Students must wear helmets.

·  For students who walk to school, crossing guards will assist them between 8:00 - 8:45 a.m. and 3:00 -3:45 p.m. Crossing guards are posted at the following intersections:

o  Kings Rd and Samson Ave

o  Kings Rd and Seaman St

o  Kings Rd at the parking lot entrance (also between 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.)

o  Main St and Seaman St

o  Woodland Rd and Union Hill Rd.

·  On days of rainy or inclement weather, students are to go to their class’s assigned location within the school and wait for the bell to ring.

Kindergarten Hours

A.M. session 8:30 a.m. – 11:25 a.m. P.M. session 12:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.

Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures

·  Do not park your car in front of the school during drop-off and pick-up times. This is very important because a parked car will delay the entire line of cars.

·  At dismissal, please do not get out of your vehicle to locate your child. If you leave your car unattended, it will delay the line.

·  Please communicate the arrival and dismissal procedures to any person transporting your child.

·  Please be patient and wait your turn in the morning drop-off line! It really
does flow more smoothly and safely when arriving cars just wait for those
leaving to move along before moving forward to drop off children. Cars that
try to cut-in as spaces ahead open up (or appear to) only tie up the line
and create unsafe situations.

·  At drop-off time, please have your child leave your vehicle as quickly as possible. Place your child’s backpack and school items with your child or within easy reach, so everything can be taken out quickly.

·  Vehicles dropping off children, must pull up to the drop off zone between
the orange cones and the right (western) edge of school grounds.

·  Please wait patiently as the children exit the cars ahead of you and do not
pass cars ahead of you.

·  For safety reasons, dropping off across the street from the school is

·  Please use crosswalks and obey the direction of the crossing guard.

Parking at Kings Road School

·  The KRS Parking lot is reserved for faculty and staff ONLY.

·  There are designated spaces for visitors immediately to your right after you enter the school parking lot.

·  Parents should drop off their students at the entrance to the parking lot. Students must walk on the sidewalk.

·  Please obey all posted street signs and markings. On the south side of Kings Road, on either side of the school driveway, there is a Drop-Off/Pick-up Zone only. You may not leave your car unattended during commute hours (7:30-9:30 a.m. and 2:30-4:30p.m.).

·  There is no parking permitted on the north side of Kings Road between Bruns Street and Seaman Street. There is parking available on Bruns Street, Seaman Street, and Kensington Road, as well as on both sides of Kings Road east of Seaman Street.

Single Session Days

On single session days, the school day for grades 1-5 is as follows:

8:30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.


A.M. session 8:30 – 10:30

P.M. session 10:45 – 12:45


·  Please notify the school each day that your child is absent.

·  Phone the Absentee Hotline at 973 593-3178 and press prompt number 1 between 6:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. leave a message with the following information:

o  Your child’s name

o  Your child’s teacher

o  The reason for your child’s absence

o  If your child has a fever

To speak to the nurse directly, please call 973 593-3178 and press prompt number 3.

·  When your child returns to school, please send in a note to your child’s teacher stating the reason for the absence.


It is very important that your child arrive to school on time. For unexcused tardiness, the student will receive a warning for the first time and for any other time after that, the student will stay in for recess as a consequence.

Emergency Closings

Inclement weather or other situations may result in cancellation of school, delayed opening or early dismissal.

School Cancellation

Information regarding school cancellations will be communicated via:

Madison School District homepage:

Honeywell Instant Alert System – Information is on the next page.

Honeywell Instant Alert® for Schools
Parent User Interface

Website URL:

Minimum Requirements

Register and create your account

  1. Go to the Honeywell Instant Alert for Schools website listed above.
  2. If you are not a staff member in the school, click on ‘Parent’ in the New User box.
  3. If you are a staff member in the school, use the user name and password given to you by the school.
  4. Complete the student information form. Click ‘Submit.’
  5. Complete the corresponding screen. Click ‘Submit.’
  6. After receiving the Confirmation message, click ‘Proceed’ to get started with Instant Alert.
  7. Note: Remember your Login Name and Password so you may use it to update your profile.

View and check details about yourself and your family members

  1. Upon successful login, click on ‘My Family.’
  2. Click on a parent name to view and edit parent details.
  3. Click on a student name to view details about your children enrolled in this school.

Configure alert settings for yourself

  1. Click on ‘Alert Setup.’
  2. Click on the check boxes to select which alert type you would like to have sent to which device. Click on ‘Save’ when complete.
  3. If you would like to add another contact device, select the device type and enter the device details. Select the person to whom the device belongs and click on ‘Add.’
  4. For e-mail, text messaging and pagers you may send yourself a test message. Click on ‘Send Test Message’ to send yourself a message.

Additional Functions

View History of Alerts

Click on ‘Alert History’ to view Alerts that have been sent to you. Use the calendar icons and ‘Alert Type’ list to filter the Alerts.

Identify key contacts for your children

  1. Click on ‘Other Contacts.’
  2. Click on ‘Add New Contact’ and complete the form.
  3. Click on the ‘Pick Up Rights’ check box if you wish to allow this person the right to pick up your child from school. This person’s name will appear on a report for the school.
  4. Click on ‘Save’ when complete.
  5. If you would like this person to receive Alerts from the school, return to the ‘Alert Setup’ page to configure this person’s alert settings.

For Assistance:

Delayed Openings

In case of a delayed opening, there will be a two-hour delay. The following school hours are in effect:

Grades 1-5

Arrival 10:30 a.m.

Dismissal 3:15 p.m.


A.M session 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

P.M. session 1:25 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.

Early Dismissal In case of an early dismissal, students will be dismissed at 12:45p.m. Parents will be contacted by school representatives.

Visiting Kings Road School

·  In our commitment to ensure the safety of all students and faculty and to maximize instructional time, it is crucial that all visitors to the school sign in and wear a visitor’s badge.

·  If you are visiting KRS to volunteer or speak with your child’s teacher, please do the following:

o  Ring the front doorbell

o  Sign in at the office

o  Obtain and wear a visitor’s badge

o  Sign out when you leave

·  Instructional time is important. Please do not visit your child’s classroom throughout the day unless you have an appointment with the teacher. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter!

Lunch and Recess

·  Students in grades 1 – 3 have recess from 11:25 – 11:50 a.m. They eat from 11:50 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

·  Students in grades 4 – 5 have recess from 12:00 – 12:25 p.m. They eat from 12:25 – 12:50 p.m.

·  Students may bring their own lunch or they may purchase a school lunch, as well as milk and snacks.

·  Students have been issued a PIN number for food services so that they may access their account to purchase lunch. Money may be placed in the account periodically so that children do not have to carry money at school.

·  Every effort is made to let the children have an outside recess. Please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately. Students may play in the snow only if they have snow pants and boots. Gloves and hats are important in cold weather. Students will not go outside for recess on rainy days.

·  For inside recess, Grades 1-3 will have recess in the classroom under the supervision of their teacher from 11:25- 11:45 and will eat from 11:50 – 12:15 p.m. in the lunchroom. Grades 4-5 will have recess in the classroom under the supervision of their teachers from 12:00-12:20 p.m. and will eat from 12:20-12:50 p.m.

·  Cafeteria rules:

o  Stay in your seat.

o  Wait to be called to buy lunch and/or milk and snacks.

o  Use “indoor voices.”

o  Eat your lunch.

o  Clean up after yourself.

o  Be respectful.

o  Invite others to join you.

Playground Safety

“Have Fun. Play Safe”

In order to provide a safe and fun area to play, the following safety rules should be followed:

·  Students are not allowed to bring personal sports equipment or toys from home.

·  Students are not permitted to go past the playground to retrieve balls.

·  No picking up or throwing rocks, sticks, leaves, etc.

·  No fighting or inappropriate language

·  No climbing on walls

·  Do not play on or near trailer

·  Do not eat on the playground

·  Be kind

·  Include others in your game; don’t say, “You can’t play.”

·  No bullying!

·  Speak out against bullying

·  Exhibit good sportsmanship

Dress Code