Please fill out electronically where possible to avoid admin errors
Surname: Click here to enter text. / First Name: Click here to enter text.
Date of Birth: Click here to enter text. / Male: ☐Female: ☐
New Gymnasts Only
Has your gymnast ever been enrolled in another Australian Gymnastics Club (even if it was a long time ago)? Yes: ☐ No: ☐
If so, which club: Click here to enter text.
Parent/Guardian Name/s: Click here to enter text. / Postal Address: Click here to enter text.
Primary Phone Contact*:
*Please note: all administration correspondence is sent via email. Phone numbers are for emergency use only.
Click here to enter text. / Secondary Phone Contact*:
*Please note: all administration correspondence is sent via email. Phone numbers are for emergency use only.
Click here to enter text.
Email for General Correspondence:
Please provide an email address that is checked frequently as all club correspondence is sent via email
Click here to enter text. / Email for Invoices/Statements:
Click here to enter text.
Is the gymnast of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin?
(this is for data tracking purposes only)
Yes – Aboriginal ☐ Yes – Torres Strait Islander ☐ No ☐
I understand it is my responsibility to keep the club informed of any changes to my contact details: Yes ☐
Enrolment Information
What stream of gymnastics is your gymnast interested in (please tick)?
  • Kindy Gym (any age welcome but recommended for ages 18 months to 4 years)☐
  • Gym Fun (minimum age 5 years old in 2018) ☐
  • WAG or MAG Competition Stream (minimum age 6 years old in 2018) ☐
A detailed description of the different streams of gymnastics available at PCGC, what they involve and what your gymnast requires can be found on our website:

Gymnasts’ Medical History
(Note: All information is kept strictly confidential)
  1. Please provide details of any medical, physical or intellectual condition that may have a bearing on your child’s ability, safety or behaviour in class:
  2. Click here to enter text.

  1. Is your child on any medication that we should be aware of?
Yes: ☐ No: ☐
If yes, please provide details: Click here to enter text.
PCGC Enrolment Terms and Conditions
  1. I understand that my gymnast’s registration is valid until 31st December 2018 unless withdrawn earlier, in writing (email is fine) by a parent or guardian.
/ Yes: ☐
  1. I understand that my gymnast’s enrolment pays for their place in the class and that fees will be charged on a term by term basis until the end of the registration period or my gymnast’s registration is formally withdrawn in writing by a parent/guardian.
/ Yes: ☐
  1. I understand that by registering my gymnast I am agreeing to pay the following charges:
(i)My gymnast’s annual GWA Affiliation (new gymnasts may have ONE lesson before making payment)
(ii)Equipment Set Up Levy (payable each term to cover the cast of the daily outsourcing of gymnasium set up)
(iii)Term Fees (gymnastics tuition fees payable by week three of each term – less the gymnast’s deposit)
(iv)A Non-Refundable/Non-Transferable Term Deposit* at the end of terms 1, 2 and 3 to hold my gymnast’s place in their class for the following term
*Your statutory rights still apply. If changes are made to your gymnast’s class timetable after you have paid your deposit and your gymnast is no longer able to do gymnastics your deposit will be returned.
PCGC may also return a deposit on presentation of a medical certificate or in extreme personal circumstances. All applications must be made in writing to the PCGC Committee and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. / Yes: ☐
Yes: ☐
Yes: ☐
Yes: ☐
  1. I give permission for images of my child to be taken by a sanctioned photographer while participating in any Club activities. I consent for the images to be used for coaching, promotional and/or marketing purposes if required (Facebook, newspaper etc).
PCGC values parental permission and will ensure care is taken to not photograph gymnasts against parents’ wishes. Please ensure you advise us if your preference is NOT to have photographs of your children taken. / Yes: ☐ No: ☐
  1. I give my permission for my child to receive First Aid and emergency assistance (e.g. ambulance) in case of emergency and agree to pay such costs incurred.
/ Yes: ☐ No: ☐
  1. I understand that I may access my child’s personal information held by the Club upon request.
/ Yes: ☐ No: ☐
  1. I hereby declare that I understand and agree to abide by:
The above Enrolment Terms and Conditions
PCGC Codes of Conduct
PCGC Policies
Copies of the PCGC Codes of Conduct and Policies can be found on the club website at:

Please ensure you take the time to familiarise yourself with PCGCHandbook, Codes of Conduct and Policies / Yes: ☐
Yes: ☐
Yes: ☐
  1. Is there anything that you can do to help make our Club better?
For example:
  • Are you a talented sewer who may be able to help out with uniform repairs from time to time?
  • Do you have contacts in the clothing industry? (we are looking at sourcing new tracksuits soon)
  • Are you handy with tools and fixing stuff?
  • Are you a MYOB expert who may be able to assist our Treasurer from time to time?
  • Do you have gymnastics, dance / and or coaching experience that we may be able to call on one day?
  • Are you willing to come on board the committee and help provide future direction for our club?
Please list any hidden talents that we may be able to call upon here:
Click here to enter text. / Yes: ☐ No: ☐
  1. The information provided on this form is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and I undertake to advise the Club promptly of any changes that may occur.
/ Yes: ☐
Parent/Guardian Signature: Click here to enter text.
Date: Click here to enter text.

Please email this form to: will respond via your nominated email address.

Note: email is monitored up to 10 hours per week during term, less during holiday periods. Please don’t be concerned if you don’t receive an immediate response. Read receipts are a good idea.