Chapter 3: The Law of Sports Injury

Worksheet #1

Using your textbook, pgs.34-39, answer the following questions. You will see that the text refers to the coach quite often in this section. Please remember that anything that YOU do as a first responder in the coach's place puts you in the same situation.

  1. Inappropriate decisions and actions may ______and lead to ______.
  1. A study of high school coaches found what 2 findings?
  1. Describe the reasons Appenzeller (2000) found as why there has been an increase in lawsuits.







  1. They also describe some other factors such as:






  1. What is tort?
  1. In dealing with sports injury, who are some people that can be named in tort claims?
  1. What do tort claims generally try to gain?
  1. How are tort claims won?
  1. What is negligence and how can it be considered tort?
  1. What are the two types of negligence?
  1. Describe the example of negligence by act of commission outlined in the text. How is this negligence by commission?
  1. Using the same example, how could the coach also be named negligent in an act of omission in the same situation?
  1. How could the coach avoid being named in either case?(not in the text, think...)
  1. Why are tort claims against schools a particular concern?
  1. Why do these cases usually name multiple defendants?
  1. In order to prove negligence, four elements must be present. Identify and define those elements.





  1. How are negligence cases usually defended? Identify and describe the defense.






  1. Describe the doctrine of sovereign immunity.
  1. Does this doctrine always apply to those working in schools or universities?
  1. What can help protect school employees and representatives from litigation in these cases?
  1. Identify the 7 potential actions for which a coach (or any provider of first aid care as a first responder) may be found negligent. Although these pertain to can each one pertain to student trainers in the training room and/or on the field/court during games?

Negligent Action / Description / How can it apply to you?
  1. Today's coach (or other first responder) must be constantly aware of ______to athletes and must take ______.
  1. What is the Good Samaritan Law? Who does it protect?
  1. Does the Good Samaritan Law protect coaches and other school personnel?
  1. Below are the 9 steps a coach can implement to reduce their chance of being sued. Describe how each can be effective at reducing risk of litigation.

1. Written Contract

2. Certification in CPR/AED.

3. Emergency Plan.

4. Parental consent.

5. Mandatory PPE. Be sure to include: Who can provide a PPE? What should it include, but often doesn't?

6. Documentation. Be sure to include: What is HIPAA, what does it say?

7. Attendance at seminars/classes.

8. Periodic inspection of facilities/equipment.

9. Development/maintenance of lines of communication.

  1. If you are named in a lawsuit, how can you best protect yourself?
  1. What is the ultimate priority in sports?
  1. How/why is this ideal different from what actually occurs?
  1. After an injury, who is the only one who should clear an athlete for play?
  1. How has regulation of those allowed to practice sports medicine changed? Is it the same in all states?