Kindergarten News – 12/18/17

Dear Kindergarten Families:

This week we will learn about different cultures during our “Holidays Around the World Week” and talk about what some people might do around the holidays. And we sure are enjoying our elf on the shelf, Snowflake! We are writing about her every day, and the students will bring home their Elf Journal on Friday!

Our travels will include:

-Monday – Israel, where some people celebrate Hanukkah

-Tuesday –U.S. where African-Americans may celebrate Kwanzaa

-Wednesday – Holidays Around the World Party! Our classroom will be China, and the kids will also visit Australia and Mexico! Thank you for all donations and to Room Parents, and other volunteers!

-Thursday – a visit from our new book buddies, Mrs. Schrage’s 5th grade class. Then we will travel to the other 2 kindergarten rooms to experience their free choice play in the afternoon!

-Friday – The North Pole, where we will have Polar Express Day in the classroom – Kindergarten students may come in their pajamas! (Just be sure they have shoes and enough outer wear for recess.) They will board the Polar Express train and listen while I read the story to them. I will serve hot cocoa.

-Other Notes:

-The holiday break is a great time for the kids to practice putting on, zipping, buttoning, tying, snapping, buckling, winter wear!

-We will begin a Coin Drive in my class to symbolically adopt a penguin at the Detroit Zoo! We talk about endangered animals and begin reading and writing about factual information. We will also use those coins for math lessons. Please begin sending in coins in January. Thank you for any donations you care to make!

Upcoming Dates to Remember:

-Wed. 12/20 - Holidays Around the World Party! Thank you for donations and volunteering! 12:30 - 3:30

-Thu. 12/21 - Holiday sweater day!

-Fri. 12/22 - Polar Express Day - Kids come in their pajamas!

-Dec. 23 - Jan. 2 - Winter Break! See you in the new year - Jan. 3! Bring one favorite item to show to the class.

-Mon. Jan. 15 - NO school - Martin Luther King Jr. Day

-Thu. Jan. 18 - Kindergarten Information Night 6:30pm – for any families of NEW Kindergarteners coming in the Fall of 2018. Let your friends and neighbors know!

-Fri. Jan. 19 – AM School only– Professional Development Day in PM for teachers.

-Fri. Feb 9 – Monteith’s TasteFest – 6-8:30 p.m. Sponsored by our Culture Club and PTO.

-Feb 19-23 – NO School - Mid-Winter Break


Have a happy, healthy, and restful holiday. I am looking forward to a bright new year with your children! Mrs. Richards ☺