Module Overview
Big Ideas
Guiding Questions / Big Ideas
Situations can be tested and problems can be solved using the scientific process.
Guiding Questions:
How can we test various situations and solve problems using the scientific process?
Skills / relating
organize (advanced)
Vocabulary / black box
1.2.1 (6th Grade) Identify and understand how the parts or components of a simple system interconnect and influence each other including inputs, outputs.
2.1.3 (6th Grade) Synthesize evidence from scientific investigations to construct descriptions,
explanations, and predictions.
2.1.4 (6th Grade) Apply modeling to investigate objects, events, and/or processes.
2.1.5 (6th Grade) Understand how to record scientific procedures, investigations, and
2.2.1 (6th Grade) Apply the operational and ethical traditions of science and technology, such as skepticism, cooperation, intellectual honesty, and proprietary discovery.
2.2.3 (6th Grade) Analyze causes for more than one explanation for events or phenomena.
2.2.5 (6th Grade) Understand how scientific theory, hypothesis generation, experimentation, and observation are interrelated and may lead to changing ideas.
3.1.1 (6th Grade) Understand and analyze common, everyday challenges or problems in which scientific design can be or has been used to design solutions.
1.1.2 (6th Grade) Understand the positions, relative speeds, and changes in speed of objects.
1.3.1(6th Grade) Understand factors that affect the strength and direction of the resulting force on
the object.
1.3.2 (6th Grade) Understand the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on the motion of an object along a straight line.
2.1.1 (6th Grade) Understand how to generate a question that can be answered through scientific investigation.
2.1.2 Understand how to plan and conduct scientific investigations.
3.1.3 (6th Grade) Evaluate multiple solutions to a problem or challenge.
3.2.1 (6th Grade) Analyze how science and technology have been developed, used, and affected by many diverse individuals, cultures, and societies throughout human history.
3.2.2 (6th Grade) Analyze scientific inquiry and technological design and understand how science
1.2.2 (6th Grade) Understand how various factors affect energy transfers and that energy can be
transformed from one form of energy to another.
Suggested Teaching Schedule
WEEK / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
Black Boxes / 2
sessions / 2
Hum Dingers / 3 sessions / 2
Go Carts / 3-4
Cart Tricks / 2-4
sessions / Projects/Summative
Getting Ready to Teach / Overview Folio:
-to get a Big Picture of the module
see pages 18 and 19
-read the Science Background on
pages 3-7 to build your understanding
Material Folio:
-be sure to read over the material section and check your kit for items
-some items are included in the kit that might be listed as supplied by the teacher
-be sure to check on the material preparation for lessons, read page 6 and 7
Investigations / Investigations
These are the lesson plans and all include the following:
-Investigation at a glance (page 2-3)
-Background for the teacher (p.4-5)
-Teaching Children About… (p.6-7)
-Investigation Lesson Plans
-Interdisciplinary Extensions
Assessments / A suggested assessment schedule is located on the last page of the assessment section of the binder
Assessments / -Teacher Observation: include anecdotal notes and student interviews (see sheet no. 1 in the Assessment Duplication Masters section)
-Student Sheets: sheets that students complete during the investigation will provide information on student learning (suggestions on how to score sheets is provided in the Getting Ready section of the Investigations and see pages 6-15 in the assessment section for more details)
-Response Sheets: these sheets are designed to help you assess thinking and written and oral communication skills, to find out what students are learning from the activities (these sheets are located in the Investigation Duplication Masters with the other student sheets, they have response sheet in the title and see pages 6-15 in the assessment section for more details)
-Performance Assessment: often one part or the whole investigation is devoted to assessing a student’s ability to plan, organize and conduct an investigation, there are several scoring guides available to assess progress (see pages 5-15 of the assessment section)
Assessment / -End of the Module Assessment: copies of the Summative Assessment are included in the Assessment Duplication Masters section of the binder. Be sure to read page 16-23 of the Assessment section for directions on the assessment and acceptable answers.
-Portfolios: information about portfolio assessment is also available in the assessment section of the binder on pages 24-26
Contact Tracy Dabbs with any questions or concerns