Minute of meeting held on 8thJune 2015 at our Lady of Aberdeen Catholic Church, Provost Watt Drive, Aberdeen.
Present : Graham Bennett Chairman, Catherine Cowie Secretary, Hazel Park Treasurer, Alex Park, Hannah Park, Billy Cowie, Councillor Andy Finlayson, Brian Woodcock SHMU, Inspector J Wilson andInspector S McEwan.
Apologies for absence were received fromIris Bennett and Hollie Smith.
Police Report
Inspector Wilson reported that he was moving South after 2 years at Nigg, he then introduced Inspector S McEwan who would be taking over our area South of the City. For the month to date there had been 34 reports. The fire on the gramps earlier in the month was so far being looked at as reckless endangerment. A joint article had been put into the school newsletter from the Police and Fire outlining the dangers of fire raising and it was hoped that this would have a knock on effect. A report of assault had been put in following an incident at RS McColls in Gardner. There was a bag on Class E drugs, found by a dog walkerand handed into the Police. This was now being investigated. For the month to date there had been 34 incidents reported broken down as 5 assaults 3 of which were domestic, all had been detected. 3 vandalisms to 1 to a car, 4 dishonesty reports, 3 fraud reports, speeding on Wellington Road, possession of cannabis. With regards to the ongoing problem of vehicles coming up the no entry at the end of Abbotswell Road Inspector Wilson was hoping to look at an alternative there. Councillor Finlayson will speak to the roads department and see if there are any suggestions for this area.
Brian Woodcock reported that he had been working with the Secretary to update the Community Council website. He had also set up a Facebook page on our behalf. It was his suggestion that we should go for a domain name, this would be . Anyone currently using the site address would be redirected to the .org site. This was agreed by all members, and was therefore purchased for 10 years. Brian explained that he found the current website to be quite restrictive. He had set up another website which he had included a local business directory on. This new website currently gives google analytics which give a breakdown of users to the site which would be helpful in inputting information. It was Councillor Finlayson’s suggestion that there should be a disclaimer on the website for businesses. The committee thanked Brian for coming along to the meeting and explaining in detail about the website, web page and facebook page he had set up for the Community Council. It was appreciated that he had simplified his presentation so that the “less savvy” members understood the content.
Minute of previous meeting
The minute of the meeting held on 11th May was agreed as a correct record of the meeting.
All Wheeled Skate Park
The Secretary reported that the she had received conflicting information from ACC regarding the opening of the skate park. Councillor Finlayson is going to see if there is anything that he can do to help with the problem. Alex reported that he had spoken to 2 of the display team from Granite Reef at the park the other day. They were very impressed with the facility and think it is the best in the City.
A receipt for the £50 purchase of the cabinet had been received, the Secretary passed this to the Treasurer for the accounts.
Christmas Lights
The invoice for the Christmas lights has now been paid.
South of the River Issues
The Secretary reported that a meeting of the group is due to be held on Wednesday night at Nigg Police Station. This is to finalise questions for asking Mr Pete Leonard who we will be meeting with next week regarding the joint issues for Kincorth, Nigg, Cove and Torry.
Potholes on Deevale Crescent
Councillor Finlayson reported that he had requested fixing of the potholes on Deevale Crescent. He had also requested fixing the potholes on Auldearn Road and Kincorth Circle as these were bad at present. The Chairman requested that a request be put in for the potholes on Tollohill Drive also. It was hoped that these would be fixed in the near future. There are also numerous potholes on Abbotswell Drive just beside the Stonehaven Road which need to be fixed.
He will also find out when the walkabouts are due to be done again in the area.
Items of correspondence were read out from :
Police Scotland – Aberdeen City Local Policing Plan 2014 – 2017 – this is now available.
Scotland’s Community Councillors – ChewinThe Fat – this new facebook group is now available for Community Councillors to access.
Licensing Standards Officer Role – It is hoped that Diane Sande will attend a meeting in the near future to outline her role.
Local Policing + Inspection of Aberdeen programme – Inspection City Division
Public Consultation – Draft Rowett North Masterplan, proposed site of the new AECC, Bucksburn. Any comments have to be received in writing by Wednesday 1st July.
Local Development Plan Consultation – the consultation period finished on 1st June.
Temporary Traffic Order – this had been put on the new facebook page.
First Aberdeen Managers attending Community Council meetings – it has been confirmed that David Adam, Operations Manager will attend the November meeting, Daniel Laird, Commercial Manager will attend the February meeting and David Phillips, Managing Director will attend the May meeting. Any issues we wish to be raised should be sent in prior to their attendance at the meetings.
Police Scotland Survey – this had been filled in by the Secretary.
Committee Skills Training Workshop – this was taking place on Wednesday night. It had been placed on our new Facebook page for anyone interested.
Gypsy/Travellers and the Scottish Planning System – Planning Aid for Scotland Guidelines – this is now available in booklet form on
Shetland Scotland –A free information sharing event is being held in Aberdeen on 29th June for people who rent privately.
Big Lottery Fund – Investing in Communities Scotland – this round of funding opportunities will close on 30 June.
Public Sector Network – the newsletter for May is now available from the Secretary.
Treasurers Report
The Treasurer reported that we currently have £2505.88 in the account. From this we will have to pay for catering for committee members at the official opening of the all wheeled skatepark. Money should also be sent aside for the Christmas Lights and Community Festive Party.
The Secretary made available reports from Aberdeen Civic Forum which had been attended by the Secretary and Treasurer. Reports were also made available Aberdeen Community Council Forum. A list of the Questions and Answers which had arisen from the previous meeting were also made available.
Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on 13th July at 6.30pm.