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Book design Copyright © 2017 by Paul A. Lynch. All rights reserved.

Unless stated otherwise all Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible. Public domain.




Published in the United States of America.

Table of Contents



How God Speaks

The Lord Ordains Miriam

Joseph: Egypt’s President

Speak Lord Your Servant Hears

Final Words

About the Author


First I must thank God who makes all things possible.Second: To readers throughout the world so that their faith may grow in the grace of Jesus Christ.I also thank the readers who will read and apply these words to their heart in meekness and love.


The humbleness of children has been often highlighted throughout the Scriptures whether it is Jewish or Christian in theme. This shows us that we being children of God must become humble in order to enter heaven and reign with Christ. This book will enlighten the reader showing from the Scriptures itself that God called many people while they were young. There are lessons from the story of Miriam, Joseph, and Samuel, and the first chapter gives many insightful teachings on how God spoke to persons in the past, and how he speaks to people today.

How God Speaks

Before I get into this chapter it’s important to know and become aware of the voice of God. Why is this important? The answer to this is simple because many of the children to whom God had revealed Himself and spoke to didn’t know it was indeed the Lord who spoke at first, for example, Samuel heard a call but didn’t know it was the voice of the Lord. The voice of God is that sweet whispering voice that encourages us to love God, ourselves, others, and to walk in righteousness and truth. This voice speaks no evil, encourages no wrong, nor does it boast in itself. The voice of God can be likened to 1 Corinthians chapter 13 and I’ll just list some of what it says so that you can have a better understanding of how God speaks to humanity. Remember God doesn’t have to speak literally to you or anyone.

1 Corinthians 13: 1-8.

1. Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.

2. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.

3. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.

4. Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth, not itself, is not puffed up,

5. Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;

6. Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;

7. Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

8. Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

From having read this Scripture text the key verse or emphasis is placed on ‘love’ and this word is clearly a substitute for the name of God because the Scripture stated that God is indeed love(1 John 4:7). The very nature of God is defined by true love and this is how he demonstrated this truth towards us that while we were pretty much rampant and vile in sin God’s Son Christ Jesus died for us(Romans 5:6). God speaks in both action, thought, and by His Spirit and this is evident from my own personal experiences and from Scripture texts. There is a false teaching going around for many years now which states that God can only speak to people through the Holy Bible. This statement is in no way the truth and the Scripture itself proves this. God speaks to us through the Bible and this is true, but before there was any written text how did God speak to people? From Genesis chapter one to the end of the book of Revelation God spoke and will be speaking to us through His Spirit and words, along with actions. If God were only to have spoken to us through the Holy Bible it would only be a chaotic world where no present revelation is given to us the servants of God. The things that are written in Scripture as the apostle Paul states is an example or should be to us as ones who are alive(see 1 Corinthians 10:11). Anyone God has spoken to can or should be able to mention not one way in which God spoke to him but in truth several different ways. God uses righteousness to speak to His people, but God can also use anything He sees fit to accomplish His will. The important thing is not just to hear and recognize God’s voice but to actually listen carefully and obey it. To listen and not obey would be futile for you and this may seem strange to some because they would assume to listen is to obey, but not so in the correct interpretation. The Bible reminds us that in previous time God used prophets to speak to His people, but now He corresponds and reveals things to us by His Son Jesus(see Hebrews 1:2; 1 Peter 1:20). This being said only the voice of the personal Jesus Christ can give us hope, endurance, and courage to face our trials and afflictions on the earth. God speaks to us now through His Son Jesus and that isn’t anything new to us who believe on His name. The prophets of old and you can name many and even thousands that are not listed or mentioned in certain books of the Bible all heard God’s voice whether it is literal or not. At one point Elijah fled from before Jezebel and went to the mountains and there he thought that he was the only prophet in all Israel. The Lord knew that Elijah’s thoughts were not His thoughts, neither His ways Elijah’s ways. If you read the book of First and Second Kings you will see all these things that are spoken. God revealed to the prophet that He had over seven thousand other prophets that didn’t worship idols or serve Baal and Ashteroth(see 1 Kings 19:1-21). In the entire chapter of 1 Kings 19 you will see that God instructed Elijah the prophet to get up and go on his journey because he would not die, but live to see Jezebel and Ahab be destroyed. But you will also see God who spoke not through the earthquake, fire, thunderstorm, or any other natural disaster, but by a still small or whispering voice. This is a great mystery because if one were to judge they probably would have said that God is in the fire, water, hurricane, or even the tornado because those things are mighty and great and not in any still calm voice. The prophet moved by God’s Spirit so he knew exactly that God wasn’t in any of the chaos that had occurred earlier around him. In fact, the Scripture stated that God had passed by already, so who created the earthquake and other natural disasters that came on the mountain? The answer to this could be Satan and that is what he does to people, he tries to deceive them from their true calling in Christ. Probably he tried to distract the prophet from his missionary journey, but the man of God wouldn’t entertain that behavior in his thought and character. Elijah discerned that God’s Spirit spoke to him, not in confusion or chaos, but in a smooth voice which whispered hope, peace, faith, and love that would have enabled him to be brave, content, and remain faithful to God although dwelling in a cave, forest and feeding on scraps of bread and freshwater. This example highlights true faith in Christ and God that everyone who is called by Him should fulfill.

God speaks to us through dreams and visions

People of all ages and countries of the world can attest to having a dream or vision. A dream would be more easily achieve than a vision for some. But what is a dream? Dreams are thoughts or images that one get while he is asleep. This, however, is a secular interpretation of what a dream is. Now how about the spiritual aspect of a dream? A dream in the spiritual sense is a mystery. A mystery has to be solved before one can know what it is all about. Dreams bring us out of reality and into a different sphere, time, or universe. When someone gets a dream it can be about anything or anyone, but when God gives us a dream it is for a specific reason and purpose. Some dreams can be straight forward meaning you understand what it means, but most of the time dreams have to be interpreted by the one who gave it and that one is God. This statement refers to dreams that God give not ones that are of man’s own imagination or of demonic influences. But whether or not dreams come from God or Satan and his angels they all have a meaning. God uses dreams to give us an insight into something supernatural in the spiritual realm. When you dream you can know something you didn’t know before whether it be in the past, present or future. The prophets of old recorded most of their prophecies from God through a dream and vision. A vision is something supernatural in that you don’t have to be asleep to get it as in a dream. A vision is given when you are wide awake. God uses these mediums to communicate to people whether it is to inspire, warn, or give comfort to them. Even from the Holy Scriptures, some persons had the spiritual gift of getting dreams and visions from God the Father above. Joseph one of the youngest son of Jacob or Israel was very gifted in this and God gave him that office(see Genesis 37:5; 41:15; 40:8;42:9). God used Joseph in Egypt and his homeland to get dreams, interpret them and visions likewise because that is how God communicated with him. Even Pharaoh was utterly surprised that such a young man as Joseph could have this amazing gift inside of him(Genesis 41:38). To get dreams and visions in the time of biblical days were of utmost importance, especially in Egypt. All the courts of people such as witches, magicians, and fortune tellers in the house of Pharaoh were filled with the so-called ‘gift’ to interpret dreams and visions until the king himself had a serious one. This serious dream he got two times in different scenes, but they were one and the same(see Genesis 41:15). The dreams that the king of Egypt had didn’t come from Satan, the demonic realm or his own thoughts and will though he was pagan, but from the Almighty God. Certain dreams can only be given by God and not by your own will or the will of Hell and Satan. Joseph knew that God’s power could do everything including interpreting Pharaoh’s dreams and he trusted in it. This is how God works, he gives you a dream and He doesn’t leaveyou stranded on a lonely road, but if you ask him for the interpretation He will give it to you. A man by himself can’t interpret dreams or visions because they are mysteries, and the carnal mind can’t comprehend the things of God.

One of the most interesting thing about dreams and visions from God is that it will be a sign of the last days. Last days spanning from the day of Pentecost in Acts of the Apostles to our present era before Christ returns. Here is an Old Testament prophecy that gives an insight to this. In the book of Joel chapter two it states:

Joel 2:28

“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.”

This amazing phenomenon is happening right now and this is a fact. Because of God’s Holy Spirit being poured out on everyone who believes, the gift of dreams and visions is very evident. God showed Joel this vision because for one; the gift of dreams and visions were handed down to the prophets and some others, but not everyone during the Old Testament. You seldom saw in Scripture where a little child is busy getting dreams, visions or interpretation of them. Furthermore, men servants and women servants would not get dreams and visions, and if they suddenly started to get them this would be something very strange and new because only God’s prophets would be able to do this as part of Joel’s prophecy. The dreams and visions are a sign of God’s power as Joel highlighted and they aren’t meant to be continued forever. In fact, no gift in the spiritual sense will last forever because some are just for a season or a specific time. However, the love of God will last for eternity as prophesied in the Holy Bible. Right now in this present time, many young people both male and female are getting a divine dream, vision, and revelation from God that shows them what is around them whether in the spiritual or physical sense and what is yet to come. Don’t think it strange to sleep in your bed and get a dream or being wide awake and get a vision. God gives humanity these gifts as benefits and reminders that He is still in control of the affairs of life. There are many Bible scriptures that teachthat God gave many people dreams and visions and it helped them in their time, and even us greatly in ours because of what is documented. Prophecy wouldn’t be prophecy without dreams and visions from God. A third of Scripture is composed of dreams and visionsthat God gave to simple minded men and women just like you and me today. You are no different because God gives you dreams and visions, but how many humans thank God for them. Before you can thank God for a dream or a vision you must know that it is really from God because many evil spirits are in the world and have given people dreams that are evil or unrighteous in order for them to walk in lies and heresies. You need to have a real strong personal relationship with God through Christ in order to differentiate between a dream of your own mind, God or even Satan. Trust in Jesus for the answer and He will show you the right path as you go along in life. A dream that encourages one who is in sin to become a born again believer in Christ Jesus is always from God. But one where everything is chaotic, confusing, or filled with occultism rituals, fear, creeds, and demonic symbols isn’t necessarily from God. Notice the word used here is “necessarily” because in truth God can give a dream like that for His divine will. Because dreams and visions are composed of symbolism and allegory the best thing to do is pray and seek Jesus Christ in prayer and fasting to get the interpretation of your dream or vision. The Holy Spirit inside of you will bear witness to the truth and it will lead you to all righteousness in God through Christ. Here is a list of scripture text which shows you examples of how God gave simple men and women dreams and visions.

Job 7:14

“Then thou scarest me with dreams, and terrifiest me through visions.”

Daniel 1:17

“As for these four children, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom: and Daniel had knowledge in all visions and dreams.”

Acts 2:17

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.”

Numbers 12:6

“And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.”

God speaks to us through His holy prophets

God uses many avenues and mediums to speak to His people and God isn’t a one way God in that sense of using one means. Prophets were the earliest set of people God ordained and used to preach, prophesy, and unravel mysteries to humanity. One of the first prophet and oldest was the first man himself, Adam. Not many knew that Adam the very first man in the Garden of Eden was a prophet. One will say where is this statement in the Holy Bible, but the evidence of it is widely included. When God made man he created him out of the dust of the earth. Thus the Hebrew word “Adamah”means taken out of the dust. Adam was given divine instructions by God to be ruler over all things that He had created from within six days according to Jewish Scriptures. He was given control over the sea, animals, and land. This characteristic of God giving power to His servant was a sign that he should also be righteous forever before Him. Adam walked in truth until his wife Eve tempted him to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and in doing that there was a shift in the balance of creation when he ate the fruit. When Eve ate from the tree the earth was still in peace and calm, but after Adam obeyed his wife’s voice and ate the fruit, the sea waves roared, the animals behaved ravenously, and the entire balance of things was different on every continent of the earth. The prophet Adam was righteous when God created him, and thus righteousness was an image of creation. In the sense, after the fall of man Adam still remained a prophet and thus his son Abel being righteous(Matthew 23:35; Hebrews 11:4; Genesis 4:4) learned the ways and oneness of God from Adam. The role of a true prophet isn’t always about prophecies or prophesying, but the main target and aim are about preaching righteousness to people in the fear of God through Christ. This is what Adam did even after the fall. Although every human being is subjected to death because of the first Adam,God wouldn’t allow the souls of humanity to reign in Hell for eternity. Adam during his reign of 930 years preached righteousness to his family and descendants because that was his job from the very beginning. Sin couldn’t stop the preaching of righteousness because of the plan of salvation that was to be fulfilled in Jesus Christ who came thousands of years after. To prove this point Adam was the first to have the experience of everything on the earth meaning family, being a prophet, hardships, righteousness, hell, paradise, and death. Before Adam died there was no death or even tears, but when he died all of thepeople shed tears and cried, and to this very day it has become a part of humanity and their traditions. In this sense, the holy prophets are role models that humanity must model and reflect in order to see how the ways of righteousness are indeed right. At least, that is how all the holy prophets from Adam to now operates. Amos one of the early prophets wrote that the Lord God does nothing without the holy prophets knowing about it (Amos 3:7). This is very true indeed and it shows the relationship between God and those who are chosen to speak for him. God used the prophets to deliver His word to those who needed to hear it, and this is the general theme of many Bible passages. God doesn’t destroy or send judgment on any city or country throughout the Scripture before he sends a prophet to prophesy or preach about the coming disaster. That’s the nature of a loving God and that is where Amos 3:7 comes into this because if God were evil he wouldn’t have shown the prophets and His servants what was to come. The holy prophets moved at the word of the Lord, and not by the commands of men and this is truly righteousness because God’s righteousness isn’t partial. Some prophets received their message from God by a dream, vision or direct word for word contact with God(Numbers 12:6-8). I have seen this trend of theword for word contact between God and certain prophets such as Moses, Adam, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and others. These men received messages through dreams and visions, and Isaiah 6:1is an example of this.