MINUTES of the Annual Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 30 May 2013 at the Fire Station, Thrapston Rd, Kimbolton.

PRESENT: Councillors Mrs R Lloyd; K Hutchinson;P Seabrook; Mrs D Hellett; D Poole; R Gooderham; Mrs E Milne and L Farrer.

IN ATTENDANCE: County Councillor P Downes; District Councillor J Gray ; C L Thatcher, Clerk to the Council and four members of the public.


Councillor Mrs Lloyd was proposed by Councillor Hutchinson and seconded by Councillor Gooderham. There were no further nominations and Councillor Mrs Lloyd was unanimously elected as Chairman.

The Chairman signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

67/13 APOLOGIES were received from Councillors Mrs S Hawkes; G Gorham and Mrs J Stainer.


Mr Edward Valetta of Kimbolton School said that he had brought information on two planning applications being made by the School, those being the improving of access to the roof of the castle and repairs and the installation of a biomass boiler, the fuel for which – wood – will come from Brington. There will be approximately one delivery per week in the winter and in summer one every other week. The vehicle will be of similar size to that for an oil delivery.

Mr Valetta left the plans for consideration.

County Councillor P Downes joined the meeting at this point.

Mr Valetta also referred to the Queen Katherine 2 building project and said that a pre-application was put into the District Council at the end of January and it was 13 weeks before a response was received. The plans previously shown to this council have been slightly altered.

Mr Richard Murphy of the Stop Bicton Windfarm Group said that their Group never did stand down following the dismissal of Broadview’s appeal by the Inspector, they have simply reconstituted themselves. They are raising awareness and encouraging people to write letters to the planning authority. They are also liaising with MPs and councillors.

They remain opposed to the proposal and consider there is little difference between 3 turbines and 4. The new turbine array seems to be about 14% smaller than before, so there will be little discernible difference.

Highview House will be the nearest property and that will be within 850m of a turbine.

Following the Broadview presentation the Group’s survey determined that 93% of people were against the proposal and 7% undecided. Furthermore around 150 letters have been submitted of which only one was in favour.


Councillors Seabrook and Poole declared pecuniary interests regarding the windfarm application and Councillor Mrs Milne declared a pecuniary interest regarding the application relating to her own property 73 Main Rd Stonely.

70/13 MINUTES of the meeting held on 25 April 2013 were read and proposed as a true record by Councillor Mrs Hellett, seconded by Councillor Poole and were duly adopted.


a) Policing – no response. It was agreed that the Clerk should write again and copy in Sir Graham Bright.

b) Police Consultative Committee. No further report on progress. It was noted that Chief Inspector Melanie Dales is now our sector Commander and the Clerk was instructed to invite her to a meeting of Council.

c) Neighbourhood Watch. In the absence of Councillor Gorham there was no report.

d) Millennium Signs. Nothing further to report at present.

e) Playpark Maintenance. There were some items mentioned on the RoSPA report which should be attended to, though none were deemed anything other than ‘low risk’. The fence and gate; painting of the bench; bolts to be replaced on equipment and a repair to the elephant. It was agreed that the working party will meet to determine what work can be undertaken by the Groundsman.

f) Playpark New Equipment. The working party has met with the Area Manager of Wicksteed Leisure and determined what they would like to see installed, viz a climbing frame for the playpark and a youth shelter; bench and skier for Pound Lane. A quote is awaited.

g) Bridge. The County Council has said that it is their intention to replace/rebuild the bridge in this financial year.

h) Football Pitch – use by KC Cougars. The Clerk reported on e mail correspondence and the request that the pitch be cut shorter and grass removed. The cost of this would be £45 per cut. It was agreed to undertake this for the time being.


Councillor Downes said that there had been an unexpected development in the County Council as, following the elections, there is no longer one ‘ruling group’. The composition is 32 Conservative; 14 Liberal; 12 UKIP; 7 Labour and 4 Independent.

Until now there has been a Cabinet system in operation whereby the 10 Cabinet members effectively run the council, but next year there will be a change back to the old committee system.

Scrutiny Panels will be chaired by opposition members.

So far as local issues are concerned there have been complaints about speeding in Stonely and he wanted to try to establish a case for action to be taken. He has borrowed a speed gun and is intending to work with a group of local people in that area, checking vehicle speeds.

Councillor Farrer joined the meeting at this point.

Councillor Downes left the meeting.


a)The following applications were considered –

1300499 Highview House, Station Rd – erect detached garage/car port.

It was proposed by Councillor Seabrook, seconded by Councillor Farrer and unanimously agreed to recommend approval.

1300512 Kimbolton Airfield – erect 3 wind turbines.

Councillors Seabrook and Poole left the meeting, did not participate in the discussion and did not vote.

A number of letters had been received from residents and adjoining parish councils. All were read and all were in opposition to the scheme.

Councillor Hutchinson commented that Broadview’s submission this time is more professional. The fact that they have changed from 4 to 3 turbines makes little difference but might help them to avoid the implication of costs should this progress to appeal.

District Councillor Gray joined the meeting at this point.

After discussion it was proposed by Councillor Gooderham, seconded by Councillor Mrs Milne and unanimously agreed to recommend refusal because

a) although there is a reduction from 4 to 3 turbines the fundamental issues remain and the impact on the surroundings is little diminished.

b) the erection of the turbines will be hugely detrimental to the landscape character of the Kimbolton area and the valley in which it stands.

c) The turbines will visually dominate the area and will cause substantial harm to the setting of the 125 listed buildings standing within 2.5km of the development.

d) the proposed development is contrary to Huntingdonshire District Council’s own existing Windpower SPD and will also, we understand, be contrary to the draft policies of the new, emerging SPD.

e) the total number of turbines considered acceptable for the Northern Wolds has already been reached, with the approval of the Woolley windfarm.

f) it should also be mentioned that a 5kw solar farm has recently been established just north of the application site.

Councillors Seabrook and Poole re-joined the meeting.

1300495 Land E of Brook Rd, Bicton Estate – change of use storage to parking.

Proposed by Councillor Mrs Hellett, seconded by Councillor Gooderham and unanimously agreed to recommend approval.

1300695 1 High Park Farm,Easton Rd – certificate of lawful use to regularise non-agricultural use. It was agreed that we can confirm that the present occupier has lived there for over 10 years.

1300680 Kimbolton Castle – roof repair, improved access, repairs to windows.

Councillor Farrer declared an interest and left the room, taking no part in the discussion and not voting.

It was proposed by Councillor Hutchinson, seconded by Councillor Gooderham and agreed to recommend approval. Councillors Seabrook and Mrs Hellett abstained.

Councillor Farrer re-joined the meeting.

1300619 Kimbolton School – install biomass boiler. It was proposed by Councillor Poole, seconded by Councillor Mrs Milne and agreed to recommend approval. Councillors Seabrook, Hutchinson and Mrs Hellett abstained.

1300743 73 Main Rd Stonely – erect replacement dwelling.

Councillor Mrs Milne left the meeting, took no part in the discussion and did not vote.

It was proposed by Councillor Hutchinson, seconded by Councillor Poole and unanimously recommended for approval.

Councillor Mrs Milne re-joined the meeting.


Ashfield fence. The Clerk reported on correspondence with the Enforcement Officer and that a revised application has now been submitted.

Serpentine Walk. A sample of the material to be used for the roof has now been received..


Councillor Hutchinson was proposed by Councillor Mrs Lloyd, seconded by Councillor Mrs Hellett and, there being no other nominations, was unanimously elected.


It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Hellett, seconded by Councillor Gooderham and unanimously agreed that the allowance remain at £200.


It was agreed that the membership of the Working Parties should be –

Allotments: Councillors Mrs R Lloyd and Mrs D Hellett.

Burial & Cemetery Extension: Councillors Mrs R Lloyd; K Hutchinson & R Gooderham.

Dog Fouling: Councillors R Gooderham and Mrs E Milne.

Footpaths: Councillors Mrs R Lloyd; D Poole; Mrs J Stainer. Co-opted Mr G Lloyd.

Grounds and Car Parking: All members

Playgrounds: Councillors Mrs D Hellett; D Poole and Mrs S Hawkes

Planning, Structures, Supervision of Property and Lighting: All members.

Trees: Councillors R Gooderham and Mrs S Hawkes.

Pound Lane: All members

Environmental: Councillors Mrs R Lloyd; Mrs D Hellett; Mrs S Hawkes and P Seabrook.

Personnel: Councillors Mrs R Lloyd; Mrs E Milne; K Hutchinson and L Farrer.

Neighbourhood Watch: Councillor G Gorham


Civil Protection: Councillor R Gooderham

Mandeville Hall: Councillor R Gooderham

Parochial Charities: Councillor K Hutchinson: Co-opted Mrs V Ralph.

Youth Club: Councillor D Poole

Kimbolton School Governors: Councillor P Seabrook.

Local Joint Committee: Not yet active. Membership to be decided.


The Clerk reported correspondence with KC Cougars and their request for the pitch to be mown regularly. Members were concerned at committing money to this as KC Cougars had, a few years ago, requested similar assistance and this had come to nothing. However, it was proposed by the Chairman, seconded by Councillor Gooderham and agreed by 7 votes to 1 against that the pitch be mown regularly at an additional cost of £45 per cut, this for removal of arisings. It was further agreed to find out what KC Cougars are prepared to do towards preparing the pitch and when they intend using the ground.


It was proposed by Councillor Gooderham, seconded by Councillor Mrs Hellett and agreed

a) that the allotment rents be increased from £30 to £31 w.e.f. 1 October 2013, this by 6 votes for to 2 against, and

b) that the cemetery fees be increased as follows w.e.f. 1 August 2013, by 7 votes for and 1 against.

Burial in an earthen grave £200

Burial of ashes in an earthen grave £110

Burial of casket of ashes in memorial garden £200

Burial of ashes in mem.garden in previously purchased plot or addit.interment £110

Wood mount for phosphor bronze plaque £120

Headstone £120

Purchase excl.right of burial in cemetery £300

“ “ “ “ “ “ memorial garden £300

Additional inscription to headstone £80

Additional inscription to memorial plaque £70

Use of hand-drawn hearse £200

Fees for non-parishioners will continue to be quadrupled.


It was agreed that this should take place on Tuesday 11 June, commencing at 6.30pm at the Fire Station.


Complaints have been received from residents of Hatchet Lane (amongst others) regarding the depositing of dog waste together with a request for a litter bin in which to place the waste, to be sited at the end of Hatchet Lane, adjacent to the footpath to Old Ford Lane.

It was proposed by Councillor Gooderham seconded by Councillor Hutchinson and agreed that a bin be purchased.

It was further reported that a resident of Main Road, living near to the river, was depositing grass cuttings in the river. The Clerk was asked to write.

A letter was received from the County Council confirming the level of the allowance being made to the Parish Council for cutting verges this year.

Notification of a Planning Forum to be hosted by Huntingdonshire District Council at Pathfinder House on 18 June was received. Councillors Mrs Lloyd and P Seabrook will attend.

E mail received advising of the proposed Skew Bridge development in Rushden received together with a request for support for the project.

Request for a memorial to Anthony Harmsworth Jessup was received and approved.

Request from tenants of Cemetery Cottage for permission to paint internal walls in colours of their choice was received. This was approved subject to the work being done in water-based emulsion paint.

UK Power Networks are undergrounding cables in Main Rd Stonely and the 3 poles upon which our streetlights are hung will be removed. The likely cost could be about £950 per lamp.

It was agreed to seek a site meeting with UK Power, hopefully on the evening of 11 June.


The following were approved for payment:

Graveley Garage Collection & repair of Piaggio £754.20 inc VAT

AON UK Ltd Insurance premium Piaggio £253.34 no “

G R Dixon Fee as Internal Auditor £60.00 “ “

Grafton Projects Ltd Plastic wallets, printer ink etc £193.58 inc “

CGM Cambridge Ltd Grasscutting £957.99 “ “

K & M Lighting Streetlight maintenance £112.79 “ “

MWS Landscapes Christmas trees £468.50 no “

E-ON Hearse house & streetlight power £61.44 inc VAT

Anglian Water Allotment water £6.18 no “

Fishers Sundries £67.59 inc “

D Eades Cemetery & churchyard work £231.00 no “

Payroll costs Pay, PAYE,NIC & pension + expenses £2335.20 inc “


The Clerk reminded members of this provision introduced with the Localism Act and thought that consideration should be given for this Council applying to register a right to bid for properties (such as the Fire Station) which are considered important to the parish. Members agreed that they would consider which buildings might be included for the next meeting.