Hill’s Gymnastics runs Kids Day Out Camps on many days when Montgomery County Schools are not in session. The day includes lots of gymnastics fun for children ages 3 to 11 (children MUST be toilet trained). Children should wear comfortable gym clothes and bring a snack and drink (full day and extended day children should bring a lunch).
FALL- September 21 and November 13
WINTER- December 27-29, January 15, January 29 and February 19
SPRING- March 26-April 2 and April 13
HALF DAY: $30. a child, for each session. Choose 9:30-12 or 1:30-4:00pm.
FULL DAY: $65. a child, for each day. 9:30am – 4:00pm.
EXTENDED: $75 a child, for each day. Opens at 8am, pick up by 5:30pm.
I give my permission for my child to participate in Kids Day Out at Hill’s Gymnastics. I understand that gymnastics is inherently dangerous and carries a risk of physical injury. I am fully aware and appreciate the risks, including risk of serious or permanent injury by the actions or inactions of this child or others. I certify that this child is covered by his/her own medical or accident insurance. The student has had a medical examination within the last 12 months and is in proper physical health and condition to participate. In the event of injury or illness, every effort will be made to contact the parents or guardian. I authorize Hill’s Gymnastics to administer first aid and/or authorize medical treatment. I hereby give permission for pictures or videos of this child to be taken at Hill’s Gymnastics and the images used to illustrate or promote the program. The images will be used solely for the purposes of Hill’s Gymnastics promotional materials, website and publications and I wave any rights of compensation or ownership thereto. Hill’s has a $25 charge for returned checks. Register carefully, there are NO REFUNDS.
Parent/guardian signature______ Date______
Name of Parent______Home Phone______
Address______City/ Zip ______Email______Cell Phone______
Child ______Age_____ Sex_____ DOB______Check ONE: ___ No food allergies or Medical Concerns. ___ Food Allergies or Medical Concerns. Parents, Note Information Noted On Other Side.
Day(s)______Morning____ Afternoon____ Full____ Extended ____ Paid______
Day(s)______Morning____ Afternoon____ Full____ Extended ____ Paid______
Day(s)______Morning____ Afternoon____ Full____ Extended ____ Paid______
Day(s)______Morning____ Afternoon____ Full____ Extended ____ Paid______