College of Arts and Humanities
ENGLISH DEPARTMENT Major/Minor Application
1) Please completely fill out the following:
Name: ___________________________________________ Student ID #:_________________________________
Address: _____________________________ City: ______________ State: _________ Zip:__________
CWU e-mail address: ____________________________________ Phone: ___________________________
Class Level: o First-year student o Sophomore o Junior o Senior o Post-Bac
Anticipated date of graduation: ____________________
Do you already have a BA degree? o Yes o No
Are you withdrawing from a major/specialization? o Yes o No
If yes, please specify major/specialization: _____________________________
If you are double major, what is your other major? _______________________
Check appropriate academic plan:
Major Minor
o English Language & Literature o English Language & Literature
o English Language Arts Teaching o Creative Writing
o On-line Professional & Creative Writing BA o Linguistics
o Professional & Creative Writing BA
o English Pre-Major
o Professional Writing Certificate
I understand that I am required to meet with my advisor during each of the first two quarters after acceptance into this major program.
Student signature: ____________________________________________________
2) Meet with advisor:
Catalog year: o 17-18 o Other ___________ If other, please give reason:______________________
Date accepted: _____________________________
Signature of advisor: ____________________________________________________
3) For English Education majors only: If not Ed major skip to #4.
I understand that the pedagogy courses (ENG 422, 430, 488, and 492) may be offered only once a year and will adjust my course of study with that expectation.
Student signature: _________________________________________________________
Obtain a signature from Curriculum, Supervision, and Educational Leadership, Black Hall, Rm 214-11
Signature of Chair or his/her designee: ________________________________________
Signature of Pre-Major Endorsement Advisor: __________________________________
4) Return this form to the Department of English, Language & Literature Bldg., Rm 423
Chair signature: ________________________________________
English Major and Minor
Dr. Christine Sutphin, Professor
Coordinator, Undergraduate Studies
L & L 403E (509) 963-3433
English Education Major
Dr. Bobby Cummings, Professor
English Education Advisor
Michaelson 104 (509) 963-1075
On-line Professional & Creative Writing B.A.
Dr. Joshua Welsh, Assistant Professor
Coordinator, On-line Professional & Creative Writing B.A.
L & L 408D (509) 963-1549
Professional & Creative Writing B.A. and Creative Writing Minor
Lisa Norris, Professor
Coordinator, Professional & Creative Writing B.A.
L & L 408E (509) 963-1745
Linguistics Minor & TESOL
Dr. Xingzhong Li, Professor
Linguistics Minor Advisor
L & L 416B (509) 963-1598
Rev: 10/17