Kiddie Kingdom, Inc.
813 Thompson Street, Ashland VA 23005
(804) 798-2767
Parent Handbook
Licensed by:
Commonwealth of Virginia
Department of Social Services
Please read the Parent Handbook, then sign and detach this form and return to Kiddie Kingdom.
I / We acknowledge that I / we have read and understand the Kiddie Kingdom, Inc. Parent Handbook.
Child’s Name (Print)
Parent / Guardian Date
Parent / Guardian Date
Kiddie Kingdom, Inc.
813 Thompson Street
Ashland, Va. 23005
(804) 798-2767
Hours of Operation:
Full Day Preschool / Before & After School 7:00 am – 6:00 pm
Half Day Preschool 8:30 am – 12:30 PM
Administrative Staff:
Administrator Kathi B. Thomasson 798-2767
Program Director Anne Stewart Luther 798-2767
Bookkeeper Evelyn F. Durrett 550-3275
Madge Carter, Chair
Doug Rosenberg, President
John Davis,Vice President
Kris Holt, Secretary
Anne Stewart Luther, Recording Secretary
Evelyn Durrett, Treasurer
Kathi Thomasson, Administrator
Andy Crescentini
Kay Loving
Robin Priddy
Bill Jones
Beth Mallory
Katie Cartwright
Organizational Structure of Kiddie Kingdom
Board of Directors
Program Director
Program Leaders (Teachers)
Dear Parents,
We welcome you and your child to Kiddie Kingdom. We realize that it is hard for you to be away from your child for long periods of time each day and we want you to feel good about your decision to leave your child with us. To make this transition easier for both you and your child, we have provided this handbook as a convenient reference with helpful hints and ideas to further acquaint you with Kiddie Kingdom. Please read it thoroughly and keep it handy the entire time your child remains enrolled at Kiddie Kingdom.
Please feel free to call us at any time if you have any questions or problems. All inquiries concerning billing information are to be referred to Evelyn Durrett, our bookkeeper. Questions about school, your child’s social or physical needs should be referred to our Administrator, Program Director, or your child’s teacher.
It is our goal that all children at Kiddie Kingdom will learn to be active, creative, noisy and quiet, to share, to take turns, use equipment, learn self-discipline, to cooperate and most of all have fun with their friends!
The Kiddie Kingdom Staff
Kiddie Kingdom was started in September 1968 as an outreach ministry of the Sunday School Department of Ashland Christian Church. Originally a half-day program, it was expanded to provide all-day care and in 1969 Kiddie Kingdom was incorporated and no longer a ministry of the church. While not affiliated with any church or religion, it is a long standing tradition at Kiddie Kingdom that the children say the blessing before meals.
At that time, Kiddie Kingdom became the first licensed childcare facility in Hanover County. In June 1974, Kiddie Kingdom qualified with the IRS as a non-profit school.
Since its incorporation, a Board of Directors has governed Kiddie Kingdom. The Board of Directors is made up of community members, including parents, who express an interest in the well being of the children and in Kiddie Kingdom. Kiddie Kingdom has no religious affiliations.
In September 1975, the center moved from the Ashland Christian Church to St James the Less Episcopal Church. By September of 1979, the Half-Day program had outgrown the facilities and moved to Holy Cross Lutheran Church on Ashcake Rd. with the full day program remaining at St James.
In September 1997, Kiddie Kingdom began to meet additional needs within the community. Kiddie Kingdom joined forces with Hanover County Public Schools and became the site for the first Inclusion Program serving Preschool children with developmental delays in Hanover County. Also, the demand for additional space for the half-day preschool program was met with the use of new space at St James the Less Episcopal Church.
In the spring of 2000, Kiddie Kingdom once again felt the need for a larger facility. We moved to a former restaurant on Washington Highway consolidating all programs into the new facility. Knowing this was a temporary location, we began searching for a permanent home. In November 2001 the Board of Directors negotiated the purchase of our new home located at 813 Thompson Street in Ashland!
Due to the rising numbers of peanut allergies, Kiddie Kingdom is a Peanut/Nut free facility. We do not serve or allow any peanut/nut based products in our building.
Celebrating 44 years of service to the Ashland area, Kiddie Kingdom provides a warm and supportive environment in which both parent and child benefit from a range of developmental opportunities. These opportunities include the interaction with other children, individual attention to each child’s strengths and needs, and activities designed to promote physical, social, emotional and intellectual development. To ensure that these services are provided, trained caregivers are employed who implement and follow a carefully planned curriculum; use the services of consultants in health, education, nutrition and other related fields; encourage parental interest and involvement in all aspects of the program. We understand that the parent is the child’s first and most important teacher and value the parent’s opinion and input in our organization.
Kiddie Kingdom is licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Social Services. The center currently holds a two-year license. Both the local Fire and Health Departments inspect us on an annual basis. In addition, inspections are made at least twice a year by a state-licensing specialist. These inspections are made to ensure that all health and safety codes are met and that the staff continues to meet all training requirements.
Kiddie Kingdom does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, national origin or sex. We will accept children with disabilities in as much as the center will be able to reasonably accommodate their needs. Kiddie Kingdom is an equal opportunity employer and participates in the USDA Child and Adult Food Program. Anyone feeling they have been discriminated against should contact the USDA at (202) 720-2600.
1. Prepare your child in such a way that she will want to attend
2. Give your child time to adjust to the center. Remember that it will be strange to him at first, and he may seem hesitant to return.
3. Please let your child see that you are relaxed in the morning when you bring her so that she will be relaxed also. If your child is in tears or apprehensive, do not linger. Give her a simple good-bye and leave. The teacher or other Kiddie Kingdom staff will reassure the child of your return. You may call us if you wish. Usually no news is good news.
4. It is best not to discuss any concerns or problems related to your child in his presence.
5. Show an interest and pride in your child’s art projects. Children need reassurance that you are vested in his success in preschool / childcare.
6. Parents can help by providing information on interesting field trips, guests, craft supplies and resources.
7. We gladly accept donations of business related services to help maintain the playground, computers and landscaping, etc.
8. If you change jobs, move or have a new phone number, please let us know so that we can update your child’s file. It is very important that we be able to contact you in the event of an emergency.
9. Remember: We are here to serve you by giving your child the best care possible. Please feel that you can come by any time to discuss concerns or ideas with us.
10. Send your child to school in clothes for learning: wash and wear items are the best. Please do not send your child dressed so that you must say, “Don’t get dirty”. If your child is going out to dinner or to a party and you wish to send in a change of clothes for that, we will see that they are cleaned and changed prior to pick-up. If you wish to send a bib for your child, you may do so.
11. It is our desire to have parents involved in our program as often as possible. Parents can serve on the Board of Directors, assist in field trips, parties and volunteer in the classroom, assist with annual events such as the art show, covered dish picnics, Christmas and graduation programs. We also appreciate parental support of our teaching staff. Classroom parents can help to organize appreciation events for our staff. Please see the Administrator or Program Director if you are interested in becoming more involved with the center activities.
We conduct surveys requesting the parent’s opinion of Kiddie Kingdom at least once per year. It is important for us to know how we are doing in the eyes of the parents, as we are working for them.
Kiddie Kingdom enrolls children based on their age as of September 30th of the current year. Age groups are not mixed. Part Time enrollment may be available for full day preschool classes on a very limited basis. Once your child is enrolled, you will NOT be allowed to change days. We work very hard to fill all spaces and will do so with another part time child. Please take this into consideration upon making enrollment decisions. It is our policy to promote children as a class to the next age each September. (School year)
Toddler Class (1 yr. old)
Lower Nursery Class (1 & 2 yr. old)
Upper Nursery Class (2 & 3 yr. old)
Preschool Class (3 yr. old)
Pre-Kindergarten Class (4 yr. old)
Junior Kindergarten (5 yr. old)
Before & After School (grades K – 5)
1. An interview between a member of the administrative staff, parent and child must be scheduled prior to admission. During this interview, the needs of the parent, child as well as center policies and procedures will be discussed.
2. A member of the Kiddie Kingdom administrative staff will observe the child in a group setting prior to enrollment.
3. If both parties mutually agree that the child will benefit from the center’s program, and a spot is available, you will be notified of acceptance and a start date will be determined.
4. The parent must then complete the registration form and contract. We require that all items on the form be completed. This form must have the physical address of the home and must be signed by both parents. If legally separated or divorced, and one parent is not allowed full access to the child, a copy of the notarized custody decree must be kept on file at Kiddie Kingdom. In addition, you are required to pay the registration fee.
5. In the event your child’s start date is not immediate, we require you pay the first months tuition to secure your child’s place. This tuition will be credited towards your child’s first month of attendance. These fees and tuition are not refundable.
6. If a spot is not available, then you may elect to place your child on our waiting list. Parents must complete a pre-registration form and pay a $15.00 fee. The payment of this fee does not guarantee you a space when you need it, but will go towards the registration fee if a space becomes available. This fee is non-refundable if you choose to pursue childcare elsewhere or if a space does not become available. Children are enrolled from the waiting list on a first come, first served basis with children of siblings currently enrolled having priority.
Prior to your child’s first day of attendance, additional information and forms are required.
· Original Birth Certificate: This will be returned to you.
· Current State of Va. Physical Examination and Immunization Form: Your child’s immunizations must be up to date and a recent physical exam is required.
· Parents as Partners (required for all preschool age children)
· Child and Adult Care Food Program enrollment form. This form verifies your child’s enrollment at Kiddie Kingdom to the USDA food program in which we participate.
Children will not be allowed to attend until the above forms are turned in to the office. It often takes a while to gather this information, so please allow yourself the necessary time.
Children are required to have updated information on immunizations once every 6 months for children under the age of 2 years and once between the child’s fourth and sixth birthdays. This must be done prior to entrance into Kindergarten. All children are required to have at least one dose of varicella (chickenpox) vaccine. Documentation should be included in the immunization section of the State of Va. Physical Examination and Immunization Form.