Name ______# ______Date______

Word Study Homework Packet

Word Sort (Must be done first)
Sort the words into the categories we did in school. Copy your sort down. Explain to a parent/guardian why the words are sorted that particular way- what does the sort reveal about spelling in general? Mix up the cards and repeat several times. / 5th Grade Sentences
Pick 7 of your words from this word study list and use them to write a 5th grade sentence. When reading the sentence, a peer should be able to figure out the meaning of the word through the use of context clues (making it a 5th grade sentence). Circle or highlight your selected words within each sentence.
ex. – The rebels entered the castle through the breach in the wall.
Not an ex. – The army made a big breech.
If I can spell…
Choose two of your word study wordsfrom different categories and write them in as the headings. Write four new words that you can spell based on the spelling pattern of the word study word chosen (cannot be from your list!). Complete the two sections. / Writing Sort
Find the bolded words from your word study cards. Write these in as the headings and use these key words as a clue on how to categorize the remaining word cards (by spelling pattern, sound, or meaning). Record your sort.

I have completed all my Word Study homework for this week.

Child’s Signature ______

Parent’s Signature ______

***Please return your word study homework to school on Day 1.

Word Sort

Sort your word study words into categories. Then write down your word study words into columns under their correct patterns.



5th Grade Sentences

Pick 7 of your words from this word study list and use them in a 5th grade sentence. When reading the sentence, a peer should be able to figure out the meaning of the word through the use of context clues, making it a 5th grade sentence.


If I can spell…


(your word study word goes on this line) (different word study word w/ different pattern goes on this line)

1. ______1. ______

2. ______2. ______

3. ______3. ______

4. ______4. ______

(words not from list but that follow the same pattern go here) (words not from list but that follow the same pattern go here)

Writing Sort


Write the key words(bolded word cards) on the lines above and sort the remaining cards based on similar patterns.