






Mr. Niamatullah

Mr. M. Saimullah

March 15, 2010


The Department of Human Nutrition was established in 1985 with the mission to impart quality education to student and to undertake research in promoting health and nutrition of the population. It also aims to tackle the nutrition problems of the country through problem oriented research and nutritional programme. The scope of the Department includes promoting food security by increasing mass awareness through nutrition education and preventing malnutrition by conducting applied research activities. Though quality education, the Department is producing skilled graduates who play a vital role in reducing nutritional problems at the level of community and clinical settings.

In addition, the Department has been offering courses and research methodologies related to overall health improvement in malnutrition, macro-micro nutrient deficiency maternal, child, infant mortality, food security pre-and post surgery nutrition both in clinic and hospital etc. leading to B.Sc (Hons) and M.Sc (Hons) degrees. This Department is also offering advanced courses and research guidance to Ph.D scholars.

In the past 35-years, the Department has produced more than 200 well trained graduates, who have been serving various organizations at provincial, national and international levels. Since its inception, the Department has produced a number of gold medalist and other academic distinction holders. The Department is also collaborating with other national and international research organizations to meet the requirements of the graduate students specially Ph.D students.

Besides teaching, the department is also helping the health Department KPK, Fedral Health Ministry, Nutritional planning Cell Islamabad, UNICEF, WHO, FAO and defferent NGOs. The major emphasis of this department is bringing improvement in overall health of the population. The Department has highly qualified and experienced faculty, well equipped laboratory. The main focus of this institute is to produce nutrition qualified people to help the general masses and Industry to improve the nutritional status of community and production of quality food.



Standard 1-1:The Program must have documented measurableobjectivesthat support college and Institution missionstatements.


  1. To enable the graduate for quality research
  2. To make them diverse in knowledge
  3. To develop a collaboration with research institutes by designing a join research projects

Action Plan

  1. A verity of practical in the Govt. hospital and non-Govt. organizations
  2. Delivering different seminars on different topics to the juniors
  3. One year research in the any nutrition field i.e include the writing of synopsis, data collection, data analysis, and then writing of thesis and at the end the presentation of data.

Standard 1-2:The program must have documented outcomes for graduatingstudents. It must be demonstrated that the outcomes supporttheprogram objectives and that graduating students are capable of performing these outcomes.

  1. A quality dietitian who will serve the community at hospital
  2. A quality researchers
  3. A community nutritionist who will serve the community for prevention.

Table: Relationship between Program objectives and Program outcomes

Program Objectives / Program Outcomes
1 / 2 / 3
1 / . / . / .
2 / . / . / .
3 / . / . / .

Table: Program Objectives Assessment

S. No. / Objectives / How Measured / When Measured / Improvement Identified / Improvement
1. / To enable the graduate for quality research / Surveys
a) Course Evaluation Questioner
b) Alumni Survey / At the end of each course, HEC course evaluation Questionnaire
2010 / 1.Access to updated literature
2. Improving Advanced Lab Facilities and Class Rooms / Use of HEC Digital Library extended to the Deptt.
Provision of Microlab and HPLC. Multimedia use for class lecturers.
2 / To make them diverse in knowledge / Used the same surveys as those of Objective 1 / Same Dates as those of Objective 1 / Practical exposure to the national and international nongovernment organization / Asked international organization for practical exposure of the students.
3 / To develop a collaboration with research institutes by designing a join research projects / Alumni Survey, Graduating Student Department Record / 2010 / Lack of projects at department level / Developing projects for ALP

Standard 1-3: The results of program’s assessment and the extent to which they are used improve the program must be documented.

Actions Taken

  • Provision of multimedia to the classes
  • Making functional HPLC
  • Coordination with National and International NGOs
  • Access to digital library of HEC at department level



Criterion-2 Curriculum Design and Organization

Program of Studies offered

The Department of Human Nutrition is running its academic program through semester system of examination. The department offers B.Sc (Hons), M.Sc (Hons) and Ph.D Degree Programs.

In M.Sc (Hons) degree program, students undertake both course work and research work. A thesis based on original research work issubmitted and defended in Board of Advanced Studies and Research and in Public Defence. The duration of this degreeprogram depends on the performance of the student and on the nature of research problem. However, minimum time period for M.Sc (Hons) is two years (Course syllabi Annexure-1)

M.Sc. (Hons) Degree Program

Semester / Course Number / Category (Credit Hours)
Math and Basic Science / Core Courses / Humanities and Social Sciences / Technical Elective
M.Sc.(H) / Spring / HN-701 / - / - / Nutrition and Disease / - / -
M.Sc.(H) / Spring / Agch-702 / - / - / - / - / Biochemical Techniques
M.Sc.(H) / Fall / HN-702 / - / - / Therapeutic Nutrition / - / -
M.Sc.(H) / Fall / Stat-711 / - / - / - / - / Experimental Designs and Analysis
M.Sc.(H) / Spring / HN-703 / - / - / Maternal and Infant Nutrition / - / -
M.Sc.(H) / Spring / Fst-702 / - / - / - / - / Quality Control
M.Sc.(H) / Fall / HN-704 / - / - / Child Nutrition / - / -
M.Sc.(H) / Spring / HN-705 / - / - / Adolescent and Geriatric Nutrition / - / -
M.Sc.(H) / Fall / HN-795 / - / - / Defence Seminar / - / -
M.Sc.(H) / Spring/Fall / HN-796 / - / - / Thesis / - / -

Standard 2-1: The Curriculum must be consistent and support the program’s documented objectives

The following table manifests how the program content (Courses) meets the Program Objectives.

Courses / Program’s Objectives
1 / 2 / 3
Major Courses / . / .
Elective Courses / . / .
Practical (Field and Lab) / . / .
Thesis/Dissertation / . / . / .

Standard 2-2: Theoretical background, problem analysis and solution design must be stressed within the program’s core material.

The following table indicates the elements covered in core courses:

Elements / Courses
i) Theoretical Background / All courses offered by the Department
ii) Problem Analysis / All courses of the Department
Elective Courses
iii) Solution Design / All courses of the Department
Elective Courses

Standard 2-3: The curriculum must satisfy the core requirements for the program, as specified by the respective accreditation body.

Standard 2-4: The curriculum must satisfy the major requirements for the program, as specified by the respective accreditation body/council.

The Department follow HEC requirement for each Degree Program in human nutrition as per decision of the National Curriculum Revision Committee and approved by academic council, competent authority and statutory body

Standard 2-5: The curriculum must satisfy the general education, arts and other discipline requirements for the program as specified by the accreditation body.

Program / Math and Basic Sciences / Engineering Topics / General Education / Others
M. Sc (Hons) / . / . / . / .

Standard 2-6: Information technology component of the curriculum must be integrated throughout the program.

Computer programs like MS Office and training on the use of some statistical program are present in the general courses ‘CS-311 Computer Application’ and ‘Stat-511 Experimental Design and Analysis’ in the undergraduate program only. There are no advance I.T courses on the graduate level and this aspect of program needs to be further strengthened through advanced training on the usage of various latest statistical softwares.

Standard 2-7: Oral and written communication skills ofthe student must be developed and applied in the program.

At graduate levels in courses ‘HN-794 Defence Seminar M.Sc (Hons)’, ‘HN-797 seminars are delivered by the students. In all the major courses of the Department frequent presentations by the students help a lot to develop their oral communication skills. At M.Sc (Hons) level in ‘HN-795 Thesis’ based on original research work is submitted and defended in Board of Advanced Studies and Research. Report and theses writing in the above mentioned course provides written communication skills to the students of the Department of Human Nutrition




MSc. (Hons.)

Laboratory Facilities:

The department of Human Nutrition has only one laboratory (Room #104) located in PlantScienceBuilding. The practical work at B.Sc. level is carried out in this laboratory. This laboratory is also used for the research work of M.Sc. and Ph.D. and for the practical classes at all levels (B.Sc., M.Sc. & Ph.D). Moreover, some theory classes are also taken here due to paucity of lecture rooms/class rooms.

The objectives of the laboratory are:

  • To provide technical training to the students of the department and other relevant institutes of the University.
  • To perform maximum possible course related practical for better understanding of the course content.
  • To train students in food analysis and assessment of nutritional status.

The safety regulations cannot be followed properly due to heavy work load on the single laboratory.However, a lecture is delivered to students of B.Sc. (Hons.) Part II regarding the safety rules & regulations of the laboratory and prevention of chemicals from contamination are impossible in the present condition.

Equipments and apparatus available in the laboratory for M.Sc. (Hons.) practical are as:

S.No. / Equipments/Apparatus / S.No. / Equipments/Apparatus
1 / Health Scale / 2 / Balances
3 / Length/Height Boards; Wooden / 4 / Detecto Baby Scales
5 / Detecto Adult Scale / 6 / Scale Solar
7 / Glasswares / 8 / Ovens
9 / Soxhlet Apparatus / 10 / Box Still(Distillation Apparatus)
11 / Overhead Projectors / 12 / Test Tube racks
13 / Furnace (Muffle) / 14 / Kitchen Scales
15 / Adjustable Pipettes / 16 / Balance for Moisture Determination
17 / Utensils / 18 / Hemocue with Control Cuvettes
19 / Refrigerators / 20 / Measuring utensils
21 / Weighing scales / 22 / Glucometer
23 / Multimedia / 24 / SPLIT Air Conditioners

Computer Facilities:

There is no computer laboratory in the department of Human Nutrition. The students usually visit the general computer laboratory of the University or to the near market to meet their needs. However, the teaching faculty of the department is having computerswith the internet facility in their offices. But these computers need to be upgraded.

Internet Facility:

The internet facility is available in Main Library, Main University Computer Lab and offices of teachers. A large number of international research journals are also available on Digital Library provided by Higher Education Commission and research article of interest can be down loaded. However, the laboratory of the department is lacking computer facility.

Standard 3-1: Laboratory manuals/ documentation instruction for experiments must be available and readily accessible to faculty and students

The students and faculty can get theavailable manuals/documentation from the office assistant on request. However, some instruction manuals regarding working procedures in the laboratory and modern techniques are needed to be available in the laboratory.

Standard 3-2: There must be adequate support personnel for instruction and maintaining the laboratories

Though there are two laboratory assistants and two laboratory attendants in the laboratory but none of them are skillful and trained. There must be a qualified, well-trained and skilled staff in the laboratory so that the students and faculty are supported in their laboratory work.

Standard 3-3: The University computing infrastructure and facilities must be adequate to support program’s objectives

The University has computer facilities/services and the relevant staff to support its faculty and students. But the number of students is so high that a student can not easily access this facility. Therefore, there must be a computer laboratory in the department so that the students of this department can easily access it and get benefit from it.




The students of M.Sc. (Hons.) are havingadequate support to complete their study programs.The faculty concern provide the opportunity to student regarding laboratory facilities, synopsis guidance, presentation of the thesis and seminar etc. The faculty also advising the student time to time about the time unitization, new rule of the HEC for student etc.

Standard 4-1: Courses must be offered with sufficient frequency and number for students to complete the program in a timely manner.

Departmental Strategy for Course Offering

The department of Human Nutrition has approved syllabus for courses offered at M.Sc (Hons) level. The courses are specified for both spring and fall semesters. At the beginning of each semester, the specified courses are notified for students to fill in their admission forms. Then, before initiation of the classes, time table is notified. The academic calendar, notified by Director Teaching at the start of an academic year, is strictly followed.The Time Table is strictly followed to complete the courses well in time.

Standard 4-2: Course in the major must be structured to ensure effective interaction between students, faculty and teaching assistants.

At least a month ago of the commencement of classes, courses are allotted to teachers so that they make necessary preparation/arrangement for smooth running of classes.In some courses, the faculty involves the junior teachers/NIP lecturers for practical classes. The teachers sometimes make necessary changes in the course so that students get more knowledge regarding the concerned course. Assignments and class presentations are essentially carried out in all courses. Students are properly guided how to do the assigned work. They are also briefed about the available facilities in the library (books, journals, digital library etc.) and in the university.

Standard 4-3: Guidance on how to complete the program must be available to all students and access to academic advising must be available to make course decisions and career choices.

Students can get any kind of documents (courses offered, syllabus, time table etc.) and information regarding the program offered that are available with the office assistant of the department. Moreover, they can also seek advice from the Chairman and teachers for course decision and career choices.Students counseling is done from time to time (in the orientation classes, during classes, in the faculty offices). They are repeatedly advised to contact the chairman, teachers and staff of the department in order to fulfill their academic needs. The following counseling facilities are provided to students:

  1. To inform the students and recently passed out students about the career opportunities available for them through notice boards.
  2. To approach various relevant departments, organizations and companies with the request to provide internship facilities for both undergraduate and graduate students.
  3. To notify all the opportunities regarding membership in technical and professional societies.



Criterion-5: Process Control

Standard 5-1: The process by which students are admitted to the program must be based on quantitative and qualitative criteria and clearly documented. This process must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting its objectives.

The Department of Human Nutrition strictly follows the policy of the KPK Agricultural University Peshawar laid down in its prospectus for admission to its various degree programs and periodic evaluation of students. Merit is the heart core of its policy and admission criteria to various programs in the University is based on strict adherence to HEC guidelines.

Standard 5-2: The process by which students are registered in the program and monitoring of students progress to ensure timely completion of the program must be documented. This process must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting its objectives.

A candidate seeking admission to the M.Sc (Hons) degree program, shall

  1. Have passed the B.Sc (Hons) in Human Nutrition or an equivalent examination in 2nd Division with at least 50% marks (under annual system) or with CGPA 2.50/4.00 (under semester system) from a recognized institution, in a field of study relevant to the subject he/she desires to take up.
  2. Have a domicile of KPKProvince including FATA. Candidate domiciled in areas other than KPK, have to produce a nomination letter from their respective authorities against reserved seats.

The department evaluates the performance of the students at the end of each semester and instructions are given to them accordingly through the office of the Chairman.

Standard 5-3: The process of recruiting and retaining highly qualified faculty members must be in place and clearly documented. Also processes and procedures for faculty evaluation, promotion must be consistent with institutional mission statement. These processes must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting with its objectives.

Equal Opportunity

KPKAgricultural University, Peshawar is an equal opportunity institution, following a policy regardless of religion, race, color, creed, national origin, gender, age, marital status or disability. This policy applies to all programs and facilities including admissions, educational programs and employment.

Faculty Recruitment / Retaining Policy

KPK Agricultural University, Peshawar is committed to retain and develop outstanding faculty who are committed to the mission of the University. To achieve the goal we have devised the following strategies;

  • Ensuring that University provides fair, timely selection, appointment/promotion process with HEC criteria.
  • Introduction of Tenure Track System, a better incentive/attractive salary package and excellent working environment.
  • Giving priority to faculty development through training and support.

Appointments / Promotions Procedure:

Basic Pay Scale (BPS)

The Higher Education Commission (HEC) in its meeting held on August 15, 2006 has decided to finalize the Eligibility Conditions under BPS for the appointment of faculty members in the Universities.

a. Lecturer (BPS- 18):

Minimum Qualification

Master’s Degree (first Class) in the relevant field with no 3rd division in the Academic Career from HEC recognized University/Institution. During the next two years (i.e.until June 30th, 2008) if no candidate is available without 3rd division in the academic record, then the University may forward the case for appointment of a selected candidate to the HEC for consideration and approval.