Neighborhood Watch Road Sign Procedure -v1
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There is a proper procedure for installing signs in county rights-of-way. This page describes the typical steps.This procedure is intended for Neighborhood Watch Coordinators. The county cannot provide this service to any and all individuals, it would not be sustainable. If you wish to install signs in rights-of-way, please work through your coordinator.
Coordinators: In summary, you need to obtain an encroachment permit, submit liability waivers for anyone working on the roads, obtain approval of the locations, obtain USA Underground clearance, then install the signs using approved materials and following the guidelines.
Do Not:
- Attach signs to county signposts without express approval
- Install poles in county rights-of-way without express approval
- Attach signs to utility poles e.g. telephone or PG&E poles
- Choose sign locations.Note: signs must be located 6 feet from road edge, and the bottom of the sign must be at least 5 feet above the road crest. See the diagram below.
- Submit Encroachment Permit Application.Each sign location should be clearly identified, using addresses, cross-streets, etc. Mark the locations on a portion of a map. You can use the Butte County GIS (Graphical Information System) application available at view street maps and print them from your web browser.
- Submit Liability Waiversalong with the Encroachment Permit application. This waiver must list each person who will perform installation work.
- Order post materialsfrom public works. You can only use approved post materials which include a breakaway square tube steel post and post base. Tell Mark how many post kits you need; he will give you a price. When the order is ready, pick up from Public works; have a check ready. Kits include a post base, post, concrete, and fasteners. The price is around $50 per kit.
- Mark locations with stakes- for benefit of Public Works Traffic Control Supervisor (Mark Jones) and USA Underground
- Public Works' Traffic Control Supervisor (Mark Jones) will visit each location and approve or not.You may be asked to accompany him
- Obtain approval of proposed locationsfrom Public Works (Mark Jones)
- Call USA Underground and request site visit- first mark each location w/white paint on pavement per instructions on the USA Underground web site at
- Get call back from USA Underground- this is your go-ahead to dig post holes
- Install signs- using approved breakaway posts, post base, concrete, 24 inch hole depth
- Obtain final sign-off on permits- inform Public Works you have completed your installation
All maintenance/repair/replacement is your/our responsibility. Damaged signs may be removed by the county if not dealt with in a timely manner.
The Sheriff's Team of Active Retired Seniors (STARS) performs graffiti abatement as a community service.
Contact info:
Public Works - Traffic Control Supervisor Mark Jones - (530) 538-7681
USA Underground - Telephone 811 or on web
Encroachment Permit
Liability Waiver
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