1. Acquired Traits – Traits that a person/animal learns and is not born with.

2. Adapt – To change or fit into a new situation.

3. Amphibian – Cold-blooded vertebrate that typically lives on land but breeds in water.

4. Classify – To sort into groups

5. Compete – The struggle between organisms for food, water, and other needs.

6. Deciduous – Trees that shed leaves

7. Environment – The outside surroundings where plants and animals live, which influence its growth and behavior.

8. Habitat – The home of an organism

9. Heredity – The passing of traits from parent to offspring.

10. Inherited Behavior – Something that you are born with and do not have to learn.

11. Instinct – An inherited behavior that is automatic

12. Invertebrate – An animal without a backbone

13. Mammal – Warm blooded vertebrate with hair or fur. Animals are born live and drink mother’s milk.

14. Organism – A living thing that carries on basic life functions on its own.

15. Photosynthesis – A process of plants making food using energy from the sun.

16. Predator – An animal that lives by preying on other animals.

17. Prey – An animal hunted and caught for food.

18. Reproduce – The process of generating offspring (babies – animals, plants)

19. Reptile – Cold blooded vertebrate that has scaly waterproof skin, breathes air with lungs, and lays eggs.

20. Stimuli – Something in the environment that causes a living thing to react.

21. Trait - A characteristic of a living thing.

22. Tundra – A large treeless biome where the ground is frozen year round.

23. Vertebrate – Animal with a backbone

24. Wetland – A low area where the ground is drenched with water.