Law faculty

International theoretical and practical conference

“10th Autumn Legal Readings”

with publishing of the theses

18-19November 2011

Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine

Dear colleagues!

We invite you to participate in the International theoretical and practical conference of young researchers “10th Autumn Legal Readings”, which will take place on the 18-19th November, 2011 in Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law. The best representatives of the young scientists and youth scientific elite of the leading universities are expected to participate in the conference.

The conference sections:

  1. The theory of government and law. History of political and legal doctrines. Legal philosophy.
  2. Constitutional law. Administrative law. Finance law. Information law.
  3. Civil law. Family law. International private law. Law of commerce.
  4. Civil, economic, administrative legal proceedings.
  5. Labour and Social law.
  6. Land, agricultural, ecological law.
  7. Criminal law and criminology, penal-executive law.
  8. Criminal proceedings and criminalistics. Forensic examination.
  9. International law. Comparative law.

Working languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English.

In order to participate in the conference, you have to apply at until November 03th, 2011. In the form you have to attach the thesis and the review of the scientific adviser (for the participants without a degree.)

The theses are to be published prior to the start of the conference and will be distributed to the participants, who are present at the conference. If you want to get your issue, although you cannot participate, please contact the organisers.

Please note, that your application has to be confirmed by the organising committee! Should you not receive a confirmation letter, please contact the organisers.

There is no participation feefor international participants.

You will be required to pay for the board and accommodation.

Conference schedule

18 November 2011 / 19November 2011
700 – 900 / – / Arrivals, registration and check-in / 930 – 1200 / – / Section readings
1000 – 1030 / – / Opening ceremony / 1200 – 1230 / – / Closing ceremony
1030 – 1330 / – / Section readings / 1300 – 1800 / – / Excursion to historical places
1330 – 1500 / – / Lunch / 1800 – 2200 / – / Departure
1500 – 1800 / – / Section readings
1840 – 2200 / – / Evening leisure

In case you apply for the conference, but for some reason you cannot participate, please immediately contact the organisers.

The registration and opening ceremony will take place in the 1st building of Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law (Teatralna str, 8).

The conference will take place in the 4th building of Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law (Proskurivska str, 57.)

If you need any assistance in getting to the university and hotel (Teatralna str, 8), please contact the organisers.


29000, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi, Teatralnastr, 8, Scienceandresearchcenter,

Khmelnytskyi university of management and law
tel/fax: +38 (0382) 71-80-80.