KWF Committee 9th August 2016
Minutes of the Winter Festival Committee held on Tuesday 9th August 2016 at 4.00 p.m. in the Town Council Offices
PRESENT: Councillors J Cron, C Duckett, T Crouch, L O,Brien and P Sawyer (Churches Together), N Baker (Tesco Community Champion) and Ric Davison (Keynsham Arts Consortium)
IN ATTENDANCE: Dawn Drury (Deputy Town Clerk)
Cllr. S Waite & Sara Dixon (B&NES)
There were none.
There were none.
There were none.
That the minutes of the meetings held on 7th June 2016 and 5th July 2016 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
i) The Draft Budget 2016 was explained as follows:-
Actual expenditure to date:-
£150.00 for the road closure licence
£20.00 for the Banner licence fee
Committed expenditure to date:
£400.00 for the first aid crew
£150.00 for Brave Bold Drama (as agreed at the meeting of 5th July 2016) – Ric to liaise with this group in respect of the performance on the night and taking part in the procession.
£50.48 for the Performing Rights Licence fee
£495.00 for the scaffolding safety barriers and steps for the Winter Festival stage
£150.00 for the Punch and Judy
£175.00 for Jimmy Mack (Compere)
£100.00 for Ric’s light projection/music activity
£25.00 for the hire of a bubble machine
£50.00 for the Wombles
£120.00 for the hire of the Space
A TENS licence is no longer required for the Space so this figure on the budget sheet can be reduced to £21.00
ii) Sponsorship:
Letters for sponsorship have been produced and the postal ones have been distributed.
St.Monica’s Trust has enquired whether our promotional material will allow for a larger advertisement.
1. That this year’s promotional flier will be enlarged to be 8 A5 sides (2 pieces of double sided A4 colour printed material) as this will allow for larger company logos to be printed and hence more sponsorship may be received.
2. That Councillors L O’Brien and C Duckett pay follow up visits and/or contact prospective sponsors in early September..
i) Site layout, stage, road closure
Road closure – A Section 16A application form was submitted as instructed by B&NES, as the event will require parking suspension on the High Street in the layby in front of Coffee One, in the bay along Temple Street and in the multi-storey car park after 3.00 p.m. The cost of advertising these suspensions equates to £750.00 plus the drawing up of a sign schedule costs £250.00. The Deputy Town Clerk has arranged a meeting with B&NES Parking Services to negotiate the parking suspension at no cost and the sign schedule can be amended to this year’s date at no cost..
The stage lorry has been confirmed.
Site layout
Waitrose car park has been confirmed for the Park and Ride for the 2016 event. Dial-a-Ride is looking at availability of two buses/drivers for the night and will provide a quote and confirm soon.
A meeting has been arranged with the Lions Club to discuss relocation of their stall and Father Christmas to the area in front of the Wine Bar (plus stalls opposite)
A meeting is being arranged with the Fun Fair Contractor to confirm the location (as agreed by the Committee of the rides and stalls). A license is being sought for use of the Civic area and Market Walk.
The Library staff need to leave the Civic building at 9.00 p.m. so it would make sense to have the HQ back in the Baptist Church so that the First Aid Crew and Stewards can remain in one location for the whole evening. St. John’s Ambulance is confirmed as booked. A quote is being sourced from Safe and Sound Security company.
The Fear Hall has been booked.
Lisa will visit all businesses/retailers requesting that they keep their lights on or stay open on the night.
The Scout climbing wall has been confirmed and will be located by Peacocks.
ii) Stalls
The original Cider Company have requested a stall selling mulled wine, plus boxes, bottles and bags of cider to take home. Their cider bar consists of a gazebo 3m x 4.5 m.
That the Cider Company be invited to the Winter Festival for a fee of £100.00 and their stall be located in front of the former Fire Station on Temple Street.
iii) Procession
The Chairman of B&NES has been invited through the official channel. The Rotary Club have been contacted for stewarding support for the procession.
1. That the procession will congregate within the road closure in front of St. John’s Church and walk the length of the High Street across the top of Bath Hill and into the road closure on Temple Street finishing at the stage. The light and dance float will follow to the rear of the procession and leave the procession turning right into Rock Road, then along Ashton Way and then be positioned within the road closure on Charlton Road.
2. That the procession consist of the Town Crier, the colouring competition winner (at the front to switch on the lights as the procession progresses), two marching bands, a baton twirling group, Father Christmas walking, Princesses supplied by Keyford Dance Group, Brave Bold Drama, a light and dance float (full details to be supplied by Cllr Waite at a future meeting), children with lanterns from the school lantern workshops.
The Salvation Army have confirmed their availability to be part of the procession. The procession will congregate from 5.45 p.m. and will leave the top of the High Street at approximately 6.15 p.m. Formalities will then be held on the stage.
iv) Lantern workshop
The majority of materials for producing the lanterns for the procession will be obtained from the Scrap Store. KIB may be applying for a scrap store card so materials could be sourced through them.
Councillor Cron reported that there were various artists who were keen to get involved in doing lantern workshops in schools including A & E Ceramics, who would like make ceramic lanterns. Some funding will be required for the clay for the ceramic lanterns. Tea lights will also be required and this may be donated free by the fire brigade.
That a letter be delivered to the schools for the last week of the holidays explaining the idea behind the lantern works shops (to be run either during lesson time, lunch times or at an after school club). DBS requirements (for the artists) will need to be sought from Head teachers of the individual primary schools.
V) Entertainment on stage and dance arena
The light/dance float on Charlton Road will provide music for people to dance to and local performers have been contacted regarding performing on the stage.
Ric is organising a light/music projection show on the front of the Halifax Building (at a cost of £100.00). An electric supply will be sourced from a local business (possibly Chartax). The musicians will require a stall opposite the projection.
vi) Church activities
The churches will be available on the night. Pauline cannot make the next meeting but she will email through the details of any plans that the churches have for the Winter Festival.
vii) The Community Space Activities
Ric is working on the activities that are to be on at The Space
viii) Competitions
An example of the proposed colouring competition will be brought to the next meeting.
That the date and time of the next meeting is Tuesday 6th September at 4.00 p.m.
That the date and time of the November meeting be changed to Wednesday 9th November at 4.00 p.m.
SIGNED...... DATE......
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