K.W.F. Committee 2nd September 2014
Minutes of the Keynsham Winter Festival Committee held on Tuesday 2nd September 2014 at 2.00 p.m. in the Town Council Offices
PRESENT: Councillors G Hellier, A Crouch, C Davis and L O’Brien (KTC),
P Sawyer (Churches Together), N Baker (Tesco Community Champion) and S Dixon (B&NES)
IN ATTENDANCE: Dawn Drury (Deputy Town Clerk)
Councillors C Duckett and R Staddon
There were none.
There were none.
There were none.
That the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 29th July 2014 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
The following action points from the last minutes were agreed.
A separate site meeting with the Fun Fair manager will be arranged to discuss layout, set up times. This will be arranged for early October. DTC TO ACTION
A quote has been received in respect of the Park & Ride Service. The Deputy Town Clerk will contact Waitrose to enquire if they would sponsor this service for the night. DTC TO ACTION
Pauline confirmed that the Baptist Church will be available from 3.00 p.m. for the Stewards’ brief.
It was reported that the old banner would not be re-usable to print on and quotes for new banners have been requested. The Tumareich Children’s Charity have been informed that they will not be able to perform at the Festival and Amazeballs have been notified that they cannot have a stall. The Deputy Town Clerk will check that the Chair of B&NES has been asked to judge the fancy dress competition DTC TO ACTION.
Tesco have confirmed the use of car parking spaces for the Fear Hall stall holders (we just need to supply the vehicle registration numbers of the stall holders require parking spaces)
27. FORMAT FOR 2014
a) Site layout, stage, road closure:
· Confirmed licences
The Deputy Town Clerk reported that the road closure application, banner licence, application to use Ashton Way car park and food trading applications have all been submitted to B&NES for approval. A current copy of the Town Council’s insurance has just been sent to Licensing to support the banner application. The PRS Music licence has been received.
· New banners and signage
Quotes were sought from Bristol Banners & Signs and Signs of Saltford for 1 no. banner 5m x 1m, 2 no. banners 2m x 1m and 5 no. 1m x 600mm road side signs. Bristol Banners & Signs quoted £540.00 plus VAT and Signs of Saltford quoted £595.00 plus VAT. The Deputy Town Clerk explained that Bristol Banner roadside signs would be made from 10mm thick foam PVC whereas Signs of Saltford would be producing the signs in 3A aluminium composite sheets. It was agreed that the Signs of Saltford quote should be accepted as the roadside signs would be stronger and last longer.
· Site meeting with authorities and security
A site meeting has been arranged for 22nd September, the Police, Parking Services and Stewards have been asked to attend.
· Confirmation on use of upstairs of the Key Centre
Use of the upstairs of the Key Centre has been confirmed. The Youth Service have not confirmed the rodeo reindeer or any other activity for the downstairs as yet. Any activity should be covered by the insurance of the hiring company and the Town Council.
· Litter picking
It was agreed that the Keynsham Wombles should be engaged to litter pick at the Keynsham Winter Festival in exchange for a free stall and a donation of £50.00. Lisa said that she would loan a wheelie bin and a metal bin that could be located next to their stall. Lisa also suggested producing a couple of laminated signs ‘Put your litter here’ to be attached to the bins. The bins provided by Lisa will be emptied throughout the evening and at the end of the evening taken back to the lock up for the weekend and returned to Lisa on Monday. Sara also suggested contacting B&NES Waste Recycling services and ask them for extra help in encouraging people to put litter into bins.
b) Entertainment
· Upshot circus stilt workers
A quote has been received from the Upshot Circus stilt walkers in the sum of £1360.00 for 4 performers and transport to the event. A selection of characters were shown to the Committee and it was agreed to book the company and the following characters:- the Snow Queen, the Christmas Tree, the Snowman and the Toy Soldier.
· Fun fair (fee and food stall)
The Deputy Clerk confirmed that the Fun Fair had agreed to pay the sum of £750.00 for attending this year’s event but had asked if they could bring a coffee stall along to position on Ashton Way. The Committee agreed to this request.
· Compere
Jimmy Mack has been confirmed as this year’s compere. It was agreed to increase his fee to £175.00 and to ask if he would wear his Jack Frost outfit, this year.
The following have been booked as part of this year’s Festival:-
For the procession - The Town Crier, 2386 Air Cadets Marching Band, the Lions sleigh and Father Christmas.
For the stage - St. John’s Junior/Youth Choir, 2386 Air Cadets Marching Band and KLOGS plus judging of the fancy dress competition.
St. John’s Church – The church bells will be rung once the Christmas lights are switched on.
On the High Street - The Salvation Army have confirmed attendance and will perform on the High Street. The donkeys have been booked and will be positioned in the church yard (as per last year). The church have confirmed that they are happy with this.
The Library
Punch and Judy has been booked for the library. The library have confirmed that they are happy with this.
Temple Court
Lisa will contact John Paget to ascertain if Temple Court will be putting on some entertainment. The Deputy Clerk will need to have full details to include in the EMP and to request that stewards monitor this area during the evening should any activities be arranged.
The Playbus
The Deputy Town Clerk has had difficulty in contacting the Playbus people. It was suggested that she try the Community Playbus in Midsomer Norton.
Christmas lights
Sara reported that the contract with Blachere had expired but it has been extended for a further year. They have been instructed to install the usual 12 lamp post lights, the choir boy light and the Merry Christmas sign over Iceland plus some lights on Bath Hill. Sara also reported that some infrastructure works are required in Bath and Keynsham to improve the switch on process and to rectify the fault with the lights that go on the roundabout outside St. John’s Church. Blachere will not be using sub-contractors this year and the switch on will be controlled by their internal team under the direction of Alison Wells. SSE will be undertaking the infrastructure works. Lisa asked about putting lights in the new trees in the redevelopment. It was confirmed that this would have to be done under a separate contract and funding and reported that past lights in trees have not been successful and had proved expensive.
c) Competitions
Posters and fliers
These have already been prepared ready for distribution.
Tesco’s have confirmed that they will supply the prizes for the fancy dress competition and the window competition. The Entertainer have yet to confirm if they will be supplying vouchers as prizes for the colouring competition.
Window competition judges
Window Competition judges have been confirmed as either the Tesco’s Store Manager/Acting Manager and Verity, Deputy Manger from Waitrose they have been asked to meet Tony at the Town Council office at 4.00 p.m.
Pre-event workshops
The workshops are booked and the notices to be sent to the schools have been produced.
That the format for 2014 be approved.
Draft Budget 2014
· Quotes received as follows :-
St. John’s Ambulance - £334
Park & Ride £180
Punch & Judy - £140
Upshot circus £1360
Horseworld – donkeys - £100
Jimmy Mack – fee agreed at £175
Saltford Signs banners and Signage (agreed at the meeting) £595
Theatek Lighting and Sound £1100
Pauline reported that Churches Together have offered £300 as sponsorship for this year’s event.
FDC law are sponsoring the event to the sum of £300.
Representative from Chamber of Commerce
It was agreed that the Deputy Town Clerk speak with Lynn Young regarding joining the Committee as a representative of the Chamber of Commerce.
That the draft budget for 2014 be approved.
That the Committee's next meeting will be held on Tuesday 23rd September at 2.00 pm.
SIGNED...... DATE......