DeMars 3

William E. DeMars

Professor and Chairman

Department of Government

Wofford College Tel: 864-597-4598

429 North Church Street Fax: 864-597-4595

Spartanburg, SC 29303-3663


1993 Ph.D. in International Relations, University of Notre Dame. Dissertation: Helping People in a People's War: Humanitarian Organizations and the Ethiopian Conflict, 1980-1988

Previous Experience

2000-2001  Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Government

Consultant on International Humanitarian Affairs

University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN

1996–2000 Assistant Professor, Political Science Department

(1997–1998) Acting Director, Office of African Studies

The American University in Cairo, Egypt

1994–1996 Research Fellow, Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies

University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN

1993–1994 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Politics

Earlham College, Richmond, IN

Recent Publications

·  William E. DeMars and Dennis Dijkzeul, eds, The NGO Challenge for International Theory (Forthcoming, 2011).

·  “Transnational Humanitarian Heroes in the Early Twentieth Century: The Congo Reform Movement,” in Luc Reydams, ed., The Global Activism Reader (New York: Continuum, 2011).

·  Dennis Dijkzeul and William DeMars, “Organizaciones Humanitarias Transnacionales: Haciendo un Balance y Formulando Alternativas,” (“Transnational Humanitarian Organizations: Taking Stock and Formulating Alternatives”), Forthcoming 2009, ed., Gustavo Emmerich.

·  NGOs and Transnational Networks: Wild Cards in World Politics,

(London: Pluto Press, 2005).

·  “Transnational Non-Governmental Organizations: The Edge of Innocence,” in E. Wayne Nafziger and Raimo Väyrynen, eds., The Prevention of Humanitarian Emergencies (London: St. Martin's Press, 2002): 193-210.

·  “Hazardous Partnership: NGOs and American Intelligence in Small Wars,” International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, Vol. 14, No. 2 (Spring 2001): 193-222.

·  “War and Mercy in Africa,” World Policy Journal, Vol. 17, No. 2 (2000): 1-10.

·  Breaking Cycles of Violence: Conflict Prevention and Intrastate Crises,

Janie Leatherman, William DeMars, Patrick Gaffney, and Raimo Väyrynen (West Hartford, CT: Kumarian Press, 1999); also translated and published in Indonesian language (Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Gadah Mada University Press, 2004).

Regular Courses Taught

·  GOV 203, Foundations of World Politics

·  GOV 361, Middle East Politics

·  GOV 490, African Politics

·  GOV 420, American Foreign Policy

·  GOV 421, International Conflict

·  GOV 423, NGOs in World Politics

·  GOV 424, Politics of the United Nations

Special Courses Taught

·  International Humanitarian Politics

·  The New Terrorism

·  The Bomb: Nuclear Weapons Past, Present, and Future

Academic and Community Service

·  “Obama and Iran,” Mary Black Hospital Rotary Club of Spartanburg, SC, Oct 20, 2010.

·  “Primer on the Middle East,” Downtown Rotary Club of Spartanburg, SC, May 20, 2008

·  Wofford Faculty Talk, “Assessment and Globalization: The Commodification of Liberal Education,” November 15, 2007

·  Focus on the Middle East Lecture Series at Greenville, SC Public Library

“Primer on the Middle East” July 17, 2007

“End of the Oil Age?” October 11, 2007

“The Future of Nuclear Weapons” October 23, 2007

“American Military Power and Weakness in Iraq and Beyond” November 6, 2007

·  “Tragic Idealism and Power Constructivism: Theorizing Real NGOs,” Paper Presented at International Studies Association-South, October 25-27 in Savannah, GA

·  “NGOs as Global Moral Aristocracy,” Paper Presented at International Studies Association Annual Convention, Feb. 28 – Mar. 3, 2007 in Chicago, IL

·  Lecture and Consultation on NGOs for graduate students in the Masters of Arts in International Affairs program at the University of Miami, April 3 and 4, 2006.

·  "Global Semi-Civil Society" public lecture at Bard Globalization and International Affairs program in Manhattan on March 9, 2006.

·  Faculty advisor for Russ Sandifer, Wofford Presidential Scholar, 2005-2006

·  "Semi-Civil Society? How NGOs and Transnational Networks Institutionalize International Conflict," Paper Presented at International Studies Association-South, Nov. 3-6, 2005, Miami, FL.

·  "Argentina's Dirty War Revisited," Wofford Faculty Talk, April 19, 2005.

·  Arranged lecture by Mr. Randy Deitering (October 6, 2004) on “Secrecy and Transparency in American Intelligence on Terrorism,” as part of “Coming of Age With 9/11” week, during which I also served on a panel on The Battle of Algiers

·  Conceived and organized, with Dr. Byron McCane and Dr. Sherry Fohr and others, visit by Dr. Abdelaziz Sachedina for lecture (March 24, 2004) on “Islam in Public: Constitutional Politics in Iran and Iraq,” and faculty discussion (March 25, 2004) on his book, The Islamic Roots of Democratic Pluralism (Oxford, 2001)

·  Participated in faculty panel on “Postmodernism in the Disciplines” (March 8, 2004)

·  Organized, with Campus Ministry sponsorship, faculty and student panel on “Taking the Risk … of Education” (February 27, 2003)

·  Served on joint committee (APR and Curriculum), whose “Peoples and Cultures” proposal for General Education course requirements has been adopted by the college

·  Served on Ad Hoc Committee on Maternity and Family Leave (2002), whose proposed policy on family leave has been adopted by the college

·  Member, Board of Trustees of St. Joseph’s Catholic School in Greenville (since August, 2004)

·  Speech at Spartanburg Lions Club (April 26, 2004), “What’s at Stake in Iraq?”

·  Speech at Spartanburg Kiwanis Club (April 10, 2003), “What is George Bush Up To in American Foreign Policy?”

Memberships in Professional Organizations

·  American Political Science Association

·  International Studies Association