Editing Digital Photos


Photo Album – Insert – Picture – New Photo Album

Cropping and Compressing photographs:

  1. Choose Insert – Picture – From file. Picture will be inserted on slide and picture tool bar should display. If Picture toolbar does not display, choose View – toolbars – Picture.
  2. To Crop a picture:
  3. Choose the crop tool , you will see crop handles along the edges of the picture.
  4. To crop from one corner or one side, place your cursor over the crop handle and move inwards, dotted lines indicate where picture will be cropped.
  5. To crop from both directions at the same time, hold down the Ctrl key, click and hold down on left mouse button and move inwards, dotted lines indicate where picture will be cropped.
  6. To crop in all four directions at once, hold down the Ctrl key, click and hold down on left mouse button and move inwards, dotted lines indicate where picture will be cropped.
  7. NOTE: You can use a combination of multiple crops and single crops to get the picture to focus on what is wanted for the presentation.
  8. To Compress picture for smaller file size:
  9. Select the picture and choose the compress tool .
  10. Choose Apply to selected picture or all pictures in presentation.
  11. Choose Compress pictures and Delete Cropped areas of picture.
  12. Click OK and Apply.
  13. To resize a picture and compress:
  14. Select the picture and hold down on the Ctrl key then move inwards from a corner.
  15. When picture is desired size, select picture and choose the compress tool.
  16. To put a border around a picture:
  17. Select picture and then the crop tool from the picture toolbar.
  18. Hold down the Ctrl button and pull a corner of the picture bar outwards to the size border you want.
  19. With the picture selected, click on the Format Picture tool and click on the Colors and Lines tab.
  20. Click down on the color box and choose the type fill you want and the color you want for the border.
  21. Notice in the fill effects you can choose color patterns, or even another picture to use as the border.


  1. IrfranView installed on all workstations in Moritz:
  2. Find picture on drive, right click and choose Open With - IrfanView
  3. Image – resize changes to inches (let’s make this photo 3” wide, it will automatically change height to keep aspect ratio)
  4. Image – custom rotation – 90 to move picture to proper position
  5. Image – enhance colors will allow you to adjust color and contrast.
  6. Image – sharpen will clean up pixels

Adobe PhotoShop

Advanced editing of photos

Adobe Photoshop Express online editing of photos free 2gb space to share photos with other members of the software community.

Photo organizing with some photo editing capabilites:





Photo editing software:

HP Photosmart Essential (Free) HP Photosmart Essential

Digital Photo training sites:

Kodak Training

HP Digital Photography Center