Welcome to the first early years and key stage one newsletter of the new academic year. we have had a positive start to the year and have got lots to look forward to over the coming weeks.
Settling In
The first days at school can be daunting, especially for the youngest children, but happily most children seem to have settled in quickly to their new classes. We encourage the children to take responsibility for themselves as much as possible so please could you support us in this aim by reminding them to do the routine tasks such as putting their book bags in their drawers/box or their lunch box away themselves rather than doing it for them. Similarly, please remember that the doors will be unlocked at 8.40 am. The doors are on a timer system for safety reasons and will not open from the outside before then. We ask that you leave the classrooms by 8.55 am so that teachers can register the children quickly and begin the day promptly. Quiet activities, such as reading or puzzles,are available in the class rooms so that the day can begin calmly, and children now know that they are expected to occupy themselves quietly and sensibly when they arrive in school. Thank you for your support.
PE Sessions
PE takes place twice a week. Children have both an indoor and an outdoor session. Class teachers will let you know when the days are for your child’s class.
All PE kits should be in a suitable named bag and consist of: long jogging bottoms, long-sleeved top,
T-shirt, shorts and socks, as well as trainers or plimsolls. Long hair should be tied back and no jewellery worn. Please make sure that all clothing and footwear are clearly named, thank you.
As the weather starts to get colder please send children to school with a named coat and sensible shoes to keep them warm and dry. Even if you come to school by car, remember that children in Key Stage 1 are outside at least three times a day and more often in the Early Years classes, and so need to be warm and comfortable.
School Clothing
We have a new range of school clothing available to order from the School Office. Items include polo shirts and shorts (suitable for PE lessons), school sweat-shirts with the school logo and a waterproof coat/fleece with hood. The school colour is royal blue and clothing comes with the Morley logo.
Universal Free School Meals
All children Early Years and Key Stage 1 are now eligible to have a free school meal. It is widely recognised that good food and nutrition have a profound impact on children’s development and learning, so we would encourage you to take up this offer. You may not be aware, but our catering staff, Helen and Denise, also provide school packed lunches as well as the daily hot meal, all of which is prepared daily on site. Menus are available on the school website or from the School Office.
Drinking Water
At the start of term every child was given a new water bottle for them to keep and use in school. There is therefore no need for you to send a water bottle into school, other than the usual drink you may send with a packed lunch. Each class room has drinking water available and there are water fountains in the playground, by the hall and in the Early Years cloakroom, for children to use at break times.
Parent Consultations
Parent’s Evenings will be held on 21stand 22ndOctober this year. Further information will be sent out nearer the time. In the meantime if you have any queries or concerns, please arrange a mutually convenient time to talk with your child’s class teacher directly.
‘New to Year’ sessions
These sessions will be taking place this week and next, and provide a useful opportunity to hear about the routines and expectations in your child’s new class. We do appreciate that it can be difficult for working parents to attend so if you are unable to make it, there will be copies of any hand-outs available in the class rooms and on the school website.
Trips and Visits
At Morley we work hard to provide a creative and engaging curriculum that brings learning to life. The trips we go on and the visitors that come into school are often an exciting and memorable element of the children’s learning experiences. We endeavour to keep costs as low as possible, and try to give plenty of notice. Without your financial contributions these events would not be able to take place, and will be cancelled if we cannot cover the costs, so we do fully appreciate your support. We usually need written consent for children to be able to participate so ask that you return necessary paperwork promptly. Payment made via ParentPay makes life easier for the Office staff; if you have not registered see the Office for details. We also often need extra adults to help at these events, so we value your time as well - thank you! Trips coming up include a local walk by Early Years, a visit to Linton Zoo for Year One and the visit to London by Year Two.
Parent Helpers
We value and appreciate your help in the class room. If you are able to spare some time to help in class, please could you let the class teacher know. All new parent helpers need to have an up-to-date DBS (De-barring Service) check. Forms are available in the office. If you helped last year and have a DBS form then you do not need a new one. Help may be given in many ways: hearing children read, supporting children with a particular task or general class room jobs, and need not be in your own child’s class. Thank you!
Trainee Teacher
Burgundy Class will be hosting a Trainee Teacher from Homerton, Cambridge University until November. Zowie Sweetland will be completing her final placement in the Year Two class, we will be welcoming her into school on Monday 15th September.
K Kowalska EY/KS1 Team Leader 9.9.14