Key publications from UGOT relating to ECASA project (papers possibly of special interest to the consortium are marked in red):
Papers published in international Scientific Journals with a referee system:
Arneborg, L., Erlandsson, C.P., Liljebladh, B. and Stigebrandt, A., 2004: The rate of inflow and mixing during deepwater renewal in a sill fjord, Limnol. & Oceanogr., 49, 768-777.
Aure, J., Molvær, J. and Stigebrandt, A., 1997: Observations of inshore water exchange forced by a fluctuating offshore density field. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 33, 112-119.
Aure, J. & Stigebrandt, A., 1989: On the influence of topographic factors upon the oxygen consumption rate in sill basins of fjords. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 28, 59-69.
Aure, J. & Stigebrandt, A., 1990: Quantitative estimates of eutrophication effects on fjords of fish farming. Aquaculture, 90, 135-156.
Eilola, K. and Stigebrandt, A., 1999: On the seasonal nitrogen dynamics of the Baltic proper biogeochemical reactor. J. Mar. Res., 57, 693-713.
Ervik, A., Kupka-Hansen, P., Aure, J., Stigebrandt, A., Johannessen, P. and Jahnsen, T., 1997: Regulating the local environmental impact of intensive marine fish farming. I. The concept of the MOM system (Modelling-Ongrowing fish farms-Monitoring). Aquaculture, 158, 85-94.
Green, M. and Stigebrandt, A., 2003: Statistical models and distributions of ocean current velocities with application to waste dispersion and the prediction of extreme events. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 58, 601-609.
Hansen, P.K., Ervik, A., Schaaning, M. Johannessen, P., Aure, J., Jahnsen, T. and Stigebrandt, A., 2001: Regulating the local environmental impact of intensive marine fish farming. II. The monitoring programme of the MOM system (Monitoring -Ongrowing fish farms - Modelling). Aquaculture, 194, 75-92.
Mattsson, J. & A. Stigebrandt, 1993: The vertical flux of organic matter in Öresund estimated by two different methods using oxygen measurements. Estuarine,Coastal & Shelf Science, 37, 329-342.
Stigebrandt, A., 1990: On the response of the horizontal mean vertical density distribution in a fjord to low-frequency density fluctuations in the coastal water.Tellus, 42A, 605-614.
Stigebrandt, A., 1991: Computations of oxygen fluxes through the sea surface and the net production of organic matter with application to the Baltic and adjacent Seas. Limnol. Oceanogr., 36, 444-454.
Stigebrandt, A. & Aure, J., 1988: Observations on plant nutrients in some Norwegian fjords. Sarsia, 73, 303-307.
Stigebrandt, A., Aure, J., Ervik, A and Hansen, P.K., 2004: Regulating the local environmental impact of intensive marine fish farming. III. A model for estimation of the holding capacity in the MOM system (Modelling - Ongrowing fish farm - Monitoring), Aquaculture 234, 239-261.
Stigebrandt, A., Aure, J. & Molvær, J., 1996: Oxygen budget methods to determine the vertical flux of particulate organic matter with application to the coastal waters off western Scandinavia. Deep-Sea Research II, 43, 7-21.
Stigebrandt, A. & Djurfeldt, L., 1996: Control of the production of organic matter in the ocean on short and long terms by stratification and remineralization. Deep-Sea Research II, 43, 23-35.
Stigebrandt, A. and Gustafsson, B., 2003: The response of the Baltic Sea to Climate Change - Theory and Observations. J. Sea Res., 49, 243-256.
Stigebrandt, A. & Wulff, F., 1987: A model for the dynamics of nutrients and oxygen in the Baltic proper. J. Mar. Res., 45, 729-759.
Wulff, F. & Stigebrandt, A., 1989: A time-dependent budget model for nutrients in the Baltic Sea. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 3, 63-78.
Wulff, F., Stigebrandt, A. & Rahm, L., 1990: Nutrient dynamics of the Baltic Sea. Ambio, 19, 126-133.
Stigebrandt, A., 1978: Fjord problems in physical oceanography - in particular internal waves, mixing and processes at geometrical constrictions. PhD. thesis. Dept. of Oceanogr., Univ. of Gothenburg, 27 pp.
Stigebrandt, A., 1986: Model computations of the environmental loading from a fish farm. Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA). Rep. No. O-86004 (in Swedish).
Stigebrandt, A., 1992: Modelling water quality in fjords. Appendix A4, 18 pp. In Report to NTNF's research programme for marine pollution: Fjord water quality/ecological modelling. State-of-the-art and needs. (T.A. McClimans, L.P. Røed and A. Thendrup, eds.). Royal Norwegian Council for Scientific and Industrial Research.
Stigebrandt, A., 1995: A model for the dispersion of organic waste from a fish farm. Fisken & Havet, 26, Appendix 1, 27pp. (in Norwegian).
Stigebrandt, A., 1999: Turnover of energy and matter by fish - a general model with application to salmon. Fisken & Havet, 5-1999, 26 pp.
Stigebrandt, A., 2001: FjordEnv - a water quality model for fjords and other inshore waters. Göteborg University, Earth Sciences Centre, Report C40. 41 pp.
Aure, J. and Stigebrandt, A., 1989: Aquaculture and fjords - an analysis of consequences. Report No. FO 8803, Inst. Mar. Res., Bergen. 106 pp + Appendix 10 pp. (in Norwegian).
Hansen, P.K., Ervik, A., Aure, J., Johannesen, P., Jahnsen, T., Stigebrandt, A. and Schaanning, M., 1997: Concept and revised edition of monitoring programme for fish farming 1997. Fisken & Havet, 7, 51 pp.
Molvær, J. and Stigebrandt, A., 1989: On the excretion of nitrogen and phosphorus from fish farms. NIVA. Rep. No E-87729, O-86004. 27 pp. (in Norwegian).
Rydberg. L., Sjöberg, B. and Stigebrandt, A., 2003: The interaction between fish farming and algal communities of the Scottish waters. GöteborgUniversity, Earth Sciencis Centre, Report C52. 49 pp.
Stigebrandt, A. & Aure, J., 1995: A model for the critical organic loading beneath fishfarms. Fisken & Havet, 26, 1-27. (In Norwegian).
Stigebrandt, A., and Molvær, J., 1990: Investigations of the eutrophication of the Grenland fjords. Report 2: Model for the environmental effects from discharges of plant nutrients, dissolved and particulate matter. NIVA, Oslo, Overvåkingsreport 428/90. 74 pp. (in Norwegian).
Stigebrandt, A. and Molvær, J., 1993: Estimated effects of planned measures to reduce eutrophication in the Grenland Fjords. NIVA Report 2908.
Information about the Marin System Analysis Group at GöteborgUniversity and their publications can be found at the webpage
At .some of the relevant reports can be found for downloading.