Due April 1, 2016
Mishicot FFA Alumni Scholarship
Scholarship awards are available to Mishicot FFA members who will be attending an accredited post-secondary institution, (technical school or college), either public or private. The FFA Alumni Association may provide $500 scholarships for enrolling at a 4-yr college or a $250 scholarship for a 2-yr college or Farm & Industry Short Course to qualifying seniors.You must have been an active FFA member for at least 2 years, with one being your senior year, and bea member in good standing.
Selected scholarship recipients will be notified by the FFA Alumni at the Chapter banquet held on May 20, 2016. Recipients MUST attend the banquet to accept their scholarship. If you do not attend the banquet, you will forfeit your scholarship. Recipients will receive a scholarship certificate that is redeemable upon submitting the required information to the FFA Alumni Treasurer, Sue Junk.
This scholarship will be awarded at the end of the students first SEMESTER of schooling. The student needs to submit a copy of their first semester grades and proof of registration for second semester in order to receive their scholarship.
All majors will be accepted, but preference may be given to those pursuing an agricultural career. All decisions by the Scholarship Committee are final!
An application blank is attached. Only senior FFA members may apply. Complete the Scholarship application form using Word doc, print, and return the application to Ms. Propson. The application must be received by April 1, 2016no later than 3:30pm. NO late applications will be accepted!!
Application for Mishicot FFA Alumni Scholarship
1. Name:
2. Address (Street or Route):
3. City/State/Zip:
Years in FFA: ____ How many times have you attended the Chapter Banquet? ____
College or Tech School planning to attend: ______
What are you planning to study? ______
Answer the following questions on a separate attached sheet.
A)List the Ag classes have you taken.
B) List any FFA Activities that you have participated in at the Chapter level and
explain your involvement.
C) List any activities that you have participated in above the Chapter level.
D) List any Leadership Conferences that you have attended.
E) List FFA Honors and Awards Received
F) Describe your SAE Project(s).
G) List any other FFA activitiesor events that you have participated in, including
any FFA Alumni sponsored events.
Signature of Applicant Signature of Parent
Signature of Chapter Advisor