Proficiency-based Teaching and Learning Resources




American Diploma Project /
Colorado-Adams 50 School District /
Connecticut East Hartford School District/proficiency standards /
Education Commission of the State (Database of states with proficiency credit options) /
Kentucky Proficiency-Based Credit /
High School Math Standards
Merit Curriculum /

Missouri Rockwood School District/Speech /
New Hampshire /
(Follow the Child Policy)
Nevada /
North Carolina Proficiency-Based Credit
Chapel Hill-Carrboro elementary through secondary proficiency standards /

Oregon Department of Education /
Teaching and Learning
Rhode Island
West Warwick High School
Smithfield High School
Middletown Schools
The Met
Coventry High School /

Rubistar /
Seattle Newspaper Article /
South Carolina Dept. of Ed. News State Regulation 43-234 /
Texas Proficiency-Based Credit /

Student Grading and Evaluation Resources

Arter, Judith, Jan Chappuis. Designing Performance Assessments for Learning (DVD) 2006. ETS: Oregon

Arter, Judith, Jan Chappuis. Creating and Recognizing Quality Rubrics. 2006. ETS: Oregon.

Delorenzo, Richard A., Wendy J. Battino, Rick M. Schreiber, & Barbara Gaddy Carrio. Delivering on the Promise. 2009. Solution Tree Press: Indiana.

Duncan, C. Randy, et al. Factors Affecting Teachers’ Grading & Assessment Practices. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, v53 n1 p1-21 Spr 2007

Evans, Robert. The Human Side of School Change. 1996. Wiley, John & Sons, Inc.

Green, Chris, Allen Emerson. A New Framework for Grading. 2007-08. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, v32 n4 p495-511 Aug 2007

Guskey, Thomas R. & Jane M. Bailey. Developing Standards-based Report Cards. 2010. Corwin Press: California.

Guskey, Thomas R. How’s My Kid Doing? A Parent’s Guide to Grades, Marks, and Report Cards. 2002. Jossey-Bass: California.

Guskey, Thomas R. Practical Solutions for Serious Problems in Standards-based Grading. 2009. Corwin Press: California.

Heacox, Diane. Differentiating Instruction in the Regular Classroom. 2001. Free Spirit Press.

(Letters to parents, how to develop challenge level tests, sample matrix plans, etc. $24.95)

Kirschenbaum, Howard, et al. Wad-ja-get? The Grading Game in American Education. 1971. Hart Publishing: New York.

Marzano, Robert. Formative Assessments and Standards-Based Grading, Classroom Strategies that Work. 2009 Marzano Research Laboratory

Marzano, Robert. Classroom Assessment & Grading the Work. 2006:ASCD

Marzano, Robert. Guiding Assessments: Using technology to Drive Formative Assessment and Standards-based Learning. 2009:Pinncacle (2 DVD set)

Marzano, Robert. Haystead, Mark. Making Standards Useful in the Classroom. 2008:ASCD

Munk, Dennis D. Solving the Grading Puzzle for Students with Disabilities. 2003. Knowledge By Design: Wisconsin.

O’Connor, Ken. How To Grade For Learning: Linking Grades To Standards. 2002. Pearson/Skylight: Illinois.

O’Connor, Ken. A Repair Kit for Grading: 15 Fixes for Broken Grades. 2007. ETS: Oregon.

Rogers, Spence & Shari Graham. Succeeding with Performance Tasks, Projects, & Assessments.(3rd. Edition). 1997-2006. Peak Learning Systems:Colorado.

Stiggins, Richard J., et al. Classroom Assessment for Student Learning. 2006. ETS: Oregon.

Stiggins, Rick, Ken O’Connor. Grading and Reporting in Standards-Based Schools (DVD). 2007. ETS: Oregon.

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