16+ LC data hubKey updates

Local Authorities:

We are pleased to say that the testing of the business rules being applied to local authority uploads into the data hub, will be complete at the end of February 2013. Data hub reports will thereafter provide merged SDS and local authority information, rather than solely SDS data as at present.

The importance of ensuring that the business rules provide a high level of quality and accuracy once thedata has been mergedhas been of paramount importance, and we thank you again for your patience during this period.

Jobcentre Plus:

Jobcentre Plus have signed a memorandum of understanding with SDS under which JcP will provide SDS with basic information on 18-19 year olds who are in receipt of benefit. The first file was received in December and SDS are currently analysing what this data provides, and how it will assist all data hub partners in identifying young people who may benefit from intervention.


40 of Scotland’s Colleges have signed data sharing agreements with SDS and continue to supply enrolment and withdrawal data to SDS on a monthly basis. While the regionalisation of Colleges progresses, SDS will be starting the process of issuing the individual login and password for colleges inFebruary, as part of the ongoing work on integrating college data into the multi-partner data hub. This will enable access to combined reports on the hub of SDS, Local Authority and college merged data sets.


SAAS continue to provide SDS with updates on withdrawals from University. The Scottish Government Youth Employability & Skills division, is facilitating discussions with SAAS and SDS on opportunities for SAAS to share HE enrolment data, and this work is progressing with a target date of autumn 2013 enrolments.

Scottish Funding Council:

Moving forward, the Scottish Government Youth Employability & Skills division have initiated wider discussions on how Scottish Funding Council and SDS can more effectively and efficiently share and use data on FE students to support service delivery, and discussions are currently taking place. SFC has indicated its willingness to share appropriate data.

Scottish Government:

The Scottish Government continue to act as a key influencing partner in progressing the data sharing agenda, and in November 2012, published its Post – 16 Transitions Data Practice Framework which sets out clear guidance on the roles of partners in data and data sharing.

“Opportunities for All”:

In line with the recent 16+ reform impacting of “Opportunities for All”, Skills Development Scotland are currently undertaking a pilot “discussion” with a small number of local authorities and SDS colleagues, to ascertain whether the data that SDS currently provides under the data hub, will meet local authority future business needs. Once this initial pilot has been finalised, the findings will be circulated to all local authorities for added comments and suggestions. Further communication will be forthcoming on the method of wider consultation.

The following diagram outlines the current and future position of the data hub, in line with the afore-mentioned partner updates.

General information:

For minor issues/queries, or support for newly appointed “Opportunities for All” Coordinators, partners have the ability of direct support from the team by emailing the team

For matters relating to governance or a change request to the data hub, partners are asked to direct their request to the National Reference Group (NRG) and the process can be found at

Data Sharing Team:

/ Data Sharing Mailbox /
Simon Marshall / Information Manager /
Audrey Rees / Data Sharing Team Leader /
Fiona McKean / Data Sharing /