Fr. Leon Hont, O.S.B. Pastor Office Hours 9 AM – 3:30 PM M-F Rectory Address: P.O. Box 248

Rectory Phone: 495-5241 - Fax 495-9522 538 Main St., Summerhill, PA 15958


Mon.April 16th Easter Weekday

SJ 10:30 AM Funeral Matthew Petrunak

IC 7:00 PM L/D Rosary Altar Soc. & Sick of Parish

Tues.April 17th Easter Weekday

SJ 7:45 AMCora Becker

Wed.April 18th Easter Weekday

SJ 7:45 AM Helen Schrift

Thurs. April 19th Easter Weekday

IC 7:45 AM Judy Wess

Friday, April 20th Easter Weekday

IC 7:45 AMKenneth Long

Saturday, April 21st St. Anselm

IC 4:00PM Anna Jean, Hilary & Wayne Motchenbaugh

SJ 5:00 PM Harry Kline

Sunday, April 22nd – Fourth Sunday of Easter

SJ 8:00 AM For the Parish

SJ 10:00 AM Violette McCall

IC 7:00 AM For the Parish

IC 9:00 AM Florence & Aldo Cangioli


For the weekend of April 21st & 22nd:

SJ– 5 PMSarah Bodenschatz

8 AM TJ and Nathaniel Beyer

10 AM Daniel Yunetz

IC - 4 PMEmma & Tobey Becquet

7 AM Monica Krug

9 AM Aaron & Jude Gdula


SJ & IC: ½ hour before Saturday evening Masses;

1/2 hour before all weekend Masses, during the first weekend of each month; oranytime byappointment.

GIFT BEARERS - SJ & IC next week.

SJ Sat 5 PM Volunteer Needed

SJ Sun 8 AM Volunteer Needed

SJ Sun 10 AMJonathan Knobloch Family

IC Sat 4 PM Mary Haberl Family

IC Sun 7 AM Jack Heinlein Family

IC Sun 9 AM Dennis Stofko Family


SPRING TEA is today, Sunday, April 15th at 2 PM at IC Church for those who made reservations.

IC ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY will have their monthly meeting on Monday, April 16th starting with Rosary in the church at 6:30 PM; Mass at 7 PM; then the meeting downstairs in Marian Hall.

SJ: Since attendance at and volunteers needed for our annual Father’s Day Breakfast and Mother’s Day Breakfast have declined, during the past few years, neither breakfasts will be available this year. Many thanks to all who attended and brought guests and to all who volunteered to cook, to serve, and to clean up afterwards. May all families enjoy a gracious Father’s Day and a glorious Mother’s Day at home or at a local restaurant. The Rosary Altar Society will sponsor a Family Parish Brunch to replace the Mother’s & Father’s Day breakfast, on Sunday, October 14th. More details later.

SJ & IC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATION: Anyone who has a child entering 1st grade for the 2018-2019 school year and will be attending our CCD program, it's time to register your child. Call the rectory at 495-5241 to request the registration form or pick up a form in the back of either church. Must be registered by April 30th, so please call as soon as possible. Any child not baptized at either SJ or IC Church - we must have a copy of his/her baptismal certificate. If any child is attending Holy Name School, please call and let us know.

SJ & IC CCD Students are reminded to bring in the rice bowls for Catholic Relief Services to their next class. IC students will have their last class next Sunday, April 22. SJ class today; April 22 and their last class will be April 29.

ST. JOHN’S ROSARY ALTAR Society would like to start up a prayer chain for praying for the sick of our parish. Anyone wishing to participate – please call the rectory or see the sign-up sheet in the gathering space of the church. Also, instead of their monthly meeting in May, the ladies will have aPizza Party at Rita’s on Tuesday, May 8that 6 PM. Call Violet Kline 495-4084 by May 2ndto make your reservation.

PLANS ARE UNDERWAY FOR IC 4TH OF JULY PICNIC. To make it a success each person’s cooperation & participation is needed & appreciated. Anyone who would like to request a job change, or if someone wants their name added to our workers list, (we really are in need of more volunteers), please call Cody & Tiffany McCoy at 495- 2772 ASAP & and we will try to accommodate. WE ALSO ARE IN NEED OF CO-CHAIRPEOPLE for our picnic this year. Please call Cody or Tiffany or call the rectory at 495-5241 if you are interested in helping.

THE FAMILY OF WILLIAM GABANY would like to thank everyone for their prayers & support through this very difficult time. Special thanks to the Rosary Altar Society for the luncheon. Your thoughtfulness was greatly appreciated.

VACATION BIBLE CAMP 2018: June 18th-22nd at New Germany Grove from 9 AM to 12 Noon. Join us for SonRock Kids Camp VBC this June. Campers born in 2017 through those entering 7th grade will learn why, with Jesus their ordinary lives are anything but ordinary. Volunteers (8th grade and older are needed to do extraordinary things by loving and leading the campers on their adventure. Early Bird registration runs through April 30th. All forms are due by May 20th. Campers (green form) and Volunteers (orange form) are in the gathering space of both churches. We will need someone this year to open and lock the hall every day & to pick up the trash, etc. Call Jessica Singer 244-2722 for more information or to volunteer. Must have backgrounds checks and Protecting God’s Children Certification.

CALICO QUILTERS ANNUAL QUILT Show & Pie Social will be held on Sunday, Apri129th from 6 to 8 PM at New Germany Grove Hall. Refreshments served at 6:30 PM; Chinese Auction/Basket Raffle at 7:30 PM. COMMUNITY BOOK Club: Mon., April 30 “The People of the Book (K)” by Geraldine Brooks, 7 PM, Marian Hall.

SPAGHETTI DINNER on Saturday, April 21st from 4-6 PM at Mt. Hope United Methodist Church, 258 Mt. Hope Rd., South Fork, PA. Cost: 13 & up - $7; ages 5-12 - $5 and 4 & under free. Take out available. Questions call 535-5698.

IN MEMORY: Sister Helen Marie (Barbara) Shrift, CSJ, died on Wednesday, April 11th. For 66 years she was a sister of St. Joseph of Baden. Daughter of the late Cletus and Frances (McDunn) Shrift, she was a member of St. John’s parish.

SJ & IC: Pray that Mr. Sunshine and spring time arrive soon…