Kent State University

Department of Computer Science

Application for CS Graduate Students Seeking

New or Renewed Financial Support

Departmental financial support, including Research Assistantships, Teaching Fellowships, Graduate (Teaching) Assistantships, Tuition Scholarships, and Part-Time Instructorships, is offered contingent on the student making satisfactory progress toward a degree, and on satisfactory evaluations associated with previous financial support.

If you are a student who is receiving any type of financial support listed above during this semester, and you would like to receive further support the next Academic Year, you MUST COMPLETE this form by September 15 (in the Fall semester) or January 31 (in the Spring semester) and submit to the Graduate Secretary. If you are a student who has not received aid, it is recommended that you also complete this form and return to the Graduate Secretary by the dates listed above.

Failure to complete this form by the dates listed above may result in no

financial support for the following year!!!

Basic Information:



Email Address:

Academic Advisor:

Research Advisor:


MA ____ Semester of entry ______

MS ____ Semester of entry______

PhD____ Semester of entry______

Preliminary Exams completed:

Candidacy Exam passed:

After this semester, number of credit hours needed to complete the degree:

Anticipated date for degree completion:


Financial Support: Current Academic Year

(Check the appropriate box for the type of financial support you are receiving and fill out the questions that follow for that type of support)

Fall Semester 20____ / Spring Semester 20____
___ No Aid / ___ No Aid
___ Part-Time Instructor
Course Taught:
Course Supervisor / ___ Part-Time Instructor
Course Taught:
Course Supervisor
___ Teaching Scholarship / ___ Teaching Scholarship
___ Graduate Assistantship - Other Duties (Systems, Library, etc.)
Supervisor: / ___ Graduate Assistantship - Other Duties (Systems, Library, etc.)
___ Graduate (Teaching) Assistantship with Grading Assignment
Course Graded:
Course Instructor: / ___ Graduate (Teaching) Assistantship with Grading Assignment
Course Graded:
Course Instructor:
___ Graduate (Teaching) Assistantship with Teaching Assignment
Course Taught:
Course Supervisor: / ___ Graduate (Teaching) Assistantship with Teaching Assignment
Course Taught:
Course Supervisor:
___ Teaching Fellowship / ___ Teaching Fellowship
___ Research Assistantship
Research Advisor: / ___ Research Assistantship
Research Advisor:


(Briefly describe any progress that you have made this past year towards your thesis, dissertation, research results, preliminary exams, candidacy exam, etc…)

Supporting Materials: (Attach the following)

-  Graduate Student CV (

-  Recommendation from advisor