APSE Meeting Notes

Friday, April 8, 2011, 1-3 p.m.

  1. Introductions – Attendance (In person/by phone)
    No one in attendance by phone.
    In person: Michael Carpenter, Darla Ervin, Christina Flowers, Taylor Runner, Russell Sickles, Daria Jones, Melanie Whetzel, Sheryl Grossman, Kim Cordingly, and Jack Stewart.
  2. Review from last meeting/Updates
  • Enrollment
    As of Feb., there are 42 (or so) APSE members. With recruitment, Sheryl brought up the issue of bringing in more family members and persons w/ disabilities receiving services and seeking employment. Various people brought up ideas for “advertising” APSE and increasing membership including: flyers up at organizations such as PACE, CIL; brochures to be distributed at transition fairs; WV Advocates; VR; Steve Brady & DHHR; mailing to school transition & special education coordinators; and contacting parent groups. Talked about use of brochure and newsletters in these efforts. Also went over who will be serving on outreach/membership committee to advance these efforts. Sheryl, Russell, Darla, and Christina volunteered.
    Discussed ability for members to log on to National’s Web site for complete membership list & ability to email everyone from there. Will try this out.

Russell mentioned having contacted parent groups and their comment that joining APSE is not affordable for them.

  • Bank/housekeeping issues
    Reviewed the amount of money in our account --currently $361. However, money is still owed to Russell for what he contributed out of pocket for initial expenses and he needs to be reimbursed for.

These amounts are as follows:

2011 Secretary of State Biz Reg: $25

2010 Application for Voluntary Association: $50

Internet Portal Charge: $1

Business Registration Fee: $30

Official Payments Service: $1

Deposit to start bank account: $25

To do for Russell:
Check to see how much chapter will receive from memberships and when. Russell will email this information to everyone.
Jack/CED said they could contribute to getting the newsletter mailing printed and mailed. Part of review of money available for this purpose.
Braille version will be done at JAN.

  • Systematic Instruction Training with Michael
    Callahan (See Russell and Michael for additional info about this.)
    Michael and Russell discussed the excellent training they received from Michael Callahan (Marc Gold and Associates) and Ellen Condon (Rural Institute at the University of Montana).

Michael Callahan

Ellen Condon

Some highlights:
In addition to “classroom” training, went in to the community and “practiced” these strategies in employment training environment – at Sears and Kohls in Clarksburg. First watched store employees doing the training to see step by step how task is done. Recognized job coaches often don’t know the details of how a job is done. Noted that as soon as “job coaches” stepped closer, store trainers backed off anticipating they would take over. Michael noted the importance of observing and not talking and “doing” during training as opposed to “instructing” with language. Very important to train by doing more than by talking.
Michael and Russell provided an overview of this type of intensive training and their work on the bicycle brake as a way to see how it’s implemented.

Emphasis on everyone having the ability to learn tasks, but finding the way each person can learn. Russell mentioned that too much positive reinforcement can be counterproductive, because person being trained will not feel they are doing well when the reinforcement is not there. Creating more internal mechanisms and reinforcement of doing the task well. Also noted the importance of job coaches and trainers getting out the way so that individuals can take the lead. Darla pointed out that consumer/service provider relationship reinforces following the leader; important to change that pattern.

9 service providers participated in this training.

  • Grant applications discussed at last meeting
    Russell wrote a concept paper for the Kessler Foundation grant but nothing came of it so was not presented to chapter.

Talked about importance of making contacts and alliances in the state so when a great opportunity comes up, the network will be in place to move on it.

Some discussion here about public monies (from Ohio) coming into the state system (DVR)w/littlepublic information about how they are being used. Discussion of ways to get APSE members more involved in CILC and CERC boards (and committees) so we (in the future) are included in these discussions (and decisions hopefully). Discussed ways of using already existing networks and creating new pathways to involvement. Discussed strategic importance of grassroots involvement as a means to have a “seat at decision making table” so to speak, or at least have the ear of those making decisions. Talked about how APSE can positively move this forward in the state.

  • Newsletter (Melanie, Kim, and Daria to briefly discuss the process; Lindsay’s distribution and accessibility questions)
    Discussed the process of editing the newsletter and putting together “best practices” for doing this in the future. Newsletter editors pointed out the challenges in editing some of this material, and ways to make this a less difficult process. Kudos to Lindsay and her excellent job in putting this together. Thanks for those who volunteered to write articles. Editorial committee explained their process and may put together some tips for future newsletters. Suggested looking at sample newsletters below as guidance for future articles. Urged all involved to pay greater attention to how the articles are written so that we have good content, but also better writing. This will mean less editing (rewriting) is required. Have trusted friends or colleagues read your articles and give feedback prior to submitting them. 
    We need to check to see if newsletter can be uploaded to chapter Web page from APSE’s main site.
    Also, discussed distribution and having a text only accessible version which Lindsay has already done.

Newsletter examples:
WVATS Quarterly Newsletter

JAN E-News

Disability Connection

Minnesota APSE Newsletter

  1. New Items:
  • Employment First Webinar
    Russell discussed the concept of employment first – money follows the person, etc.
    For more information on Employment First concept (in addition to those recently emailed) see:

    (Link section especially helpful.)
    This is helpful as well:
    “Employment First means...

* expecting, encouraging, developing, creating, and rewarding integrated employment in the workforce

* at minimum or competitive wages and benefits

* as the first and preferred outcome of working age youth and adults with disabilities

* including those with complex and significant disabilities for whom job placement in the past has been limited, or has not traditionally occurred.”

  • Money follows the person – see above.
  • JSI Waiver Issue
    Discussion of issue with JSI being required by state to be licensed as a behavioral facility even though few services are provided in their office, as the majority are in the community.
    Licensure would require expensive structural changes that don’t make sense for what JSI does.

They are applying for a waiver/exception since this is not pertinent to the type of community based services JSI provides.
This is happening to other community based program. Doesn’t make sense. Board very concerned about this standard being applied to smaller services providers when community based services so much a part of integrated employment and important systems change.

  • State budget and WVARF lobbyist—additional $300,000 to Sheltered Workshop Development. – See previous information.
  • APSE NationalIssues
    Upcoming Conference in Seattle – a number of MSA members will be attending. Very exciting for chapter.
    Legislative Liaison – No one has volunteered.
    APSE Board Member – Same as above.
  • New funding opportunities – Nothing here.
    Sheryl mentioned the TASH conference and CFP for conference.


  • News from around the state relevant to APSE
  1. Schedule next meeting – “To do” list